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Summary: Publisher Summary 1 This is a powerful critique of the growing tendency to reduce the new housing debate to a mere choice between greenfield and brownfield locations. This book points at the structure and organisation of the housebuilding industry, supply and demand pressures in the housing market, the contested nature of sustainability and the political character of the planning process. All factors which must be considered if a truly effective housing land policy is to be devised. The book: * analyses social, economic, and political influences on public policy and private investment * places current controversies within a strong institutional context * evaluates recent changes in housebuilding * explores how sustainable development provides both a common and contested discourse for debates * examines financial and economic impacts of housing land policies  


Table Of Contents:

Figures and Tables vii
Preface ix
Acknowledgements x
About the Authors xii
Abbreviations xiii

I The Policy Context 1(118)

Introduction 3(16)

Aims and objectives 4(1)

The theoretical perspective 5(5)

Key themes of the book 10(1)

Structure of the book 11(4)

A matter of definition 15(4)

The Changing Policy Context of Housing Development 19(35)

Urban growth and change 20(6)

The changing nature of the housing system 26(10)

Housing development and wider policy change 36(14)

Conclusions: housing provision and state-market relations 50(4)

The Sustainability of New Housing Development 54(40)

The contested nature of sustainable development 55(4)

Indicators of sustainable development 59(8)

Sustainable development and urban form: the case for and against the compact city 67(9)

Alternative development patterns 76(14)

Conclusions 90(4)

The Residential Planning Process 94(25)

Public and political attitudes to urban change 95(1)

Planning for housing 96(13)

Planning for affordable housing 109(6)

Conclusions: planning as process and vision 115(4)

II Market, Economic and Political Context 119(54)

The Speculative Housebuilding Industry 121(29)

Speculative housing producers 122(7)

The speculative housing development process 129(10)

Speculative housing products 139(5)

Brownfield development
the challenge for housebuilders 144(4)

Conclusions 148(2)

The Politics of Planning and Housing Development 150(23)

Ideological perspectives and party politics 152(6)

Stakeholder involvement 158(7)

Theoretical perspectives 165(3)

Political decision-making in practice 168(2)

Conclusions 170(3)

III Policy Evaluation 173(110)

Greenfield Housing Development 175(36)

Greenfield protection: some international experiences 176(3)

Greenfield development pressure 179(9)

Management of greenfield development pressure 188(12)

Resistance to greenfield development pressure 200(7)

Accommodation of greenfield development pressure 207(1)

Conclusions 208(3)

Brownfield Housing Development 211(33)

Brownfield development potential 212(13)

Brownfield development constraints 225(10)

Brownfield housing demand 235(7)

Conclusions 242(2)

The Economics of Planning and Housing Development 244(21)

Market efficiency and planning intervention 245(2)

The impact of planning constraints on housing markets 247(9)

The economic impact of planning gain on affordable housing development 256(5)

Conclusions: comparing modes of economic analysis 261(4)

Conclusions and Policy Implications 265(18)

Political and market context 266(7)

Towards a new urban land policy 273(8)

A final word 281(2)
References 283(26)
Index 309



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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