arabic transliteration system
n_chapter 1 contrastive linguistic decisions:the need for textual competence
chapter 2 foundation disciplines
chapter 3 the myth of the single register
chapter 4 argumentation across cultures
chapter 5 argumentation in arabic rhetoric
chapter 6 the paragraph as a unit of text structure
chapter 7 background information in expository texts
chapter 8 at the interface between structure and texture:the textual progression of themes and rhemes
chapter 9 cataphora as a textural manifestati
n_chapter 10 degree of texture explicitness
chapter 11 emotiveness in texts
chapter 12 translating direct speech and the dynamics of news reporting
chapter 13 the pragmatics of politeness
chapter 14 cultures in contact
chapter 15 the discourse of the alienated
chapter 16 the translation of irony: a discourse perspective
.chapter 17 theothertexts: implications for liaison interpreting glossary of contrastive text linguistics and translation terms
arabic transliteration system
n_chapter 1 contrastive linguistic decisions:the need for textual competence
chapter 2 foundation disciplines
chapter 3 the myth of the single register
chapter 4 argumentation across cultures
chapter 5 argumentation in arabic rhetoric
chapter 6 the paragraph as a unit of text structure
chapter 7 background information in expository texts
chapter 8 at the interface between structure and texture:the textual progression of themes and rhemes
chapter 9 cataphora as a textural manifestati
n_chapter 10 degree of texture explicitness
chapter 11 emotiveness in texts
chapter 12 translating direct speech and the dynamics of news reporting
chapter 13 the pragmatics of politeness
chapter 14 cultures in contact
chapter 15 the discourse of the alienated
chapter 16 the translation of irony: a discourse perspective
.chapter 17 theothertexts: implications for liaison interpreting glossary of contrastive text linguistics and translation terms
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