Freshwater prawn culture : the farming of macrobrachium rosenbergii /
作 者:edited by Michael Bernard New and Wagner Cotroni Valenti.
Publisher Summary 1
The farming of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergiihas developed rapidly during recent years. Advances in techniques, and the huge expansion of world demand for this species, continue to stimulate the growth of a multi-million dollar industry.
This landmark publication is a compendium of information on every aspect of the farming of M. rosenbergii. A comprehensive review of the status of freshwater prawn farming research, development and commercial practice, the book is intended to stimulate further advances in the knowledge and understanding of this important field.
An extremely well-known and internationally-respected team of contributing authors have written cutting edge chapters covering all major aspects of the subject. Coverage includes biology, hatchery and grow-out culture systems, feeds and feeding, up-to-date information on the status of freshwater prawn farming around the world, post-harvest handling and processing, markets, and economics and business management. Further chapters are devoted to the culture of other prawn species, prawn capture fisheries and the sustainability of freshwater prawn culture. Contributions to the book have been brought together and edited by Michael New and Wagner Valenti, themselves widely known for their work in this area.
The comprehensive information in Freshwater Prawn Culturewill give an important commercial edge to anyone involved in the culture and trade of freshwater prawns. Readership should include prawn farm personnel, business managers and researchers, and invertebrate, freshwater and crustacean biologists. Copies of the book should be available on the shelves of all libraries in research establishments and universities where aquaculture and fisheries are studied and taught.
Michael Bernard New, OBE is a Past-President of the World Aquaculture Society and President-Elect of the European Aquaculture Society; Wagner Cotroni Valenti is a Professor at the Aquaculture Center, S茫o Paulo State University, Brazil.
Table Of Contents:
Preface xiii
Contributors xv
Acknowledgements xix
History and Global Status of Freshwater Prawn Farming 1(11)
Michael B. New
Origins of modern freshwater prawn culture 1(4)
Global production status 5(3)
Summary of opportunities and constraints 8(2)
References 10(2)
Nomenclature and Taxonomy 12(6)
Lipke B. Holthuis
The genus Macrobrachium in aquaculture 12(1)
Nomenclature and historical perspective 13(2)
Taxonomy 15(1)
References 16(2)
Biology 18(23)
Deborah Ismael
Michael B. New
Habitat and life cycle 18(1)
Morphology and related topics 19(7)
Reproduction 26(4)
Ecdysis and growth 30(1)
Autotomy and regeneration 31(1)
Osmo-ionic regulation 32(1)
Larval development 33(2)
References 35(6)
Broodstock Management 41(11)
William H. Daniels
Ronaldo O. Cavalli
Richard P. Smullen
Collection of broodstock 41(3)
Broodstock management 44(3)
Larval hatching systems, collection and enumeration 47(2)
Future research avenues 49(1)
References 50(2)
Flow-through Hatchery Systems and Management 52(17)
Eudes S. Correia
Somphong Suwannatous
Michael B. New
Site selection 52(1)
Facilities 53(4)
Hatchery operations 57(8)
Further developments 65(1)
References 66(3)
Recirculation Hatchery Systems and Management 69(22)
Wagner C. Valenti
William H. Daniels
Hatchery design 69(2)
Facilities 71(5)
Water source and treatment 76(2)
General management 78(7)
Growth, survival and production 85(1)
Harvesting 86(1)
Backyard recirculation hatcheries 87(1)
References 87(4)
Larval Prawn Feeds and the Dietary Importance of Artemia 91(21)
Patrick Lavens
Supis Thongrod
Patrick Sorgeloos
Desirable food characteristics 91(1)
Supply, preparation and enhancement of brine shrimp (Artemia) 92(11)
Other larval feeds 103(2)
Feeding strategies 105(2)
References 107(5)
Nursery Systems and Management 112(14)
Dallas E. Alston
Celia M.S. Sampaio
Indoor (primary) nurseries 113(5)
Outdoor (secondary) nurseries 118(3)
Nursing in cages 121(1)
Multi-phase nursery systems 121(1)
References 122(4)
Grow-out Systems
Site Selection and Pond Construction 126(31)
James F. Muir
Julio V. Lombardi
Site selection 127(7)
Site development 134(6)
Pond system construction 140(15)
References 155(2)
Grow-out Systems
Monoculture 157(20)
Wagner C. Valenti
Michael B. New
Rearing systems 157(6)
Operation 163(6)
Prawn growth and survival 169(2)
Production models and productivity 171(1)
Environmental protection 172(1)
References 173(4)
Grow-out Systems
Culture in Temperate Zones 177(10)
James H. Tidwell
Louis R. D'Abramo
Culture in temperate zones: problems and opportunities 177(1)
Temperate production cycle 178(5)
Marketing strategies 183(2)
Summary of the potential 185(1)
References 185(2)
Grow-out Systems
Polyculture and Integrated Culture 187(16)
Sergio Zimmermann
Michael B. New
Fish and prawn interactions 188(1)
Management of prawn polyculture systems 189(7)
Integration of prawn culture with crop production 196(2)
General conclusions 198(1)
References 198(5)
Nutrition, Feeds and Feeding 203(18)
Louis R. D'Abramo
Michael B. New
Diet and digestive physiology 203(1)
Nutrient requirements 204(6)
Grow-out feeds 210(4)
Feeding strategies 214(2)
Conclusions 216(1)
References 216(5)
Grow-out Systems
Water Quality and Soil Management 221(18)
Claude Boyd
Sergio Zimmermann
Water quality: impact and control 221(8)
Pond soil and sediment management 229(4)
Miscellaneous water and soil treatments 233(3)
References 236(3)
Health Management 239(20)
Sterling K. Johnson
Sergio L.S. Bueno
Health and defence 243(1)
Diagnosis 243(1)
Prophylaxis 244(1)
Therapeutic treatment 245(1)
Diseases 246(7)
Final considerations 253(1)
References 253(6)
The Biology and Management of Size Variation 259(31)
Ilan Karplus
Spencer R. Malecha
Amir Sagi
Male morphotypes 259(6)
Structure of mature populations 265(2)
Ontogeny and development 267(4)
Factors controlling growth variation 271(5)
The biological significance of size variation 276(1)
Commercial significance and management of size variation 277(5)
References 282(8)
Commercial Freshwater Prawn Farming Around the World 290(36)
Michael B. New
Asia 291(12)
South America 303(3)
Central America and the Caribbean 306(5)
North America 311(1)
Africa 312(9)
Europe 321(1)
Oceania 321(1)
Product value 322(1)
Citations 323(1)
References 323(3)
Post-harvest Handling and Processing 326(19)
Raul M.M. Madrid
Harold Phillips
Intrinsic characteristics 326(5)
Post-mortem changes 331(3)
Preservation 334(7)
Handling for live sales 341(1)
Practical processing techniques 341(1)
References 342(3)
Marketing and Preparation for Consumption 345(24)
Harold Phillips
Denis Lacroix
Historical perspective 345(2)
Market research and developing a marketing plan 347(3)
Marketing live or fresh prawns 350(4)
Marketing frozen prawns 354(1)
Developing a marketing strategy for freshwater prawns 355(2)
Developing marketing plans 357(1)
Marketing case studies 358(2)
Preparing freshwater prawns for consumption 360(8)
References 368(1)
Economics and Business Management 369(24)
Raymond J. Rhodes
Aquaculture business planning and management 369(3)
Financing commercial aquaculture projects 372(2)
Commercial prawn farming: costs and profitability 374(11)
Polyculture and integration 385(3)
Economic modelling of commercial prawn farming 388(1)
References 389(4)
Culture of Other Prawn Species 393(18)
Methil Narayanan Kutty
Francois Herman
Herve Le Menn
Oriental river prawn (Macrobrachium nipponense) 393(5)
Monsoon river prawn (Macrobrachium malcolmsonii) 398(2)
Painted river prawn (Macrobrachium carcinus) 400(3)
Amazon river prawn (Macrobrachium amazonicum) 403(1)
Cinnamon river prawn (Macrobrachium acanthurus) 404(1)
Other species 404(2)
References 406(5)
Prawn Capture Fisheries and Enhancement 411(18)
Michael B. New
Somsak Singholka
Methil Narayanan Kutty
Statistical information 411(2)
The freshwater prawn fisheries of Asia and the Pacific 413(10)
The freshwater prawn fisheries of Oceania 423(1)
The freshwater prawn fisheries of Africa 424(1)
The freshwater prawn fisheries of the Americas 424(2)
References 426(3)
Sustainability of Freshwater Prawn Culture 429(6)
Michael B. New
Louis R. D'Abramo
Wagner C. Valenti
Somsak Singholka
Environmental and social benefits of freshwater prawn farming 429(3)
Areas of concern 432(1)
Ancillary benefits 433(1)
Conclusions 433(1)
References 433(2)
Index 435
Preface xiii
Contributors xv
Acknowledgements xix
History and Global Status of Freshwater Prawn Farming 1(11)
Michael B. New
Origins of modern freshwater prawn culture 1(4)
Global production status 5(3)
Summary of opportunities and constraints 8(2)
References 10(2)
Nomenclature and Taxonomy 12(6)
Lipke B. Holthuis
The genus Macrobrachium in aquaculture 12(1)
Nomenclature and historical perspective 13(2)
Taxonomy 15(1)
References 16(2)
Biology 18(23)
Deborah Ismael
Michael B. New
Habitat and life cycle 18(1)
Morphology and related topics 19(7)
Reproduction 26(4)
Ecdysis and growth 30(1)
Autotomy and regeneration 31(1)
Osmo-ionic regulation 32(1)
Larval development 33(2)
References 35(6)
Broodstock Management 41(11)
William H. Daniels
Ronaldo O. Cavalli
Richard P. Smullen
Collection of broodstock 41(3)
Broodstock management 44(3)
Larval hatching systems, collection and enumeration 47(2)
Future research avenues 49(1)
References 50(2)
Flow-through Hatchery Systems and Management 52(17)
Eudes S. Correia
Somphong Suwannatous
Michael B. New
Site selection 52(1)
Facilities 53(4)
Hatchery operations 57(8)
Further developments 65(1)
References 66(3)
Recirculation Hatchery Systems and Management 69(22)
Wagner C. Valenti
William H. Daniels
Hatchery design 69(2)
Facilities 71(5)
Water source and treatment 76(2)
General management 78(7)
Growth, survival and production 85(1)
Harvesting 86(1)
Backyard recirculation hatcheries 87(1)
References 87(4)
Larval Prawn Feeds and the Dietary Importance of Artemia 91(21)
Patrick Lavens
Supis Thongrod
Patrick Sorgeloos
Desirable food characteristics 91(1)
Supply, preparation and enhancement of brine shrimp (Artemia) 92(11)
Other larval feeds 103(2)
Feeding strategies 105(2)
References 107(5)
Nursery Systems and Management 112(14)
Dallas E. Alston
Celia M.S. Sampaio
Indoor (primary) nurseries 113(5)
Outdoor (secondary) nurseries 118(3)
Nursing in cages 121(1)
Multi-phase nursery systems 121(1)
References 122(4)
Grow-out Systems
Site Selection and Pond Construction 126(31)
James F. Muir
Julio V. Lombardi
Site selection 127(7)
Site development 134(6)
Pond system construction 140(15)
References 155(2)
Grow-out Systems
Monoculture 157(20)
Wagner C. Valenti
Michael B. New
Rearing systems 157(6)
Operation 163(6)
Prawn growth and survival 169(2)
Production models and productivity 171(1)
Environmental protection 172(1)
References 173(4)
Grow-out Systems
Culture in Temperate Zones 177(10)
James H. Tidwell
Louis R. D'Abramo
Culture in temperate zones: problems and opportunities 177(1)
Temperate production cycle 178(5)
Marketing strategies 183(2)
Summary of the potential 185(1)
References 185(2)
Grow-out Systems
Polyculture and Integrated Culture 187(16)
Sergio Zimmermann
Michael B. New
Fish and prawn interactions 188(1)
Management of prawn polyculture systems 189(7)
Integration of prawn culture with crop production 196(2)
General conclusions 198(1)
References 198(5)
Nutrition, Feeds and Feeding 203(18)
Louis R. D'Abramo
Michael B. New
Diet and digestive physiology 203(1)
Nutrient requirements 204(6)
Grow-out feeds 210(4)
Feeding strategies 214(2)
Conclusions 216(1)
References 216(5)
Grow-out Systems
Water Quality and Soil Management 221(18)
Claude Boyd
Sergio Zimmermann
Water quality: impact and control 221(8)
Pond soil and sediment management 229(4)
Miscellaneous water and soil treatments 233(3)
References 236(3)
Health Management 239(20)
Sterling K. Johnson
Sergio L.S. Bueno
Health and defence 243(1)
Diagnosis 243(1)
Prophylaxis 244(1)
Therapeutic treatment 245(1)
Diseases 246(7)
Final considerations 253(1)
References 253(6)
The Biology and Management of Size Variation 259(31)
Ilan Karplus
Spencer R. Malecha
Amir Sagi
Male morphotypes 259(6)
Structure of mature populations 265(2)
Ontogeny and development 267(4)
Factors controlling growth variation 271(5)
The biological significance of size variation 276(1)
Commercial significance and management of size variation 277(5)
References 282(8)
Commercial Freshwater Prawn Farming Around the World 290(36)
Michael B. New
Asia 291(12)
South America 303(3)
Central America and the Caribbean 306(5)
North America 311(1)
Africa 312(9)
Europe 321(1)
Oceania 321(1)
Product value 322(1)
Citations 323(1)
References 323(3)
Post-harvest Handling and Processing 326(19)
Raul M.M. Madrid
Harold Phillips
Intrinsic characteristics 326(5)
Post-mortem changes 331(3)
Preservation 334(7)
Handling for live sales 341(1)
Practical processing techniques 341(1)
References 342(3)
Marketing and Preparation for Consumption 345(24)
Harold Phillips
Denis Lacroix
Historical perspective 345(2)
Market research and developing a marketing plan 347(3)
Marketing live or fresh prawns 350(4)
Marketing frozen prawns 354(1)
Developing a marketing strategy for freshwater prawns 355(2)
Developing marketing plans 357(1)
Marketing case studies 358(2)
Preparing freshwater prawns for consumption 360(8)
References 368(1)
Economics and Business Management 369(24)
Raymond J. Rhodes
Aquaculture business planning and management 369(3)
Financing commercial aquaculture projects 372(2)
Commercial prawn farming: costs and profitability 374(11)
Polyculture and integration 385(3)
Economic modelling of commercial prawn farming 388(1)
References 389(4)
Culture of Other Prawn Species 393(18)
Methil Narayanan Kutty
Francois Herman
Herve Le Menn
Oriental river prawn (Macrobrachium nipponense) 393(5)
Monsoon river prawn (Macrobrachium malcolmsonii) 398(2)
Painted river prawn (Macrobrachium carcinus) 400(3)
Amazon river prawn (Macrobrachium amazonicum) 403(1)
Cinnamon river prawn (Macrobrachium acanthurus) 404(1)
Other species 404(2)
References 406(5)
Prawn Capture Fisheries and Enhancement 411(18)
Michael B. New
Somsak Singholka
Methil Narayanan Kutty
Statistical information 411(2)
The freshwater prawn fisheries of Asia and the Pacific 413(10)
The freshwater prawn fisheries of Oceania 423(1)
The freshwater prawn fisheries of Africa 424(1)
The freshwater prawn fisheries of the Americas 424(2)
References 426(3)
Sustainability of Freshwater Prawn Culture 429(6)
Michael B. New
Louis R. D'Abramo
Wagner C. Valenti
Somsak Singholka
Environmental and social benefits of freshwater prawn farming 429(3)
Areas of concern 432(1)
Ancillary benefits 433(1)
Conclusions 433(1)
References 433(2)
Index 435
Freshwater prawn culture : the farming of macrobrachium rosenbergii /
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