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This fourth volume in the Handbook of Plant Cell Culture combines the approach of the previous volumes by providing both state-of-the-art basic techniques and their applications to a wide variety of crop species. In authoritative chapters, internationally known scientists cover the latest methods, including embryo culture, somaclonal and gametoclonal variation, electrofusion, organelle transfer, wide hybridization, and chromosome manipulation. Further chapters explore the latest developments in cell culture of such crops as barley, pea, mango, carrot, aspen, and sugar beet. As in volumes 1, 2, and 3, the contributors emphasize practical methodology. Every chapter contains (1) detailed protocols which serve as the foundation of current research; (2) a critical review of the literature, including key contributions and summary tables that highlight valuable information; and (3) in-depth evaluations of the tremendous potential this field shows for crop improvement. In addition, the history and economic importance of each crop are discussed. This standard format ensures a clear and continuous presentation. Special features include informative essays by distinguished scientists, Norman Borlaug and Armin Braun. Borlaug, winner of the 1970 Nobel Peace Prize for his scientific efforts in bringing about the "Green Revolution," discusses plant-breeding goals and strategies for the 1980s. Braun, a pioneer in research on plant cell transformation by Agrobacterium, sheds new light on the genetics of plant tumor development and its importance to experimental oncology. The definitive reference on applying specific cell culture techniques to major crops, Handbook of Plant Cell Culture is an indispensable source of information for plant scientists and students, as well as for researchers in agronomy, horticulture, phytopathology, molecular biology, and plant biology. - Dust jacket.


v. 1. Techniques for propagation and breeding / David Evans ... [et al.]
v. 2. Crop species / editors, William R. Sharp ... [et al.]
v. 3. Crop species / editors, P.V. Ammirato ... [et al.]
v. 4. Techniques and applications / editors, David A. Evans, William R. Sharp, Philip V. Ammirato
v. 5. Ornamental species / editors, Philip V. Ammirato ... [et al].--v. 6. Perennial crops / editors, Zhenghua Chen ... [et al].



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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