Women travel writers and the language of aesthetics, 1716-1818 /


作   者:Elizabeth A. Bohls.





British readers of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries eagerly consumed books of travel in an age of imperial expansion that was also the formative period of modern aesthetics. Beauty, sublimity, sensuous surfaces, and scenic views became conventions of travel writing as Britons applied familiar terms to unfamiliar places around the globe. The social logic of aesthetics, argues Elizabeth Bohls, constructed women, the labouring classes, and non-Europeans as foils against which to define the 'man of taste' as an educated, property-owning gentleman. Women writers from Mary Wortley Montagu to Mary Shelley resisted this exclusion from gentlemanly privilege, and their writings re-examine and question aesthetic conventions such as the concept of disinterested contemplation, subtly but insistently exposing its vested interests. Bohls' study expands our awareness of women's intellectual presence in Romantic literature, and suggests Romanticism's sources at the peripheries of empire rather than at its centre.


Cover 1
Half-title 5
Title 7
Copyright 8
Contents 9
List of illustrations 10
Acknowledgments 11
Introduction 13
1 Aesthetics and Orientalism in Mary Wortley Montagu's letters 35
Woman as aesthetic traveler 36
\ 39
A shining figure 50
2 Janet Schaw and the aesthetics of colonialism 58
Enchanting scenery and rich prospects 59
The aestheticized plantation 64
Eleanora and the hurricane 70
3 Landscape aesthetics and the paradox of the female picturesque 78
Disinterestedness and the universal standard of taste 80
Reynolds: details as deformity 85
Landscape gardening 94
Scenic tourism 101
The paradox of the female picturesque 112
4 Helen Maria Williams' revolutionary landscapes 120
Touring the revolution 125
Politicizing the picturesque 130
Particularism, or the politics of the heart 134
Disrupted landscapes 139
Landscape as refuge 144
5 Mary Wollstonecraft's anti-aesthetics 152
Rebutting burke 154
Scandinavian scenes 160
Re-situating the aesthetic subject 171
6 Dorothy Wordsworth and the cultural politics of scenic tourism 182
A \ 183
The ambivalent tourist 195
Images of inauthenticity 205
7 The picturesque and the female sublime in Ann Radcliffe's Mysteries of Udolpho 221
The uses of scenery 225
Radcliffe's female sublime 228
\ 234
Sublime and picturesque 236
Figures of retreat 239
8 Aesthetics, gender, and empire in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein 242
Aesthetics and empire 244
The aesthetic education of a monster 249
A world of others 254
Notes 258
Select bibliography 303
Index 318



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Women travel writers and the language of aesthetics, 1716-1818 /
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