The perfect cookie for every occasion.
Cookies are the treat that never disappoints. Whether you’rebaking for a party or a picnic, a formal dinner or a familysupper–or if you simply want something on hand for snacking–thereis a cookie that’s just right. In Martha Stewart’s Cookies, theeditors of Martha Stewart Living give you 175 recipes andvariations that showcase all kinds of flavors and fancies. Besidesperennial pleasers like traditional chocolate chip and oatmealraisin, there are other sweet surprises, including Rum RaisinShortbread, Peppermint Meringue Sandwiches with Chocolate Filling,and Lime Meltaways.
Cleverly organized by texture, the recipes in Martha Stewart’sCookies inspire you to think of a classic, nostalgic treat withmore nuance. Chapters include all types of treasures: Light andDelicate (Cherry Tuiles, Hazelnut Cookies, Chocolate Meringues);Rich and Dense (Key Lime Bars, Chocolate Mint Sandwiches, PeanutButter Swirl Brownies); Chunky and Nutty (Magic Blondies, TurtleBrownies, White Chocolate-Chunk Cookies); Soft and Chewy(Snickerdoodles, Fig Bars, Chewy Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies);Crisp and Crunchy (ANZAC Biscuits, Chocolate Pistachio Biscotti,Almond Spice Wafers); Crumbly and Sandy (Cappuccino-ChocolateBites, Maple-Pecan Shortbread, Lemon-Apricot Sandwiches); and Cakeyand Tender (Lemon Madeleines, Carrot Cake Cookies, Pumpkin Cookieswith Brown-Butter Icing).
Each tantalizing recipe is accompanied by a lush, full-colorphotograph, so you never have to wonder how the cookie will look.Beautifully designed and a joy to read, Martha Stewart’s Cookies isrich with helpful tips and techniques for baking, decorating, andstoring, as well as lovely gift-packaging ideas in standout MarthaStewart style.
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