Complete physical education plans for grades 5 to 12 Isobel Kleinman.
With Complete Physical Education Plans for Grades 5 to 12, Second Edition, you can
- use mechanically correct progressions to teach students more effectively and increase their enjoyment of physical activity;
- build a complete, balanced physical education program that has something for everybody;
- save preparation time with lesson plans for 484 classes covering 18 areas of fitness, creative movement and dance, and sports;
- take advantage of ready-to-use assessment tools for each developmental level;
- find health fitness standards and sport-related fitness norms for multiple ages and grade levels and both sexes; and
- facilitate lessons with reproducible study sheets, extension projects, and portfolio checklists.
This popular book provides loads of teacher-tested lesson plans and assessment tools that will decrease your preparation time and increase your students' competency. After listening to requests of the first edition's users, the author has packed two more popular field sports and a unique chapter on educational gymnastics into this new edition of Complete Physical Education Plans for Grades 5 to 12.
Lessons can cover beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels and break down each skill as it is introduced. The chapters also integrate the applicable rules and strategies during the learning process and use methods that will keep students active, learning, successful, and completely motivated. In addition to the clear instruction for teaching skills, rules, and strategies, each lesson generates opportunities for students to develop physical, cognitive, and social skills. Each unit is designed to help students gain competency appropriate for their experience level.
Formerly published as Complete Physical Education Plans for Grades 7 to 12, the book features exciting new material:
- Detailed introductions of skills and how to practice the mechanics of each skill or dance
- Three new chapters (field hockey, lacrosse, and educational gymnastics, the latter of which includes three units that can be used in teaching both gymnastics and creative dance)
Complete Physical Education Plans for Grades 5 to 12 provides field-tested lesson plans for 484 classes covering 18 areas of fitness, creative movement and dance, and sports. These professionally prepared plans will not only cut your own prep time but also help you focus on the essentials in each step of your students' learning process. It is a great resource when you need material for a substitute teacher or when you are asked to submit plans to your school administrator.
In addition to the lesson plans, the book and CD-ROM package contains a wealth of teaching and assessment tools, including skills rubrics, portfolio checklists, unit fact sheets, and quizzes.
The accompanying CD-ROM enables you to print study sheets, student extension projects, portfolio checklists, unit quizzes, and answer keys. You can also print out any page of the text from the CD-ROM (e.g., lessons, full units, tests).
Complete Physical Education Plans for Grades 5 to 12 is an ideal resource for physical education teachers and for district directors who want to give their teachers a resource through which they can provide a consistent curriculum across the school system.
Complete physical education plans for grades 5 to 12 Isobel Kleinman.
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