《新编实用英语读写教程2(黑龙江版)》是在《新编实用英语》(第二版)的基础上,结合黑龙江省的实际情况进行编写。全书共10个单元,每个单元除了“读”(Maintaining a Sharp Eye)和“写”(Trying Your Hand)两部分以外,还有一篇“黑龙江简介”(Glimpses of Heilongjiang)的阅读文章。
1 Making Reservations
Section Ⅰ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Clirner Lodge
Passage Ⅱ Letter from the President
Section Ⅱ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅲ Glimpses of Heilongjiang
2 At a Restaurant
Section Ⅰ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Toledo: A Problem of Menus
Passage Ⅱ Toas't at a Wedding
Section Ⅱ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅲ Glimpses of Heilongjiang
3 Shopping and Sighteeing
Section Ⅰ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Visiting the Gateway Arch
Passage Ⅱ Ordering a Gift Online
Section Ⅱ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅲ Glimpses of Heilongjiang
4 Keeping Healthy and Seeing a Doctor
Section Ⅰ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ A Guide to Health for Tourists
Passage Ⅱ The Loving Heart Will Go On
Section Ⅱ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅲ Glimpses of Heilongjiang
5 Farewell
Section Ⅰ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ The Most Unforgettable Character I've Met
Passage Ⅱ A Farewell Speech
Section Ⅱ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅲ Glimpses of Heilongjiang
6 Applying for a Job
Section Ⅰ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ A Prolying for a New Boss
Passage Ⅱ Beainning the Business
Section Ⅱ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅲ Glimpses of Heilongjiang
7 Promoting Activities
Section Ⅰ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Promotion Methods
Passage Ⅱ 10 Rules for Attending Exhibitions in China
Section Ⅱ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅲ Glimpses of Heilongjiang
8 Company Profiles
Section Ⅰ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Haier Culture. Haier Brand and Haier Idea
Passage Ⅱ Everyone Has a Chance to Win
Section Ⅱ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅲ Glimpses of Heilongjiang
9 Purchase and Payment
10 Training Across Cultures
Section Ⅰ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Clirner Lodge
Passage Ⅱ Letter from the President
Section Ⅱ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅲ Glimpses of Heilongjiang
2 At a Restaurant
Section Ⅰ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Toledo: A Problem of Menus
Passage Ⅱ Toas't at a Wedding
Section Ⅱ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅲ Glimpses of Heilongjiang
3 Shopping and Sighteeing
Section Ⅰ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Visiting the Gateway Arch
Passage Ⅱ Ordering a Gift Online
Section Ⅱ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅲ Glimpses of Heilongjiang
4 Keeping Healthy and Seeing a Doctor
Section Ⅰ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ A Guide to Health for Tourists
Passage Ⅱ The Loving Heart Will Go On
Section Ⅱ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅲ Glimpses of Heilongjiang
5 Farewell
Section Ⅰ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ The Most Unforgettable Character I've Met
Passage Ⅱ A Farewell Speech
Section Ⅱ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅲ Glimpses of Heilongjiang
6 Applying for a Job
Section Ⅰ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ A Prolying for a New Boss
Passage Ⅱ Beainning the Business
Section Ⅱ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅲ Glimpses of Heilongjiang
7 Promoting Activities
Section Ⅰ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Promotion Methods
Passage Ⅱ 10 Rules for Attending Exhibitions in China
Section Ⅱ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅲ Glimpses of Heilongjiang
8 Company Profiles
Section Ⅰ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Haier Culture. Haier Brand and Haier Idea
Passage Ⅱ Everyone Has a Chance to Win
Section Ⅱ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅲ Glimpses of Heilongjiang
9 Purchase and Payment
10 Training Across Cultures
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