Integrate the best building envelope construction methods, materials science, and structural principles in your work using this book as a resource to help you...With more than seventy significant case studies located in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia from prehistory to the present, this book illuminates the theory and techniques of assembling exteriors. Six chapters organized by wall types, from hand-set monolithic walls to digitally fabricated curtain walls, each have a material focus section to help you understand their intrinsic properties so that you can decide which will best keep the weather out of your building. Examples from the ancient world, including the Pyramids and the Great Wall, through a range of renowned modern architects, such as Studio Gang, Sauerbruch Hutton, Herzog and deMeuron, and Rafael Moneo, illustrate how significant works in the history of architecture explored innovative use of materials - stone, brick, concrete, glass, and aluminium. Along the way, principles of construction from masonry and basic framing through ever more sophisticated envelope systems address classic problems presented by gravity, wind, rain, and sun with studies of lateral forces, building movements and materials that bridge the gaps in between them.
Preface and Acknowledgements Introduction Part 1: Load-bearing Construction 1. Monolithic Bearing Walls: Masonry, Stone, and Concrete 1.1 Historical Survey 1.2 Material Focus: Brick 1.3 Material Focus: Stone 1.4 Material Focus: Concrete 2. Load-Bearing Cavity Walls 2.1 Material Focus: How Water Penetrates 3. Light Frame Construction 3.1 Material Focus: Wood Framing a House Part 2: Non-load-bearing Construction 4. Frame and Infill Construction 4.1 Material Focus: Glass 5. Cladding Systems 5.1 Material Focus: Sequence of Installation 6. Curtain Walls 6.1 Material Focus: Unitized Curtain Wall - Assembly and Installation Bibliography Index
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