

作   者:胡宝清,王世杰著





   本书以喀斯特环境动力学为指导,以广西都安为研究对象,以石漠化   的科学分类、3S集成技术、演变过程、地域分异、动态模拟、诊断机制、   预警分析和风险评估为主线;基于ArcObjects平台构建区域喀斯特石漠化   信息系统;依托3S技术,基于景观空间分析方法,分析广西喀斯特石漠化   空间格局特征和地域分异规律;基于CA-ANN方法动态模拟广西都安喀斯特   石漠化的时空演变规律和趋势预测;利用图谱分析和模型分析方法揭示石   漠化的成因机制;利用ANN-GIS技术方法对石漠化的石漠化现状、发展速率   和危险性进行综合评价;结合预警分析,对石漠化灾害进行风险评估,为   喀斯特生态环境治理与可持续发展提供了可操作性的战略方针及具体措施   。书后附有彩图。    本书可供地理学、资源与环境科学、喀斯特环境学、地理信息科学等   学科研究人员及有关院校师生参考。   



第1章 绪论
1.1 喀斯特石漠化研究综述
1.1.1 喀斯特生态系统及环境问题
1.1.2 喀斯特石漠化
1.2 研究区概况及其石漠化分级体系
1.2.1 研究区概况
1.2.2 喀斯特石漠化分级体系
1.3 石漠化研究方法及其数学模型
1.3.1 研究方法手段
1.3.2 石漠化研究分析及数学模型
1.4 研究内容与技术路线
1.4.1 研究内容
1.4.2 技术路线
第2章 基于3S技术的喀斯特石漠化集成研究
2.1 石漠化遥感技术研究
2.1.1 遥感技术概述
2.1.2 石漠化解译的技术路线
2.1.3 广西喀斯特石漠化的遥感解译
2.2 石漠化背景数据的GIS技术研究
2.2.1 GIS技术及其应用概述
2.2.2 地质-生态背景要素获取
2.2.3 社会-经济要素获取
2.3 石漠化预警和风险评价模型库系统研究
2.3.1 石漠化预警和风险评价综合分析
2.3.2 元胞自动机预警模型
2.3.3 基于元胞自动机和神经网络的预警模型的构建
2.4 基于3S技术的石漠化综合治理研究
2.4.1 研究区现状分析及石漠化治理目标
2.4.2 石漠化分村定级
2.4.3 石漠化治理分区
2.4.4 石漠化治理的工程布局
第3章 区域喀斯特石漠化信息系统的设计与实现
3.1 系统建设目标和功能需求分析
3.1.1 系统建设目标
3.1.2 系统功能需求分析
3.2 系统结构与功能设计
3.2.1 系统结构设计
3.2.2 部分模型设计
3.2.3 系统功能设计
3.3 RKRDIS系统的开发方案
3.3.1 开发工具的选择
3.3.2 系统关键技术
3.3.3 RKRDIS系统实现
3.4 RKRDIS系统操作指南
3.4.1 时空监测
3.4.2 驱动诊断
第4章 喀斯特石漠化过程与地域分异
4.1 喀斯特石漠化过程
4.1.1 石漠化的生物学过程
4.1.2 景观格局演变过程
4.1.3 加速的地学过程(土壤贫瘠、水土流失)
4.1.4 石漠化的逆向发展模式
4.2 景观分析方法
4.2.1 景观格局的概念
4.2.2 景观格局分析的指标
4.3 基于景观空间分析的石漠化格局分析方法
4.3.1 景观空间分析方法
4.3.2 石漠化格局分析方法
4.4 广西石漠化空间格局的特征分析
4.4.1 广西石漠化的分布概况
4.4.2 广西石漠化分布空间格局
4.4.3 广西石漠化景观的空间格局特征分析
4.5 广西喀斯特石漠化的地域分异
4.5.1 研究方法
4.5.2 指标体系的构建
4.5.3 石漠化地域分异定量分析
4.5.4 区域石漠化分布差异对比分析
第5章 基于CA-ANN的石漠化时空格局的动态模拟
5.1 元胞自动机的原理及其扩展
5.1.1 元胞自动机简介
5.1.2 石漠化元胞自动机模型
5.1.3 RD. CA和GIS系统的集成框架
5.2 基于CA-ANN的区域石漠化动态模拟方法
5.2.1 样区的划定
5.2.2 数据的处理
5.2.3 石漠化元胞时空数据库的建立
5.2.4 模型的算法和步骤
5.2.5 人工神经网络的动态模拟和预测
5.2.6 RD.CA-ANN模型预测结果及模型评价
5.3 都安石漠化的动态模拟及方法分析
5.3.1 2010年样区石漠化结构的预测结果
5.3.2 都安石漠化动态模拟的方法分析
第6章 喀斯特石漠化成因机制的图谱分析
6.1 喀斯特石漠化驱动力的系统分析
6.1.1 喀斯特石漠化的地质地貌背景
6.1.2 石漠化过程的人类活动影响
6.2 喀斯特石漠化与地质-生态环境背景图谱分析
6.2.1 地质背景与石漠化相关性分析
6.2.2 土壤类型与石漠化相关性分析
6.2.3 地貌与石漠化相关性分析
6.2.4 年均气温与石漠化相关性分析
6.2.5 年均降雨与石漠化相关性分析
6.2.6 植被指数与石漠化相关性分析
6.2.7 地下水与石漠化相关性关系
6.3 喀斯特石漠化与社会经济驱动图谱分析
6.3.1 人口密度与石漠化关系
6.3.2 经济密度与石漠化关系
6.3.3 居民点分布与石漠化关系
6.3.4 道路距离分布与石漠化相关性分析
6.3.5 土地利用类型与石漠化相关性分析
6.4 喀斯特石漠化综合驱动的图谱分析
第7章 基于ANN与GIS的喀斯特石漠化综合评价
7.1 喀斯特石漠化评价的理论基础
7.1.1 石漠化评价的内容
7.1.2 石漠化评价的程序
7.2 喀斯特石漠化评价指标体系
7.2.1 石漠化评价指标确定的原则
7.2.2 石漠化评价指标体系的建立
7.3 喀斯特石漠化评价方法
7.3.1 指标权重确定方法
7.3.2 模糊单因素评价
7.3.3 喀斯特石漠化综合评价模型
7.4 都安县石漠化评价过程
7.4.1 数据的来源和处理
7.4.2 基于两种模型的石漠化评价
7.4.3 石漠化评价结果的比较和分析
7.5 都安喀斯特石漠化综合分区及其结果分析
7.5.1 强度危险地区
7.5.2 中度脆弱地区
7.5.3 轻度危险地区
7.5.4 无石漠化区
第8章 都安石漠化灾害预警分析和风险评估
8.1 石漠化灾害风险评估原理
8.1.1 石漠化灾害研究概况
8.1.2 风险及石漠化风险评估含义
8.1.3 灾害风险分析及石漠化风险评估内容
8.2 石漠化灾害风险评估方法
8.2.1 风险评估方法体系
8.2.2 石漠化主要模型
8.2.3 石漠化驱动因素分析
8.3 都安石漠化灾害风险评估
8.3.1 都安概况
8.3.2 都安县石漠化的时空动态分析
8.3.3 都安县石漠化驱动因素分析
8.3.4 都安县石漠化预警分析
8.3.5 都安县石漠化灾害损失评估
8.3.6 都安县石漠化风险决策分析
8.4 结果与讨论
附录Ⅰ 广西各县市喀斯特石漠化分布的统计表
附录Ⅱ 彩图
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Summary of researches on Karst rocky desertification
1.1.1 Karst eco-environment system and its environmental issue
1.1.2 Karst rocky desertification
1.2 General situation of the study area and its rocky desertification grade system
1.2.1 General situation of the study area
1.2.2 The karst rocky desertification grade system
1.3 Research method and the mathematical model for rocky desertification
1.3.1 Research method for rocky desertification
1.3.2 The mathematical model for rocky desertification
1.4 Study contents and technological route
1.4.1 Studies content
1.4.2 Technological route
Chapter 2 An integration study on karst rocky desertification based on 3S technology
2.1 Remote sensing technique research of karst rocky desertification
2.1.1 Summary of remote sensing technology
2.1.2 The decode technology route of karst rocky desertification
2.1.3 The remote sensing decode of karst rocky desertification in Guangxi
2.2 GIS technical research for background data of karst rocky desertification
2.2.1 GIS technology and the application summary
2.2.2 Obtain of the geology-ecology background factors
2.2.3 Obtain of the social-economic factors
2.3 Early warning and risk evaluation model-base system research of rocky desertification
2.3.1 The comprehensive analysis of the early-warning and risk evaluation on rocky desertification
2.3.2 Early-warning model of the elementary cell automation
2.3.3 The building of early-warning model based on elementary cell automation and neural network
2.4 Comprehensive management research of karst rocky desertification based on 3S technology
2.4.1 Analysis of existing status and management object of rocky desertification in study area
2.4.2 Determine the karst rocky desertification rank by village
2.4.3 Divide district on karst rocky desertification management
2.4.4 Engineering arrangement of karst rocky desertification management
Chapter 3 Design and realization of regional karst rocky desertification information system
3.1 System establishment object and function requirement analysis
3.1.1 System establishment object
3.1.2 Function requirement analysis
3.2 System structure and function design
3.2.1 System structure design
3.2.2 Partial model design
3.2.3 System function design
3.3 Develop project of RKRDIS system
3.3.1 Select of the development instrument
3.3.2 Key technology of system
3.3.3 RKRDIS system realization
3.4 Application of the RKRDIS system
3.4.1 Spatiotemporal monitoring
3.4.2 Driving diagnose
Chapter 4 Evolution process and regional differentiation of karst rocky desertification
4.1 Evolution process of karst rocky desertification
4.1.1 Biological process of rocky desertificafion
4.1.2 Evolution process of landscape pattern
4.1.3 Accelerating geology process(barren soil, water and soil loss)
4.1.4 Converse development mode of karst rocky desertification
4.2 Landscape analysis method
4.2.1 Concept of landscape pattern
4.2.2 Index of landscape pattern analysis
4.3 Pattern analysis approach of karst rocky desertification based on landscape spatial analysis
4.3.1 Landscape spatial analysis method
4.3.2 Rocky desertification land spatial analysis method
4.4 The characteristic analysis on spatial pattern of karst rocky desertification in Guangxi
4.4.1 Collective distributing survey of Guangxi rocky desertification
4.4.2 Spatial pattern of karst rocky desertification distributing in Guangxi
4.4.3 Characteristic analysis of spatial pattern on karst rocky desertification landscape in Guangxi
4.5 Region differentiation of karst rocky desertification in Guangxi
4.5.1 Research method
4.5.2 Construction to index system
4.5.3 Quantitative analysis on regional differentiation of rocky desertification
4.5.4 Contrast analysis on regional distributing differentiation of rocky desertification
Chapter 5 Dynamic simulation of Spatial-temporal pattern of karst rocky desertification based on CA-ANN
5.1 The principle and extension of CA model
5.1.1 Introduction of elementary cell automaton
5.1.2 Rocky desertification elementary cell automaton model
5.1.3 The integrated frame of RD-CA& GIS system
5.2 The dynamic simulation method of region rocky desertification based on CA-ANN
5.2.1 Classification of sample district
5.2.2 Data processing
5.2.3 Establishment of rocky desertification elementary cell spatial-temporal database
5.2.4 Arithmetic and process of model
5.2.5 Dynamic simulation and forecast of artificial neural net work
5.2.6 Forecasting result and evaluation of RD. CA-ANN model
5.3 Dynamic simulation and method analysis of rocky desertification in Du'an
5.3.1 Forecasting result of sample district on rocky desertification structure in 2010
5.3.2 Method analysis of dynamic simulation on rocky desertification in Du'an
Chapter 6 TuPu analysis on genetic mechanism of karst rocky desertification
6.1 System analysis on driving force of karst rocky desertification
6.1.1 Geology and geomorphologic background of rocky desertification
6.1.2 Influence of human activity on rocky desertification process
6.2 TuPu analysis on karst rocky desertification and geo-ecological environment backgrounds
6.2.1 Correlation analysis between geology background and rocky desertification
6.2.2 Correlation analysis between soil types and rocky desertification
6.2.3 Correlation analysis between geomorphology and rocky desertification
6.2.4 Correlation analysis between per air temperature and rocky desertification
6.2.5 Correlation analysis between per rainfall and rocky desertification
6.2.6 Correlation analysis between vegetation index and rocky desertification
6.2.7 Correlation analysis between groundwater and rocky desertification
6.3 TuPu analysis on karst rocky desertification and its social-economical driving forces
6.3.1 Population density and rocky desertification
6.3.2 Economic density and rocky desertification
6.3.3 Resident distribution and rocky desertification
6.3.4 Road distance distribution and rocky desertification
6.3.5 Land use types and rocky desertification
6.4 TuPu analysis on integrative drive of karst rocky desertification
Chapter 7 Synthetic evaluation of regional karst rocky desertification based on GIS and ANN
7.1 Theoretical foundation of karst rocky desertification evaluation
7.1.1 Evaluation context of karst rocky desertification
7.1.2 Evaluation procedure of karst rocky desertification
7.2 Evaluation index system of karst rocky desertification
7.2.1 Principle to establish the evaluative index of rocky desertification
7.2.2 The establishment of rocky desertification assessment index
7.3 Evaluative method of karst rocky desertification
7.3.1 Establish method of index weighing
7.3.2 Evaluation of blur single-factor
7.3.3 Synthetic evaluation model of Karst rocky desertification
7.4 Evaluation procedure of karst rocky desertification in Du'an County
7.4.1 Source and disposal of the data
7.4.2 Rocky desertification evaluation based on two models
7.4.3 Compare and analysis of rocky desertification evaluation result
7.5 Synthetic partition and result interpretation of karst rocky desertification in Du'an County
7.5.1 Serious rocky desertification region
7.5.2 Moderate rocky desertification region
7.5.3 Light rocky desertification region
7.5.4 No rocky desertification region
Chapter 8 Early-warning and risk assessment of rocky desertification disaster in Du'an
8.1 Risk assessment theory of rocky desertification
8.1.1 Summary of rocky desertification disaster researches
8.1.2 Risk and meaning of rocky desertification risk assessment
8.1.3 Disaster risk analysis and content of risk evaluation on rocky desertification
8.2 Risk assessment method of rocky desertification
8.2.1 Method system of risk assessment
8.2.2 Main models of rocky desertification
8.2.3 Driving factor analysis of rocky desertification
8.3 Risk assessment of rocky desertification disaster in Du'an
8.3.1 General situation of County in Du'an
8.3.2 Temporal and spatial dynamic analysis of rocky desertificafion in Du'an
8.3.3 Driving factor analysis of rocky desertificafion in Du'an
8.3.4 Early-warning analysis of rocky desertification in Du'an
8.3.5 Disaster loss assessment of rocky desertification in Du'an
8.3.6 Risk-decision analysis of rocky desertification in Du'an
8.4 The result and argument
AppendixⅠ Distributing statistics of various counties karst rocky desertification in Guangxi
AppendixⅡ Colored figures



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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