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This is a dictionary of 20,000 loan-words in Indonesian and Malay, deriving from Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian, Hindi, Tamil, Chinese, Portuguese, Dutch, English, and Japanese. Given for each are the Indonesian or Malay headword, English translation, the word in the source language, and, for foreign scripts, the page where it is to be found in a bilingual dictionary of the source language. Accompanying the book is a DVD including a facsimile edition of the 1899 publications A Chinese-English Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoyby Rev. Carstairs Douglas, together with Supplement to Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoyby Thomas Barclay. With this publication, Indonesian is served with an etymological resource which few other Asian languages can claim, and from which many may benefit.


Table Of Contents:
Objective: scope of the research vii
Our objective vii
The limits of the research ix
Nusantara languages x
Malay and Indonesian x
Guide to the use of the book xii
Conventions used in the treatment of loan-words passed directly into Indonesian xiii
Inappropriate cross-references are to be avoided xiii
The English meaning given is the meaning in Indonesian, not the meaning in the donor language xiv
The source word is recorded in the from closest to the loan-word xiv
The list aims to give the most likely source for a loan-word, not all possible sources xiv
Morphological change: compounds and hybrids xv
Composition of the entries xvii
The influence of the ten donor languages on Malay and Indonesian xxii
Sanskrit loan-words xxii
Arabic and Persian xxii
Persian loan-words xxv
Hindi loan-words xxvi
Tamil loanwords xxvi
Chinese loan-words xxvi
Portuguese loan-words xxx
Dutch loan-words xxx
English loan-words xxx
Japanese loan-words xxxii
Loans from other languages xxxiii
Select bibliography xxxv

Map of loan-words in Indonesian and Malay: the ten donor languages xli

List of loan-words in Indonesian 1(356)


Rare Chinese characters 351(1)

Brief history of the Indonesian Etymological Project 352(2)

Acknowledgments 354(3)
Symbols and abbreviations 357



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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