Robert M. Adams’s celebrated translation of Utopia has been meticulously revised for the Second Edition of this Norton Critical Edition as have the accompanying annotations.Backgrounds is designed to assist student readers in an appreciation of Utopia by shedding light on the different points of view contemporary with More’s work.Included are new selections from Saint Benedict and Tasso, as well as a medieval satire on the land of Cockayne.The Humanist Circle, a carefully chosen selection of letters, includes another important contribution by Erasmus.
Criticism includes five new thought-provoking essays by Alistair Fox, Edward L. Surtz, G. R. Elton, Northrop Frye, and Robert M. Adams.Also new are selections from two modern anti-utopias or quasi-utopias—Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and B. F. Skinner’s Walden Two—plus a selection from Edward Bellamy’s once futuristic but now almost contemporary Looking Backward, which may be compared and contrasted with More’s masterpiece.
作者简介:Robert M. Adams was Professor of English Emeritus, University of California at Los Angeles. He was the author of many books, including Ikon: John Milton and the Modern Critics, Strains of Discord, Surface and Symbol, The Land and Literature of England, and Shakespeare—The Four Romances. He edited six other Norton Critical Editions, including The Prince by Machiavelli, Candide by Voltaire, and The Praise of Folly and Other Writings by Erasmus and Red and Black by Stendhal, the texts of which he also translated.
Preface to the Second Edition
Translator’s Note
The Text of Utopia
Ovid ? [The Golden Age]
Plato ? [The Guardians]
The Acts of the Apostles
[The Community of Love]
[The Community of Fear]
Lucian of Samosata ? [Saturn’s Age]
St. Ambrose ? Naboth’s Vineyard
St. Benedict ? Monastic Rules
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Tasso ? Chorus from Act 2 of Aminta
Amerigo Vespucci ? The First Voyage
Thomas More to Peter Giles
Peter Giles to Jerome Busleiden
Jerome Busleiden to Thomas More
Guillaume BudÈ to Thomas Lupset
Erasmus of Rotterdam to John Froben
Thomas More to Peter Giles
Erasmus to Ulrich von Hutten
R. W. Chambers ? The Meaning of Utopia ? Utopia and the Problems of 1516
J. H. Hexter ? The Roots of Utopia and All Evil
Alistair Fox ? [An Intricate, Intimate Compromise]
Edward L. Surtz ? Humanism and Communism
Robert C. Elliott ? The Shape of Utopia
G. R. Elton ? The Real Thomas More?
Northrop Frye ? Varieties of Literary Utopias
Robert M. Adams ? Paradise a la Mode
C. S. Lewis ? [A Jolly Invention]
J. W. Allen ? [A Sad and Witty Book]
Elizabeth McCutcheon ? Denying the Contrary: More’s Use of Litotes in the Utopia
Edward Bellamy ? From Looking Backward
Aldous Huxley ? From Brave New World
B. F. Skinner ? From Walden Two
Suggestions for Further Reading
Translator’s Note
The Text of Utopia
Ovid ? [The Golden Age]
Plato ? [The Guardians]
The Acts of the Apostles
[The Community of Love]
[The Community of Fear]
Lucian of Samosata ? [Saturn’s Age]
St. Ambrose ? Naboth’s Vineyard
St. Benedict ? Monastic Rules
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Tasso ? Chorus from Act 2 of Aminta
Amerigo Vespucci ? The First Voyage
Thomas More to Peter Giles
Peter Giles to Jerome Busleiden
Jerome Busleiden to Thomas More
Guillaume BudÈ to Thomas Lupset
Erasmus of Rotterdam to John Froben
Thomas More to Peter Giles
Erasmus to Ulrich von Hutten
R. W. Chambers ? The Meaning of Utopia ? Utopia and the Problems of 1516
J. H. Hexter ? The Roots of Utopia and All Evil
Alistair Fox ? [An Intricate, Intimate Compromise]
Edward L. Surtz ? Humanism and Communism
Robert C. Elliott ? The Shape of Utopia
G. R. Elton ? The Real Thomas More?
Northrop Frye ? Varieties of Literary Utopias
Robert M. Adams ? Paradise a la Mode
C. S. Lewis ? [A Jolly Invention]
J. W. Allen ? [A Sad and Witty Book]
Elizabeth McCutcheon ? Denying the Contrary: More’s Use of Litotes in the Utopia
Edward Bellamy ? From Looking Backward
Aldous Huxley ? From Brave New World
B. F. Skinner ? From Walden Two
Suggestions for Further Reading
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