Understanding Patent Reform Implications is an authoritative, insider's perspective on the benefits and drawbacks of proposed U.S. patent reforms. Featuring partners and shareholders from some of the nation's leading law firms, these experts provide descriptions of the current proposed reform legislation and discuss the controversies related to those reforms, including the first-to-file system, inequitable conduct reform, and reforms related to litigation venue and damages. These top lawyers outline the economic impact of proposed reforms, the response from various industry sectors, and the effect of U.S. legislation on the international community and vice-versa. Additionally, these leaders evaluate the likelihood of certain reforms, offer thoughts on how to advise clients on what to expect, and outline potential issues that have not yet been covered by current legislative proposals. The different niches presented and the breadth of perspectives presented enable readers to get inside some of the great legal minds of today, as these experienced lawyers offer up their thoughts around the keys to navigating this ever-evolving area of law. Inside the Minds provides readers with proven business intelligence from C-Level executives (Chairman, CEO, CFO, CMO, Partner) from the world's most respected companies nationwide, rather than third-party accounts from unknown authors and analysts. Each chapter is comparable to an essay/thought leadership piece and is a future-oriented look at where an industry, profession or topic is headed and the most important issues for the future. Through an exhaustive selection process, each author was hand-picked by the Inside the Minds editorial board to author a chapter for this book. Chapters Include: 1. Mark V. Campagna, Partner, Jones Day Understanding Patent Reforms in the Context of Litigation 2. David N. Makous, Chair and Mina I. Hamilton, Partner, Intellectual Property Group, Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP Patent Law Reform and the Future 3. Ben Hattenbach, Partner, Irell & Manella LLP The Changing Face of Patent Law: Globalization Meets Legislative and Judicial Activism 4. Scott J. Bornstein, Co-Chair, Patent Litigation Group and Barry J. Schindler, Co-Chair, Patent Prosecution Group, Greenberg Traurig LLP A Look at the Past, Present, and Future of Patent Reform 5. William S. Parks, Counsel, Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs LLP Patent Law Reform and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office 6. Scott R. Bialecki and Mark L. Yaskanin, Partners, Holme Roberts & Owen LLP Overcoming Obstacles to Patent Reform 7. Donald L. Rhoads, Partner, Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP Key Concepts in Patent Reform 8. Stephen Hash, Partner, Vinson & Elkins LLP A Litigator s Perspective on Recent Reform Efforts 9. Kory D. Christensen, Principal, Stoel Rives LLP Recent Developments in the Patent Reform Movement: Potential Benefits and Unintended Consequences 10. Shawn G. Hansen, Partner, Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP Perspectives on U.S. Patent Reform: The Next Steps Are Crucial
Table Of Contents:
Understanding Patent Reforms in the Context of Litigation 7(14)
Mark V. Campagna
Patent Law Reform and the Future 21(14)
David N. Makous
Mina I. Hamilton
The Changing Face of Patent Law: Globalization Meets Legislative and Judicial Activism 35(16)
Ben Hattenbach
A Look at the Past, Present, and Future of Patent Reform 51(16)
Scott J. Bornstein
Barry J. Schindler
Patent Law Reform and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office 67(12)
William S. Parks
Overcoming Obstacles to Patent Reform 79(10)
Scott R. Bialecki
Mark L. Yaskanin
Key Concepts in Patent Reform 89(10)
Donald L. Rhoads
A Litigator's Perspective on Recent Reform Efforts 99(8)
Stephen Hash
Recent Developments in the Patent Reform Movement: Potential Benefits and Unintended Consequences 107(34)
Kory D. Christensen
Perspectives on U.S. Patent Reform: The Next Steps are Crucial 141(34)
Shawn G. Hansen
Appendices 175
Understanding Patent Reforms in the Context of Litigation 7(14)
Mark V. Campagna
Patent Law Reform and the Future 21(14)
David N. Makous
Mina I. Hamilton
The Changing Face of Patent Law: Globalization Meets Legislative and Judicial Activism 35(16)
Ben Hattenbach
A Look at the Past, Present, and Future of Patent Reform 51(16)
Scott J. Bornstein
Barry J. Schindler
Patent Law Reform and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office 67(12)
William S. Parks
Overcoming Obstacles to Patent Reform 79(10)
Scott R. Bialecki
Mark L. Yaskanin
Key Concepts in Patent Reform 89(10)
Donald L. Rhoads
A Litigator's Perspective on Recent Reform Efforts 99(8)
Stephen Hash
Recent Developments in the Patent Reform Movement: Potential Benefits and Unintended Consequences 107(34)
Kory D. Christensen
Perspectives on U.S. Patent Reform: The Next Steps are Crucial 141(34)
Shawn G. Hansen
Appendices 175
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