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grade 9 up–recovered from the vampire attack that hospitalized her in the conclusion of twilight (little, brown, 2005), bella celebrates her birthday with her boyfriend edward and his family, a unique clan of vampires that has sworn off human blood. but the celebration abruptly ends when the teen accidentally cuts her arm on broken glass. the sight and smell of her blood trickling away forces the cullen family to retreat lest they be tempted to make a meal of her. after all is mended, edward, realizing the danger that he and his family create for bella, sees no option for her safety but to leave. mourning his departure, she slips into a downward spiral of depression that penetrates and lingers over her every step. vampire fans will appreciate the subsequently dour mood that permeates the novel, and it's not until bella befriends jacob, a sophomore from her school with a penchant for motorcycles, that both the pace and her disposition begin to take off. their adventures are wild, dare-devilish, and teeter on the brink of romance, but memories of edward pervade bella's emotions, and soon their fun quickly morphs into danger, especially when she uncovers the true identities of jacob and his pack of friends. less streamlined than twilight yet just as exciting, new moon will more than feed the bloodthirsty hankerings of fans of the first volume and leave them breathless for the third.–hillias j. martin, new york public library
copyright © reed business information, a division of reed elsevier inc. all rights reserved. --this text refers to the hardcover edition.
1. party
2. stitches
3. the end
4. waking up
5. cheater
6. friends
7. repetition
8. adrenaline
9. third wheel
10. the meadow
11. cult
12. intruder
13. killer
14. family
15. pressure
16. paris
17. visitor
18. the funeral
19. race
20. volterra
21. verdict
22. flight
23. the truth
24. vote
gr. 8-11. "which is tempting you more, my blood or my body?" things are heating up between bella swan and her vampire boyfriend, edward cullen, in this sequel to the immensely popular twilight (2005). then bella is injured at her birthday party, and the cullens' reaction to her blood sends edward's family packing. bella is inconsolable until she discovers that reckless behavior allows her to hear edward's warning voice in her head. to keep him close, she decides to live as dangerously as possible, acquiring two motorcycles and developing a close friendship with jacob, who helps her rebuild them. romantics will miss edward's presence, but the suspense created by a pack of werewolves bent on protecting bella from a vindictive vampire will keep them occupied until the lovers can be reunited. the writing is a bit melodramatic, but readers won't care. bella's dismay at being ordinary (after all, she's only human) will strike a chord even among girls who have no desire to be immortal, and like the vampires who watch bella bleed with "fevered eyes," teens will relish this new adventure and hunger for more. cindy dobrez
copyright © american library association. all rights reserved --this text refers to the hardcover edition.
1. party
2. stitches
3. the end
4. waking up
5. cheater
6. friends
7. repetition
8. adrenaline
9. third wheel
10. the meadow
11. cult
12. intruder
13. killer
14. family
15. pressure
16. paris
17. visitor
18. the funeral
19. race
20. volterra
21. verdict
22. flight
23. the truth
24. vote
2. stitches
3. the end
4. waking up
5. cheater
6. friends
7. repetition
8. adrenaline
9. third wheel
10. the meadow
11. cult
12. intruder
13. killer
14. family
15. pressure
16. paris
17. visitor
18. the funeral
19. race
20. volterra
21. verdict
22. flight
23. the truth
24. vote
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