Rapid analysis of electrocardiograms : a self-study program / 3rd ed.
作 者:Emanuel Stein ; illustrations by Thomas Xenakis.
Publisher Summary 1
This book is an indispensable companion to Stein's Rapid Analysis of Arrhythmias, and it's useful for everyone learning the fundamentals of 12 lead ECG interpretation. In a self-assessment format, the manual offers a step-by-step approach beginning with basic concepts and going on to the analysis of normal and abnormal states. Many new electrocardiograms as well as additional information on Holter monitoring, stress testing, and pacing are contained in this Third Edition.
Publisher Summary 2
This book is an indispensable companion to Stein's Rapid Analysis of Arrhythmias, and it's useful for everyone learning the fundamentals of 12 lead ECG interpretation. In a self-assessment format, the manual offers a step-by-step approach beginning with basic concepts and going on to the analysis of normal and abnormal states. Many new electrocardiograms as well as additional information on Holter monitoring, stress testing, and pacing are contained in this Third Edition.
Table Of Contents:
Preface ix
Section I. Basic Electrocardiography
Basic Concepts and the Normal Electrocardiogram 3(91)
Hypertrophy 94(24)
Ventricular Repolarization (ST-T) Alterations 118(24)
Myocardial Infarction 142(26)
Conduction Disturbances 168(34)
Arrhythmias 202(141)
Section II. Self-Assessment
Part 1. Single ECG Tracing Interpretation 256(35)
Part 2. Overreading of Computer Interpretations 291(6)
Part 3. Syndromes with ECG Manifestations 297(8)
Part 4. Serial Tracing Interpretations 305(14)
Answers and Commentary
Part 1. Single ECG Tracing Interpretation 319(14)
Part 2. Overreading of Computer Interpretations 333(3)
Part 3. Syndromes with ECG Manifestations 336(4)
Part 4. Serial Tracing Interpretations 340(3)
Section III. Appendix
Additional Information 343(40)
References 383(2)
Subject Index 385
Preface ix
Section I. Basic Electrocardiography
Basic Concepts and the Normal Electrocardiogram 3(91)
Hypertrophy 94(24)
Ventricular Repolarization (ST-T) Alterations 118(24)
Myocardial Infarction 142(26)
Conduction Disturbances 168(34)
Arrhythmias 202(141)
Section II. Self-Assessment
Part 1. Single ECG Tracing Interpretation 256(35)
Part 2. Overreading of Computer Interpretations 291(6)
Part 3. Syndromes with ECG Manifestations 297(8)
Part 4. Serial Tracing Interpretations 305(14)
Answers and Commentary
Part 1. Single ECG Tracing Interpretation 319(14)
Part 2. Overreading of Computer Interpretations 333(3)
Part 3. Syndromes with ECG Manifestations 336(4)
Part 4. Serial Tracing Interpretations 340(3)
Section III. Appendix
Additional Information 343(40)
References 383(2)
Subject Index 385
Rapid analysis of electrocardiograms : a self-study program / 3rd ed.
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