Beep Beep, Vroom Vroom! 数学启蒙:嘟嘟,汽车来了 ISBN 9780064467285


作   者:Murphy





  The yellow cars beep! The red cars vroom! As Molly plays withher big brother's toy cars, readers will see and recognizepatterns, an essential first step in learning to reason from thespecific to the general. But can Molly put the cars back in theright order before her brother returns?


  This fine offering introduces the concept of patterns. Kevinhas red, yellow, and blue cars that he always lines up in a specialway on his shelf. His little sister Molly wants to play, but istold she is too young. Of course, she takes a turn the second Kevinleaves the room. Overhearing the "vrooming, crashing, and beeping,"Dad and Mom remind her that she must put the cars back on the shelfexactly the way Kevin left them. This allows her severalopportunities to arrange the vehicles in different ways. Thisclever book not only gives young readers the opportunity toidentify color patterns, but also has the added bonus of arepetitive story, complete with sound effects. Whenever thechildren play with the cars, some variation of the refrain "VROOMVROOM zoomed the red cars. BEEP BEEP honked the yellow cars. CRASHCRASH banged the blue cars" ensues. Primary-color cartoonillustrations depict the family, a playful pooch, and plenty oftoy-car action. Two concluding pages provide discussion questionsand activities to reinforce the math as well as a few suggestionsfor further reading. However, many children will enjoy this booksimply for the story and the colorful pictures.
--Jackie Hechtkopf, Rose Ruth Freudberg Memorial Library,Washington, DC


  This fine offering introduces the concept of patterns. Kevinhas red, yellow, and blue cars that he always lines up in a specialway on his shelf. His little sister Molly wants to play, but istold she is too young.




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Beep Beep, Vroom Vroom! 数学启蒙:嘟嘟,汽车来了 ISBN 9780064467285
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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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