

作   者:雷蒙德·C.H.卢





雷蒙德·C.H.卢、威廉·C.Y.卢编*的 《OpenGL数据可视化参考手册(影印版)(英文版)》包 含一系列易学的动手教程,可用于在*短的开发时间 内创建出引人注目的基于OpenGL的可视化工具。我们 首先演示了如何快速地在Widnows、Mac OS及Linux 下搭建开发环境,接着用例子展示了如何使用OpenGL 可视化各种应用程序数据,从简单的2D数据集到需要 ***技术的复杂3D工作集。每一章都解决了在现实 中所遇到的各种可视化难题,并以模块化的形式介绍 了相关的OpenGL特性和库。
在书中学到的这些必不可少的技艺,足以让你在 各种平台上(从传统计算机到*新移动/可穿戴式设 备)开发出令人印象深刻的基于OpenGL的应用程序, 以满足不同的数据可视化需求。


PrefaceChapter 1: Getti_ip_g Started with OpenGLIntroductionSetting up a Windows-based development platformSetting up a Mac-based development platformSetting up a Linux-based development platformInstalling the GLFW library in WindowsInstalling the GLFW library in Mac OS X and LinuxCreating your first OpenGL application with GLFWCompiling and running your first OpenGL application in WindowsCompiling and running your first OpenGL application in Mac OS X or LinuxChapter 2: O penGL Primitives and 2D Data VisualizationIntroductionOpenGL primitivesCreating a 2D plot using primitivesReal-time visualization of time series2D visualization of 3D/4D datasetsChapter 3: Interactive 3D Data VisualizationIntroductionSetting up a virtual camera for 3D renderingCreating a 3D plot with perspective renderingCreating an interactive environment with GLFWRendering a volumetric dataset - MCML simulationChapter 4: Rendering 2D Images and Videos with Texture MappingIntroductionGetting started with modern OpenGL (3.2 and higher)Setting up the GLEW, GLM, SOIL, and OpenCV libraries in WindowsSetting up the GLEW, GLM, SOIL, and OpenCV libraries in Mac OS X/LinuxCreating your first vertex and fragment shader using GLSLRendering 2D images with texture mappingReal-time video rendering with filtersChapter 5: Rendering of Point Cloud Data for 3D Range-sensing CamerasIntroductionGetting started with the Microsoft Kinect (PrimeSense) 3Drange-sensing cameraCapturing raw data from depth-sensing camerasOpenGL point cloud rendering with texture mapping and overlaysChapter 6: Rendering Stereoscopic 3D Models using OpenGLIntroductionInstalling the Open Asset Import Library (Assimp)Loading the first 3D model in the Wavefront Object (.obj) formatRendering 3D models with points, lines, and trianglesStereoscopic 3D renderingChapter 7: An Introduction to Real-time Graphics Rendering on aMobile Platform using OpenGL ES 3.0IntroductionSetting up the Android SDKSetting up the Android Native Development Kit (NDK)Developing a basic framework to integrate the Android NDKCreating your first Android application with OpenGL ES 3.0Chapter 8: Interactive Real-time Data Visualization on Mobile DevicesIntroductionVisualizing real-time data from built-in Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs)Part I - handling multi-touch interface and motion sensor inputsPart II - interactive, real-time data visualization with mobile GPUsChapter 9: Augmented Reality-based Visualization on Mobile or Wearable PlatformsIntroductionGetting started I: Setting up OpenCV on AndroidGetting started I1: Accessing the camera live feed using OpenCVDisplaying real-time video using texture mappingAR-based data visualization over real-world scenesIndex


  • 书名OpenGL数据可视化参考手册(影印版)
  • ISBN9787564170752
  • 作者(美)雷蒙德·C.H.卢//威廉·C.Y.卢
  • 出版社东南大学出版社
  • 出版时间2017-04-01
  • 印刷时间2017-04-01
  • 版次1
  • 开本16开
  • 纸张胶版纸
  • 包装平装-胶订
  • 是否套装



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