Scott Turow is a writer and attorney. He is the authorof seven best-selling novels: Presumed Innocent (1987), The Burdenof Proof (1990), Pleading Guilty (1993), The Laws of Our Fathers(1996), Personal Injuries (1999), Reversible Errors (2002) andOrdinary Heroes (2005). A novella, Limitations, was published as apaperback original in November 2006 by Picador following itsserialization in The New York Times Magazine. His works ofnon-fiction include One L (1977) about his experience as a lawstudent, and Ultimate Punishment (2003), a reflection on the deathpenalty. He frequently contributes essays and op-ed pieces topublications such as The New York Times, Washington Post, VanityFair, The New Yorker, Playboy and The Atlantic. Mr. Turow's bookshave won a number of literary awards, including the Heartland Prizein 2003 for Reversible Errors and the Robert F. Kennedy Book Awardin 2004 for Ultimate Punishment and Time Magazine's Best Work ofFiction, 1999 for Personal Injuries. His books have been translatedinto more than 25 languages, sold more than 25 million copiesworld-wide and have been adapted into one full length film and twotelevision miniseries.
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