

作   者:齐世和主编







Unit One
1. E-mail
2. Mozart Makes the Brain Hum
3. Chinese Herbs Found to Curb Desire for Alcohol
4. Fidgeting May Avoid Weight Gain

Unit Two
5. Meetings
6. How to Get a Good Idea (1)
7. How to Get a Good Idea (2)
8. The Night I Met Lincoln

Unit Three
9. Roget and His Thesaurus
10. If You Think We Think Alike, Think Again ( 1 )
11. If You Think We Think Alike, Think Again (2)
12. The Battle over Falling Birthrates

Unit Four
13. Mark My Words
14. The Fashion of Beard
15. Gum Chewing on Airplanes
16. Hard Life for Millionaires

Unit five
17. Oxford
18. Cambridge
19. Tips for Writing Letters
20. Do Animals Have a Culture?

Unit Six
21. The Loch Ness Monster
22. To Be or Not to Be a Vegetarian
23. Life on the Tundra
24. Preserving Our Planet

Unit Seven
25. Drugs Around Us
26. Marriage in Iran and America: A Study in Contrasts
27. Fingerprints
28. Fatal Attraction

Unit Eight
29. A Long Journey for Gordon Parks
30. A Variety of American Foods
31. The Shakers
32. The Global Telephone

Unit Nine
33. What's So Good About the Information Age?
34. Tea, Anyone?
35. A Fallen Star Rebounds at Age 37
36. Green Thoughts on Energy

Unit Ten
37. The American Way: Friendship
38. The Right to Choose tO Die
39. Pollution Is a Dirty Word (I)
40. Pollution Is a Dirty Word (II)

Unit Eleven
41. How Love Heals
42. Xeno's Paradox
43. Basketball Legend Michael Jordan Retires
44. Old Age in America

Unit Twelve
45. A Look at the Future
46. Population and World Resources
47. The Prince of Egypt
48. How to Plan Your Career

Unit Thirteen
49. Fish Hums a Note of Romance
50. Sesame Street
51. McDonald's and its QSC &V
52. What is Netiquette?

Unit Fourteen
53. A Visit to an American Court
54. Making Sense of Smell
55. Global Addiction
56. Some Remarks on Humor

Unit Fifteen
57. Tchalkovsky
58. Self-esteem VS. Self-respect
59. Mineral Requirements
60. Flojo's Death Unsettling



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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