Translation volume of Japanese standards for Chains and sprockets
作 者:孟祥宾主编;全国链传动标准化技术委员会,青岛征和工业有限公司编译
本书收录的是日本JIS链传动标准,有JIS B1801:1997传动用短节距精密滚子链和套筒链、JISB 1803:1998传动和输送用双节踞精密滚子链条标准等内容;附录中提高了中国链行业国家标准和行业标准目录。
JIS B 1801:1997 传动用短节距精密滚子链和套筒链 Short-pitch transmission precision roller chains and bush chains
JIS B 1803:1998 传动和输送用双节距精密滚子链条 Double-pitch precision roller chains for transmission and conveyors
JIS B 1804:1993 板式链 Leaf chains
JIS B 1810:1999 滚子链传动选择指导 Guidance on the selection of roller chain drives
JIS B 9204:1994 农业机械用送料输送链 (2000年确认)Agricultural machinery—Feed chains
JIS D 9417:2004 自行车链条 (JCA/JSA)Bicycle—Chains
JIS B 1456:1989 滚子链联轴器 (1994年确认)Roller chain shaft couplings
JCAS 1:1981 摩托车链条 Chains for motorcycles
JCAS 2:1982 输送链、附件和链轮 Conveyor chains—Attachments and sprockets
JCAS 3:1983 农业机械用加强型链条 Heavy duty chains for agricultural machinery
JASO E 103:1983 汽车用滚子链和套筒链 Roller chains and bush chains for automobiles
附录: 中国链传动国家标准和行业标准目录
JIS B 1801:1997 传动用短节距精密滚子链和套筒链 Short-pitch transmission precision roller chains and bush chains
JIS B 1803:1998 传动和输送用双节距精密滚子链条 Double-pitch precision roller chains for transmission and conveyors
JIS B 1804:1993 板式链 Leaf chains
JIS B 1810:1999 滚子链传动选择指导 Guidance on the selection of roller chain drives
JIS B 9204:1994 农业机械用送料输送链 (2000年确认)Agricultural machinery—Feed chains
JIS D 9417:2004 自行车链条 (JCA/JSA)Bicycle—Chains
JIS B 1456:1989 滚子链联轴器 (1994年确认)Roller chain shaft couplings
JCAS 1:1981 摩托车链条 Chains for motorcycles
JCAS 2:1982 输送链、附件和链轮 Conveyor chains—Attachments and sprockets
JCAS 3:1983 农业机械用加强型链条 Heavy duty chains for agricultural machinery
JASO E 103:1983 汽车用滚子链和套筒链 Roller chains and bush chains for automobiles
附录: 中国链传动国家标准和行业标准目录
Translation volume of Japanese standards for Chains and sprockets
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