Multifunctional agriculture : a new paradigm for European agriculture /


作   者:edited by Guido van Huylenbroek and Guy Durand.





The change from a pure productive agricultural model to a more balanced rural development model with more attention for the production of public goods, requires fundamental changes and has many consequences, contend the contributors. They come from economics, agriculture, sociology, and geography across Europe, and discuss such topics as the actual situation in Europe, the demand for landscape amenities by rural tourists, the French experiences with territorial farming contracts, novelty production, and implications for agricultural science and education. Annotation 漏2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (


List of Figures p. vii
List of Tables p. viii
List of Boxes p. ix
List of Contributors p. x
Preface p. xii
1 Multifunctionality and rural development: a general framework Guy Durand and Guido Van Huylenbroeck p. 1
Part I Multifunctionality and Rural Development
2 Multifunctionality and rural development: a necessary convergence Madel Mar Delgado and Eduardo Ramos and Rosa Gallardo and Fernando Ramos p. 19
3 Multifunctionality and rural development: the actual situation in Europe Jan Douwe van der Ploeg and Dirk Roep p. 37
4 Multifunctionality and rural development: a multilevel approach Giovanni Belletti and Gianluca Brunori and Andrea Marescotti and Adanella Rossi p. 55
Part II Multifunctionality and Society
5 The demand for landscape amenities by rural tourists Isabel Vanslembrouck and Guido Van Huylenbroeck p. 83
6 New trends in the relationship between farmers and local communities in Tuscany Franscesco di Iacovo p. 101
Part III Multifunctionality and Legislative Instruments
7 The French experiences with Territorial Farming Contracts Guy Durand p. 129
8 Possibilities of the new Italian law on agriculture Giovanni Belletti and Andrea Marescotti and Roberta Moruzzo p. 143
Part VI Multifunctionality and Competitiveness
9 New Opportunities for non-competitive agriculture Rosa Gallardo and Fernando Ramos and Eduardo Ramos and Madel Mar Delgado p. 169
10 Novelty production: new directions for the activities and role of farming Paul Swagemakers p. 189
11 Diversification as a survival strategy for marginal farms: exploratory research Tom Vernimmen and Marie Bourgeois and Guido Van Huylenbroeck and Henk Meert and Etienne Van Hecke p. 209
Part V Multifunctionality and Knowledge
12 Transdisciplinarity and plurality or the consequences of multifunctionality for agricultural science and education Jan Schakel p. 225
Index p. 235



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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