While digital technologies have revolutionized the publishing world in the twenty-first century, one thing still remains true: The Chicago Manual of Style is the authoritative, trusted source that writers, editors, and publishers turn to for guidance on style and process. For the sixteenth edition, every aspect of coverage has been reconsidered to reflect how publishing professionals work today. Though processes may change, the Manual continues to offer the clear, well-considered style and usage advice it has for more than a century. The sixteenth edition offers expanded information on producing electronic publications, including web-based content and e-books. An updated appendix on production and digital technology demystifies the process of electronic workflow and offers a primer on the use of XML markup, and a revised glossary includes a host of terms associated with electronic as well as print publishing. The Chicago system of documentation has been streamlined and adapted for a variety of online and digital sources. Figures and tables are updated throughout the book - including a return to the Manual's popular hyphenation table and new, comprehensive listings of Unicode numbers for special characters. With the wisdom of a hundred years of editorial practice and a wealth of industry expertise from both Chicago's staff and an advisory board of publishing professionals, The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, is an invaluable resource in this rapidly changing world. If you work with words - no matter what the delivery medium - this is the one reference you simply must have. - Publisher.
Table Of Contents:
Preface xi
Acknowledgments xv
1 Books and Journals 3(50)
Overview 4(1)
The Parts of a Book 4(31)
The Parts of a Journal 35(13)
Considerations for Web-Based Publications 48(5)
2 Manuscript Preparation, Manuscript Editing, and Proofreading 53(58)
Overview and Process Outline 54(3)
Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for Authors 57(13)
Manuscript Editing 70(23)
Proofreading 93(18)
3 Illustrations and Tables 111(44)
Overview 112(1)
Illustrations 112(21)
Tables 133(22)
4 Rights, Permissions, and Copyright Administration 155(46)
William S. Strong
Overview 156(1)
Copyright Law and the Licensing of Rights 156(15)
The Publishing Agreement 171(8)
Subsidiary Rights and Permissions 179(5)
The Author's Responsibilities 184(17)
5 Grammar and Usage 201(104)
Bryan A. Garner
Grammar 203(58)
Word Usage 261(44)
6 Punctuation 305(44)
Overview 306(1)
Punctuation in Relation to Surrounding Text 306(4)
Periods 310(1)
Commas 311(14)
Semicolons 325(1)
Colons 326(2)
Question Marks 328(2)
Exclamation Points 330(1)
Hyphens and Dashes 331(5)
Parentheses 336(2)
Brackets and Braces 338(1)
Slashes 339(2)
Quotation Marks 341(1)
Apostrophes 342(1)
Multiple Punctuation Marks 343(1)
Lists and Outline Style 344(5)
7 Spelling, Distinctive Treatment of Words, and Compounds 349(36)
Overview 350(1)
Plurals 351(2)
Possessives 353(5)
Contractions and Interjections 358(1)
Word Division 358(4)
A and An, O and Oh 362(1)
Ligatures 362(1)
Italics, Capitals, and Quotation Marks 363(9)
Compounds and Hyphenation 372(13)
8 Names and Terms 385(78)
Overview 387(1)
Personal Names 387(6)
Titles and Offices 393(7)
Epithets, Kinship Names, and Personifications 400(1)
Ethnic, Socioeconomic, and Other Groups 401(2)
Names of Places 403(7)
Words Derived from Proper Names 410(2)
Names of Organizations 412(6)
Historical and Cultural Terms 418(7)
Calendar and Time Designations 425(1)
Religious Names and Terms 426(7)
Military Terms 433(3)
Names of Ships and Other Vehicles 436(1)
Scientific Terminology 437(9)
Brand Names and Trademarks 446(1)
Titles of Works 447(14)
Signs and Mottoes 461(2)
9 Numbers 463(24)
Overview 464(1)
Numerals versus Words 464(17)
Plurals and Punctuation of Numbers 481(1)
Inclusive Numbers 482(2)
Roman Numerals 484(3)
10 Abbreviations 487(44)
Overview 488(4)
Names and Titles 492(6)
Geographical Terms 498(4)
Designations of Time 502(2)
Scholarly Abbreviations 504(6)
Biblical Abbreviations 510(4)
Technology and Science 514(13)
Business and Commerce 527(4)
11 Foreign Languages 531(48)
Overview 532(1)
Titles and Other Proper Names 532(2)
Languages Using the Latin Alphabet 534(24)
Languages Usually Transliterated (or Romanized) 558(12)
Classical Greek 570(4)
Old English and Middle English 574(1)
American Sign Language 575(4)
12 Mathematics in Type 579(40)
Overview 580(1)
Style of Mathematical Expressions 580(29)
Preparation and Editing of Paper Manuscripts 609(10)
13 Quotations and Dialogue 619(34)
Overview 620(1)
Permissible Changes to Quotations 621(2)
Quotations in Relation to Text 623(7)
Quotation Marks 630(7)
Ellipses 637(4)
Interpolations and Clarifications 641(2)
Citing Sources in Text 643(4)
Foreign-Language Quotations 647(6)
14 Documentation I: Notes and Bibliography 653(132)
Source Citations: An Overview 655(5)
Notes and Bibliography: Basic Format, with Examples and Variations 660(5)
Notes 665(19)
Bibliographies 684(9)
Books 693(35)
Periodicals 728(16)
Interviews and Personal Communications 744(2)
Unpublished and Informally Published Material 746(9)
Special Types of References 755(9)
Audiovisual Materials 764(5)
Legal and Public Documents 769(16)
15 Documentation II: Author-Date References 785(26)
Overview 786(1)
Author-Date References: Basic Format, with Examples and Variations 787(5)
Reference Lists and Text Citations 792(8)
Author-Date References: Special Cases 800(11)
16 Indexes 811(50)
Overview 812(2)
Components of an Index 814(9)
General Principles of Indexing 823(1)
Indexing Proper Names and Variants 824(4)
Indexing Titles of Publications and Other Works 828(3)
Alphabetizing 831(12)
Punctuating Indexes: A Summary 843(2)
The Mechanics of Indexing 845(10)
Editing an Index Compiled by Someone Else 855(1)
Typographical Considerations for Indexes 856(2)
Examples of Indexes 858(3)
Appendix A Production and Digital Technology 861(30)
Overview 862(2)
Markup 864(6)
Design 870(7)
The Electronic Workflow 877(5)
Options for Presenting Content 882(2)
Print Technologies 884(7)
Appendix B Glossary 891(16)
Bibliography 907(18)
Index 925
Preface xi
Acknowledgments xv
1 Books and Journals 3(50)
Overview 4(1)
The Parts of a Book 4(31)
The Parts of a Journal 35(13)
Considerations for Web-Based Publications 48(5)
2 Manuscript Preparation, Manuscript Editing, and Proofreading 53(58)
Overview and Process Outline 54(3)
Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for Authors 57(13)
Manuscript Editing 70(23)
Proofreading 93(18)
3 Illustrations and Tables 111(44)
Overview 112(1)
Illustrations 112(21)
Tables 133(22)
4 Rights, Permissions, and Copyright Administration 155(46)
William S. Strong
Overview 156(1)
Copyright Law and the Licensing of Rights 156(15)
The Publishing Agreement 171(8)
Subsidiary Rights and Permissions 179(5)
The Author's Responsibilities 184(17)
5 Grammar and Usage 201(104)
Bryan A. Garner
Grammar 203(58)
Word Usage 261(44)
6 Punctuation 305(44)
Overview 306(1)
Punctuation in Relation to Surrounding Text 306(4)
Periods 310(1)
Commas 311(14)
Semicolons 325(1)
Colons 326(2)
Question Marks 328(2)
Exclamation Points 330(1)
Hyphens and Dashes 331(5)
Parentheses 336(2)
Brackets and Braces 338(1)
Slashes 339(2)
Quotation Marks 341(1)
Apostrophes 342(1)
Multiple Punctuation Marks 343(1)
Lists and Outline Style 344(5)
7 Spelling, Distinctive Treatment of Words, and Compounds 349(36)
Overview 350(1)
Plurals 351(2)
Possessives 353(5)
Contractions and Interjections 358(1)
Word Division 358(4)
A and An, O and Oh 362(1)
Ligatures 362(1)
Italics, Capitals, and Quotation Marks 363(9)
Compounds and Hyphenation 372(13)
8 Names and Terms 385(78)
Overview 387(1)
Personal Names 387(6)
Titles and Offices 393(7)
Epithets, Kinship Names, and Personifications 400(1)
Ethnic, Socioeconomic, and Other Groups 401(2)
Names of Places 403(7)
Words Derived from Proper Names 410(2)
Names of Organizations 412(6)
Historical and Cultural Terms 418(7)
Calendar and Time Designations 425(1)
Religious Names and Terms 426(7)
Military Terms 433(3)
Names of Ships and Other Vehicles 436(1)
Scientific Terminology 437(9)
Brand Names and Trademarks 446(1)
Titles of Works 447(14)
Signs and Mottoes 461(2)
9 Numbers 463(24)
Overview 464(1)
Numerals versus Words 464(17)
Plurals and Punctuation of Numbers 481(1)
Inclusive Numbers 482(2)
Roman Numerals 484(3)
10 Abbreviations 487(44)
Overview 488(4)
Names and Titles 492(6)
Geographical Terms 498(4)
Designations of Time 502(2)
Scholarly Abbreviations 504(6)
Biblical Abbreviations 510(4)
Technology and Science 514(13)
Business and Commerce 527(4)
11 Foreign Languages 531(48)
Overview 532(1)
Titles and Other Proper Names 532(2)
Languages Using the Latin Alphabet 534(24)
Languages Usually Transliterated (or Romanized) 558(12)
Classical Greek 570(4)
Old English and Middle English 574(1)
American Sign Language 575(4)
12 Mathematics in Type 579(40)
Overview 580(1)
Style of Mathematical Expressions 580(29)
Preparation and Editing of Paper Manuscripts 609(10)
13 Quotations and Dialogue 619(34)
Overview 620(1)
Permissible Changes to Quotations 621(2)
Quotations in Relation to Text 623(7)
Quotation Marks 630(7)
Ellipses 637(4)
Interpolations and Clarifications 641(2)
Citing Sources in Text 643(4)
Foreign-Language Quotations 647(6)
14 Documentation I: Notes and Bibliography 653(132)
Source Citations: An Overview 655(5)
Notes and Bibliography: Basic Format, with Examples and Variations 660(5)
Notes 665(19)
Bibliographies 684(9)
Books 693(35)
Periodicals 728(16)
Interviews and Personal Communications 744(2)
Unpublished and Informally Published Material 746(9)
Special Types of References 755(9)
Audiovisual Materials 764(5)
Legal and Public Documents 769(16)
15 Documentation II: Author-Date References 785(26)
Overview 786(1)
Author-Date References: Basic Format, with Examples and Variations 787(5)
Reference Lists and Text Citations 792(8)
Author-Date References: Special Cases 800(11)
16 Indexes 811(50)
Overview 812(2)
Components of an Index 814(9)
General Principles of Indexing 823(1)
Indexing Proper Names and Variants 824(4)
Indexing Titles of Publications and Other Works 828(3)
Alphabetizing 831(12)
Punctuating Indexes: A Summary 843(2)
The Mechanics of Indexing 845(10)
Editing an Index Compiled by Someone Else 855(1)
Typographical Considerations for Indexes 856(2)
Examples of Indexes 858(3)
Appendix A Production and Digital Technology 861(30)
Overview 862(2)
Markup 864(6)
Design 870(7)
The Electronic Workflow 877(5)
Options for Presenting Content 882(2)
Print Technologies 884(7)
Appendix B Glossary 891(16)
Bibliography 907(18)
Index 925
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