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Summary: Publisher Summary 1 International contributors in computer science, economics, marketing, knowledge management, and information and media studies examine theoretical and practical aspects of creating and analyzing virtual communities. The first section of the book offers background on the emergence of virtual communities and presents criteria for examining them. The next set of chapters offers insight on monitoring the content and structure of virtual communities and analyzing user's behavior, and the third section looks at the development of domain-specific virtual communities, focusing on collaborative online laboratories, collaborative cultural text translation, and collaborative design and simulation. The book's final section describes semantic models used to link virtual communities, discusses issues of identification and self-verification, and explores aspects of governing virtual communities. The book's audience includes researchers, advanced students, and practitioners. El Morr is affiliated with York University, Canada. Maret is affiliated with the Universit茅 St. Etienne, France. Annotation 漏2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)  


Table Of Contents:
Foreword xiii
Preface xv
Acknowledgment xix

Section 1 Creating Virtual Communities

Chapter 1 Virtual Community Building and the Information Society: Current and Future Directions 1(14)

Christo El Morr

Pierre Maret

Mihaela Dinca-Panaitescu

Marcia Rioux

Julien Subercaze

Chapter 2 The Creation and Management of Online Brand Communities 15(14)

Paola Falcone

Chapter 3 Coordinating Nomadic Evaluation Practices by Supporting the Emergence of Virtual Communities 29(21)

Marianne Laurent

Section 2 Monitoring Virtual Communities

Chapter 4 An Integrated Methodology to Detect the Evolution of Virtual Organizational Communities 50(25)

Marco De Maggio

Francesco Grippa

Chapter 5 How E-Learning Experience Enhances the Social Presence in Community of Practice: An Empirical Analysis 75(46)

Constanta-Nicoleta Bodea

Radu Ioan Mogos

Maria-Iuliana Dascalu

Chapter 6 Online Communities: A Historically Based Examination of How Social Formations Online Fulfill Criteria for Community 121(15)

Jakob Linaa Jensen

Section 3 Stimulating Virtual Communities: Participation and Awareness

Chapter 7 Functionalities and Facets of Group Awareness in Collaborative Online Laboratories 136(17)

Christophe Gravier

Michael Callaghan

Chapter 8 Towards a Participative Platform for Cultural Texts Translators 153(10)

Aurelien Benel

Philippe Lacour

Chapter 9 Virtual Communities in a Services Innovation Context: A Service Science and Mereotopology Based Method and Tool 163(29)

Florie Bugeaud

Eddie Soulier

Section 4 Responsive Communities: Semantics, Identity and Governance

Chapter 10 Semantically Linking Virtual Communities 192(16)

Rajendra Akerkar

Terje Aaberge

Chapter 11 Identification vs. Self-Verification in Virtual Communities: Theoretical Gaps and Design Implications 208(29)

Kathy Ning Shen

Chapter 12 Freedom, Control, Security: Current and Future Implications for Internet Governance 237(12)

Martin Hans Knahl

Geoff Cox
Compilation of References 249(20)
About the Contributors 269(6)
Index 275



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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