College English,Integrated Course,Student’s Book.5


作   者:李荫华等主编





Unit 1 Love of Reading PartⅠ Pre-Reading Task PartⅡ TextA One Writer s Beginnings PartⅢ TextB Prison Studies PartⅣ Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks Writing Strategy:Sentence Variety Unit 2 Diet Parti Pre-Reading Task PartⅡ TextA Let s Go Veggie! PartⅢ TextB Where s the Beef? PartⅣ Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks Writing Strategy:The relation of argunentation and other types of writing Unit 3 Lying PartⅠ Pre-Reading Task PartⅡ TextA The Truth about Lying PartⅢ TextB White Lies PartⅣ Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks Writing Strategy:How to write letters of personal apology Unit 4 Unforgettable Teachers PartⅠ Pre-Reading Task PartⅡ TextA Take This Fish and Look at it PartⅢ TextB Unforgettable Miss Bessie PartⅣ Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks Writing Strategy:Using a combination of methods for developing essays Test Yourself(Units1-4) Unit 5 The American CⅣil War PartⅠ Pre-Reading Task PartⅡ TextA Grant and lee PartⅢ TextB A Brief History of the American CⅣil War PartⅣ Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks Writing Strategy:How to write a summary Unit 6 Marriage PartⅠPre-Reading Task PartⅡ TextA The Legacy PartⅢ TextB Why Marriages Fail PartⅣ Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks Writing Strategy:How to write a report Unit 7 Machine Translation PartⅠPre-Reading Task …… Unit 8 Gambling Addiction Test Yourself(Units5-8) AppendixⅠ Key to Exercises in Parts i,Ⅲ,Ⅳ Appendix Ⅱ Tapescripts and Key to Test Papers Appendix Ⅲ Glossary


unit 1

love of reading

partⅰ pre-reading task

partⅱ texta one writer s beginnings

partⅲ textb prison studies

partⅳ theme-related language learning tasks

writing strategy:sentence variety

unit 2

partⅰ pre-reading task

partⅱ texta let s go veggie!

partⅲ textb where s the beef?

partⅳ theme-related language learning tasks

writing strategy:the relation of argunentation and other types of writing

unit 3


partⅰ pre-reading task

partⅱ texta the truth about lying

partⅲ textb white lies

partⅳ theme-related language learning tasks

.writing strategy:how to write letters of personal apology

unit 4

unforgettable teachers

partⅰ pre-reading task

partⅱ texta take this fish and look at it

partⅲ textb unforgettable miss bessie

partⅳ theme-related language learning tasks

writing strategy:using a combination of methods for developing essays

test yourself(units1-4)

unit 5
the american cⅳil war

partⅰ pre-reading task

partⅱ texta grant and lee

partⅲ textb a brief history of the american cⅳil war

partⅳ theme-related language learning tasks

writing strategy:how to write a summary

unit 6

partⅰpre-reading task

partⅱ texta the legacy

partⅲ textb why marriages fail

partⅳ theme-related language learning tasks

writing strategy:how to write a report

unit 7

machine translation

partⅰpre-reading task

partⅱ text a tongues of the web

partⅲ text b computer-based translation systems and tools

partⅳ theme-related language learning tasks

writing strategy: revising

unit 8

gambling addiction

partⅰ pre-reading task

partⅱ text a going for broke

partⅲ text b a life lost to gambling

partⅳ theme-related language learning tasks

writing strategy: how to write letters of sympathy or condolence.

test yourself (0nits 5- 8)

appendix ⅰ key to exercises in parts i, iii, iv

appendix ⅱ tapescripts and key to test papers

appendix ⅲ glossary



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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