Head first Java = 深入浅出Java / 2nd ed.
《深入浅出java 第二版》是完整的面向对象程序设计和java的学习指导。此书是根据学习理论所设计的,它让你可以从学习程序语言的基础开始一直到掌握线程、网络编程与分布式程序设计等高级特性。最重要的,你将学会如何像面向对象开发者一样思考。
深入浅出(head first)系列图书的图文并茂的版式能让你快速地掌握知识。敞开心扉准备好学习以下关键性的主题:
· java程序语言
· 面向对象程序开发
· 编写、测试与部署应用程序
· 使用java api库
· 异常处理
· 多线程
· swing编程
· 网络编程(rmi,socket)
· collection和generic
如果你想要看无趣的书,去看别的。但如果你真的想要学习java, 你会需要 《深入浅出java》。这本书可是2003年与2004年amazon编辑推荐的十大好书之一!
——scott mcnealy, sun microsystems, chairman, president, and ceo
——warren keuffel, 《software development magazine》
——ken arnold, 《the java programming language》作者之一
1 breaking the surface: a quick dip
2 a trip to objectville: yes, there will be objects
3 know your variables: primitives and references
4 how objects behave: object state affects method behavior
5 extra-strength methods: flow control operation4 and more
6 using the java library: soyou don't have to write it auyourself
7 better living in objectville: planning for the future
8 serious polymorphism: exploiting abstract classes arm interfaces
9 life and death of an object: constructors and memory management
10numbers matter: math, formattin$ wrappers, and statics
11risky behavior: exception handling..
12a very graphic story: intro to gui, event handlin$ and inner classes
13work on your swing: layout managers and components
14saving objects: serialization and i/0
15make a connection: networking sockets and multithreading
16data structures: collections and generics
17release your code: packaging and deployment
18distributed computing: rmi with a dash of servlets, ejb, and otini
aappendix a: final code kitchen
.bappendix b: top ten things that didn't make it into the rest of the book
1 breaking the surface: a quick dip
2 a trip to objectville: yes, there will be objects
3 know your variables: primitives and references
4 how objects behave: object state affects method behavior
5 extra-strength methods: flow control operation4 and more
6 using the java library: soyou don't have to write it auyourself
7 better living in objectville: planning for the future
8 serious polymorphism: exploiting abstract classes arm interfaces
9 life and death of an object: constructors and memory management
10numbers matter: math, formattin$ wrappers, and statics
11risky behavior: exception handling..
12a very graphic story: intro to gui, event handlin$ and inner classes
13work on your swing: layout managers and components
14saving objects: serialization and i/0
15make a connection: networking sockets and multithreading
16data structures: collections and generics
17release your code: packaging and deployment
18distributed computing: rmi with a dash of servlets, ejb, and otini
aappendix a: final code kitchen
.bappendix b: top ten things that didn't make it into the rest of the book
Head first Java = 深入浅出Java / 2nd ed.
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