You already know you’re worth way more than you earn. So what’s standing in the way of your financial and career success? Nicole Williams, the author of Wildly Sophisticated, says that for many women, it comes down to our difficulty dealing with cold hard cash —not just a lack of money, but also our miscon-ceptions, prejudices, and fears about it. In Earn What You’re Worth, Williams shows how to get others to value the skills and talents you bring to the table ... and how to get compensated acco更多>>
1 What Does Money Mean to Me?
How to Get a Grip
2 What Am I Worth?
Identifying Your Tangibles
3 What Am I Really Worth?
Discovering Your Intangibles
4 What''s My More?
Defining Your Values
5 What Do They Want?
Understanding What the Market Values
6 How Do I Make This Work?
Pulling It All Together
7 How Do I Sell Myself?
Asking for What you''re Worth
8 How Do I Create My Own Terms?
Drawing the Line Between Debt and Investment in Your Career
1 What Does Money Mean to Me?
How to Get a Grip
2 What Am I Worth?
Identifying Your Tangibles
3 What Am I Really Worth?
Discovering Your Intangibles
4 What''s My More?
Defining Your Values
5 What Do They Want?
Understanding What the Market Values
6 How Do I Make This Work?
Pulling It All Together
7 How Do I Sell Myself?
Asking for What you''re Worth
8 How Do I Create My Own Terms?
Drawing the Line Between Debt and Investment in Your Career
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