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"A Brief History of Justice traces the development of the idea of justice from the ancient world until the present day, with special attention to the emergence of the modern idea of social justice. An accessible introduction to the history of ideas about justice Shows how complex ideas are anchored in ordinary intuitions about justice Traces the emergence of the idea of social justice Identifies connections as well as differences between distributive and corrective justice Offers accessible, concise introductions to the thought of several leading figures and schools of thought in the history of philosophy "-- "The idea of justice has been central to political philosophy since its origin. Indeed, the two towering book-ends to Western political thought -- Plato鈥檚 Republic and John Rawls鈥?milestone 1971 publication, A Theory of Justice-- are both essays on justice. Structured around the historical and conceptual relationship between distributive and corrective justice, ABrief History of Justice traces the development of this fundamental idea from antiquity to the present day. This wide-ranging, yet concise book delves deeply into the evolving traditions of justice, from roots in Babylonian and Hebrew law and Greek political thought to the most prominent contemporary renderings in the work of Rawls and other modern thinkers, including incisive chapter-length introductions to the work of Plato, Aristotle, the utilitarians, Kant, and Rawls. David Johnston weaves a sophisticated, yet accessible, narrative, integrating philosophical discussion with pressing contemporary questions about justice. With clarity and scholarly precision, A Brief History of Justice offers readers an invaluable survey of an important and powerful concept that continues to dominate the field of political philosophy"--


Table Of Contents:
Acknowledgments ix
Introduction 1(6)
Prologue: From the Standard Model to a Sense of Justice 7(8)

1 The Terrain of Justice 15(23)

2 Teleology and Tutelage in Plato's Republic 38(25)

3 Aristotle's Theory of Justice 63(26)

4 From Nature to Artifice: Aristotle to Hobbes 89(27)

5 The Emergence of Utility 116(26)

6 Kant's Theory of Justice 142(25)

7 The Idea of Social Justice 167(29)

8 The Theory of Justice as Fairness 196(27)
Epilogue: From Social Justice to Global Justice? 223(10)
Glossary of Names 233(6)
Source Notes 239(18)
Index 257



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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