1 shopping and banking online
part ⅰ getting ready
part ⅱ net shopping under fire
part ⅲ banking at home
part ⅳ more about the topic: secret of good customer service
part ⅴ do you know ...?
part ⅵ reminder of key points in this unit
2 hotel or b&b?
part ⅰ getting ready
part ⅱ a touch of home
part ⅲ renting a car
part ⅳ more about the topic: what type of room do you want?
part ⅴ do you know ...?
part ⅵ reminder of key points in this unit
3 "planting" money
part ⅰ getting ready
part ⅱ national teach children to save day
part ⅲ credit cards 25
part ⅳ more about the topic: gulf between the rich and the poor
. part ⅴ do you know ...?
part ⅵ reminder of key points in this unit
4 loans for the dream
part ⅰ getting ready
part ⅱ raising money for buying a car
part ⅲ housing in the u.s.a.
part ⅳ more about the topic: consumer rights
part ⅴ do you know ...?
part ⅵ reminder of key points in this unit
5 briefino on taxation and insurance policies
part ⅰ getting ready
part ⅱ briefing on personal taxation
part ⅲ should i buy an insurance policy? (i)
part ⅳ more about the topic: should i buy an insurance policy? (ii)
part ⅴ do you know ...?
part ⅵ reminder of key points in this unit
6 visions of business
part ⅰ getting ready
part ⅱ michael dell vs. frederick smith (i)
part ⅲ michael dell vs. frederick smith (ii)
part ⅳ more about the topic: the business plan
part ⅴ do you know ...?
part ⅵ reminder of key points in this unit
7 fame and fortune
part ⅰ getting ready
part ⅱ bill gates' new rules
part ⅲ great business deals?
part ⅳ more about the topic: walt disney
part ⅴ do you know ...?
part ⅵ reminder of key points in this unit
8 business success
part ⅰ getting ready
part ⅱ witty ways to success
part ⅲ technology in doing business
part ⅳ more about the topic: how to improve your executive image?
part ⅴ do you know ...?
part ⅵ reminder of key points in this unit
9 feeling the financial market
part ⅱ the commodity markets
part ⅲ bank organization
part ⅳ more about the topic: the dow-jones industrial average
part ⅴ do you know ...?
part ⅵ reminder of key points in this unit
10 business strategies
part ⅰ getting ready
part ⅱ swot analysis
part ⅲ dealing with growth: market trends
part ⅳ more about the topic: safe investing
part ⅴ do you know ...?
part ⅵ reminder of key points in this unit
11 new trends in trade
part ⅰ getting ready
part ⅱ vending machine
part ⅲ our sales numbers are up
part ⅳ more about the topic: the world trade organization (wto)
part ⅴ do you know ...?
part ⅵ reminder of key points in this unit
12 activity
activity 1 where is it?
activity 2 bed and breakfast
activity 3 the foreign exchange market
activity 4 beanie baby
activity 5 food plans
activity 6 malaysian economy
activity 7 buying goods for sale
activity 8 financial reports
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