List of contributors
Introduction: interpreting German Idealism
1. The Enlightenment and Idealism
2. Absolute Idealism and the rejection of Kantian dualism
3. Kant's practical philosophy
4. The aesthetic holism of Hamann, Herder, and Schiller
5. All or nothing: systematicity and nihilism in Jacobi, Reinhold,and Maimon
6. The early philosophy of Fichte and Schelling
7. H?lderlin and Novalis
8. Hegel's Phenomenology and Logic: an overview
9. Hegel's practical philosophy: the realization of freedom
10. German realism: the self-limitation of Idealism in Fichte,Schelling, and Schopenhauer
11. Politics and the new mythology: the turn to lateRomanticism
12. German Idealism and the arts
13. The legacy of Idealism in the philosophy of Feuerbach, Marx,and Kierkegaard
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