Textbook Of Physical Diagnosis, History And Examination, Updated Edition: With STUDENT CONSULT Access
作 者: Mark H. Swartz MD FACP & Mark H. Swartz MD FACP
Summary: Publisher Summary 1 The new 4th Edition of this one-of-a-kind, humanistic text has been thoroughly updated to reflect the most current standards of physical diagnosis. Its core philosophy approaches the patient as a person suffering from disease, rather than an entity in which disease manifests. All chapters have been reviewed and revised, with an all-new chapter on nutrition that shows readers how to apply nutritional principles to the practice of medicine. New color images replace many old black-and-white images, and more than 200 NEW color photographs of pathological conditions enhance this Edition. A FREE CD-ROM includes a video demonstration of the complete physical examination of a man and the breast and pelvic examinations of a woman. Cross-referencing between the book and CD-ROM create a comprehensive clinical reference package designed to help readers identify basic pathophysiology and provide holistic patient care. The smart way to study! Elsevier titles with STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts and study more efficiently in print and online! Perform rapid searches. Integrate bonus content from other disciplines. Download text to your handheld device. And a lot more. Each STUDENT CONSULT title comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, USMLE style questions, and online note-taking to enhance your learning experience. Your purchase of this book entitles you to access www.studentconsult.com at no extra charge. This innovative web site offers you... Access to the complete text and illustrations of this book. Integration links to bonus content in other STUDENT CONSULT titles. Content clipping for your handheld. An interactive community center with a wealth of additional resources. The more STUDENT CONSULT titles you buy, the more resources you can access online! Look for the STUDENT CONSULT logo on your favorite Elsevier textbooks!
Table Of Contents:
SECTION I The Art of Interviewing
The Interviewer's Questions 3(32)
Basic Principles 3(4)
Symptoms and Signs 7(1)
Conducting an Interview 8(2)
Basic Interviewing Techniques 10(6)
Format of the History 16(15)
Concluding Thoughts 31(4)
The Patient's Responses 35(16)
Responses to Illness 35(3)
Responses to the Interviewer 38(3)
Influence of Background and Age on Patient Response 41(5)
Influence of Disease on Patient Response 46(5)
Caring for Patients in a Culturally Diverse Society 51(28)
General Considerations 52(10)
Specific Cross-Cultural Perspectives 62(8)
Traditional Chinese Medicine 70(7)
Conclusion 77(2)
Assessment of Nutritional Status 79(22)
Medical History 80(7)
Physical Examination 87(2)
Special Populations 89(7)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 96(3)
Concluding Thoughts 99(2)
Putting the History Together 101(14)
Interview of Mr. John Doe 101(9)
Written History of Mr. John Doe 110(5)
SECTION II The Science of the Physical Examination
The Physical Examination 115(8)
The Basic Procedures 115(2)
Preparation for the Examination 117(1)
Precautions to Take During the Examination 118(1)
The Goal of the Physical Examination 119(4)
The Skin 123(56)
General Considerations 123(1)
Structure and Physiology 124(3)
Review of Specific Symptoms 127(2)
Impact of Skin Disease on the Patient 129(1)
Physical Examination 129(6)
Description of Lesions 135(6)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 141(38)
The Head and Neck 179(16)
General Considerations 179(1)
Structure and Physiology 180(3)
Review of Specific Symptoms 183(1)
Impact of Head and Neck Disease on the Patient 183(1)
Physical Examination 184(4)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 188(7)
The Eye 195(62)
Historical Considerations 195(1)
Structure and Physiology 195(6)
Review of Specific Symptoms 201(4)
Impact of Blindness on the Patient 205(1)
Physical Examination 206(20)
Ophthalmoscopic Examination 226(7)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 233(24)
The Ear and Nose 257(28)
General Considerations 257(1)
Structure and Physiology 257(6)
Review of Specific Symptoms 263(5)
Impact of Deafness on the Patient 268(1)
Physical Examination 269(10)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 279(6)
The Oral Cavity and Pharynx 285(30)
General Considerations 285(1)
Structure and Physiology 286(4)
Review of Specific Symptoms 290(3)
Impact of a Voice Disorder on the Patient 293(1)
Physical Examination 294(12)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 306(9)
The Chest 315(30)
General Considerations 315(1)
Structure and Physiology 315(5)
Review of Specific Symptoms 320(6)
Impact of Lung Disease on the Patient 326(1)
Physical Examination 327(11)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 338(7)
The Heart 345(46)
General Considerations 345(1)
Structure and Physiology 346(8)
Review of Specific Symptoms 354(8)
Impact of Cardiac Disease on the Patient 362(1)
Physical Examination 362(20)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 382(9)
The Peripheral Vascular System 391(16)
General Considerations 391(1)
Structure and Physiology 392(1)
Review of Specific Symptoms 392(2)
Impact of Vascular Disease on the Patient 394(1)
Physical Examination 394(8)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 402(5)
The Breast 407(20)
General Considerations 407(1)
Structure and Physiology 408(3)
Review of Specific Symptoms 411(3)
Impact of Breast Disease on the Patient 414(1)
Physical Examination 415(9)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 424(3)
The Abdomen 427(34)
Structure and Physiology 427(3)
Review of Specific Symptoms 430(6)
Impact of Inflammatory Bowel Disease on the Patient 436(1)
Physical Examination 437(21)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 458(3)
Male Genitalia and Hernias 461(34)
General Considerations 461(1)
Structure and Physiology 462(5)
Review of Specific Symptoms 467(7)
Impact of Erectile Dysfunction on the Patient 474(1)
Physical Examination 475(11)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 486(9)
Female Genitalia 495(32)
General Considerations 495(1)
Structure and Physiology 496(5)
Review of Specific Symptoms 501(6)
Impact of Infertility on the Patient 507(1)
Physical Examination 508(14)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 522(5)
The Musculoskeletal System 527(52)
General Considerations 527(1)
Structure and Physiology 528(15)
Review of Specific Symptoms 543(2)
Impact of Musculoskeletal Disease on the Patient 545(1)
Physical Examination 545(21)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 566(13)
The Nervous System 579(58)
General Considerations 579(1)
Structure and Physiology 580(9)
Review of Specific Symptoms 589(7)
Impact of Chronic Neurologic Disease on the Patient 596(1)
Physical Examination 596(34)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 630(7)
Putting the Examination Together 637(14)
The Techniques 637(7)
The Written Physical Examination 644(7)
SECTION III Evaluation of Specific Patients
The Pregnant Patient 651(20)
General Considerations 651(1)
Structure and Physiology 652(4)
Review of Specific Symptoms 656(4)
Obstetric Risk Assessment 660(1)
Calculation of Due Date 661(1)
Impact of Pregnancy on a Patient 662(1)
Physical Examination 662(1)
Initial Comprehensive Evaluation 662(4)
Subsequent Antenatal Examinations 666(2)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 668(3)
The Pediatric Patient 671(62)
General Considerations 671(1)
The Pediatric History 672(9)
Examination of the Newborn 681(19)
Examination of the Infant 700(11)
Examination of the Young Child 711(8)
Examination of the Older Child 719(3)
Examination of the Adolescent 722(4)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 726(7)
The Geriatric Patient 733(14)
General Considerations 733(1)
Structure and Physiology 734(4)
Basic Principles of Geriatric Medicine 738(1)
The Geriatric History 739(3)
Impact of Growing Old on the Patient 742(1)
Physical Examination 742(2)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 744(3)
The Acutely III Patient 747(12)
Primary Survey 748(2)
Secondary Survey 750(3)
The Pediatric Emergency 753(6)
SECTION IV Putting the Data to Work
Diagnostic Reasoning in Physical Diagnosis 759(16)
Art, Science, and Observation 759(2)
Diagnostic Reasoning from Signs and Symptoms 761(14)
The Clinical Record 775(8)
Putting the History and Physical Examination Together 775(6)
The Human Dimension 781(2)
EPILOGUE 783(12)
Appendix A Commonly Abused Drugs 787(2)
Appendix B Signs and Symptoms in Deficiency States 789(3)
Appendix C Conversion Tables 792(3)
Index 795
SECTION I The Art of Interviewing
The Interviewer's Questions 3(32)
Basic Principles 3(4)
Symptoms and Signs 7(1)
Conducting an Interview 8(2)
Basic Interviewing Techniques 10(6)
Format of the History 16(15)
Concluding Thoughts 31(4)
The Patient's Responses 35(16)
Responses to Illness 35(3)
Responses to the Interviewer 38(3)
Influence of Background and Age on Patient Response 41(5)
Influence of Disease on Patient Response 46(5)
Caring for Patients in a Culturally Diverse Society 51(28)
General Considerations 52(10)
Specific Cross-Cultural Perspectives 62(8)
Traditional Chinese Medicine 70(7)
Conclusion 77(2)
Assessment of Nutritional Status 79(22)
Medical History 80(7)
Physical Examination 87(2)
Special Populations 89(7)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 96(3)
Concluding Thoughts 99(2)
Putting the History Together 101(14)
Interview of Mr. John Doe 101(9)
Written History of Mr. John Doe 110(5)
SECTION II The Science of the Physical Examination
The Physical Examination 115(8)
The Basic Procedures 115(2)
Preparation for the Examination 117(1)
Precautions to Take During the Examination 118(1)
The Goal of the Physical Examination 119(4)
The Skin 123(56)
General Considerations 123(1)
Structure and Physiology 124(3)
Review of Specific Symptoms 127(2)
Impact of Skin Disease on the Patient 129(1)
Physical Examination 129(6)
Description of Lesions 135(6)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 141(38)
The Head and Neck 179(16)
General Considerations 179(1)
Structure and Physiology 180(3)
Review of Specific Symptoms 183(1)
Impact of Head and Neck Disease on the Patient 183(1)
Physical Examination 184(4)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 188(7)
The Eye 195(62)
Historical Considerations 195(1)
Structure and Physiology 195(6)
Review of Specific Symptoms 201(4)
Impact of Blindness on the Patient 205(1)
Physical Examination 206(20)
Ophthalmoscopic Examination 226(7)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 233(24)
The Ear and Nose 257(28)
General Considerations 257(1)
Structure and Physiology 257(6)
Review of Specific Symptoms 263(5)
Impact of Deafness on the Patient 268(1)
Physical Examination 269(10)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 279(6)
The Oral Cavity and Pharynx 285(30)
General Considerations 285(1)
Structure and Physiology 286(4)
Review of Specific Symptoms 290(3)
Impact of a Voice Disorder on the Patient 293(1)
Physical Examination 294(12)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 306(9)
The Chest 315(30)
General Considerations 315(1)
Structure and Physiology 315(5)
Review of Specific Symptoms 320(6)
Impact of Lung Disease on the Patient 326(1)
Physical Examination 327(11)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 338(7)
The Heart 345(46)
General Considerations 345(1)
Structure and Physiology 346(8)
Review of Specific Symptoms 354(8)
Impact of Cardiac Disease on the Patient 362(1)
Physical Examination 362(20)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 382(9)
The Peripheral Vascular System 391(16)
General Considerations 391(1)
Structure and Physiology 392(1)
Review of Specific Symptoms 392(2)
Impact of Vascular Disease on the Patient 394(1)
Physical Examination 394(8)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 402(5)
The Breast 407(20)
General Considerations 407(1)
Structure and Physiology 408(3)
Review of Specific Symptoms 411(3)
Impact of Breast Disease on the Patient 414(1)
Physical Examination 415(9)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 424(3)
The Abdomen 427(34)
Structure and Physiology 427(3)
Review of Specific Symptoms 430(6)
Impact of Inflammatory Bowel Disease on the Patient 436(1)
Physical Examination 437(21)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 458(3)
Male Genitalia and Hernias 461(34)
General Considerations 461(1)
Structure and Physiology 462(5)
Review of Specific Symptoms 467(7)
Impact of Erectile Dysfunction on the Patient 474(1)
Physical Examination 475(11)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 486(9)
Female Genitalia 495(32)
General Considerations 495(1)
Structure and Physiology 496(5)
Review of Specific Symptoms 501(6)
Impact of Infertility on the Patient 507(1)
Physical Examination 508(14)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 522(5)
The Musculoskeletal System 527(52)
General Considerations 527(1)
Structure and Physiology 528(15)
Review of Specific Symptoms 543(2)
Impact of Musculoskeletal Disease on the Patient 545(1)
Physical Examination 545(21)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 566(13)
The Nervous System 579(58)
General Considerations 579(1)
Structure and Physiology 580(9)
Review of Specific Symptoms 589(7)
Impact of Chronic Neurologic Disease on the Patient 596(1)
Physical Examination 596(34)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 630(7)
Putting the Examination Together 637(14)
The Techniques 637(7)
The Written Physical Examination 644(7)
SECTION III Evaluation of Specific Patients
The Pregnant Patient 651(20)
General Considerations 651(1)
Structure and Physiology 652(4)
Review of Specific Symptoms 656(4)
Obstetric Risk Assessment 660(1)
Calculation of Due Date 661(1)
Impact of Pregnancy on a Patient 662(1)
Physical Examination 662(1)
Initial Comprehensive Evaluation 662(4)
Subsequent Antenatal Examinations 666(2)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 668(3)
The Pediatric Patient 671(62)
General Considerations 671(1)
The Pediatric History 672(9)
Examination of the Newborn 681(19)
Examination of the Infant 700(11)
Examination of the Young Child 711(8)
Examination of the Older Child 719(3)
Examination of the Adolescent 722(4)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 726(7)
The Geriatric Patient 733(14)
General Considerations 733(1)
Structure and Physiology 734(4)
Basic Principles of Geriatric Medicine 738(1)
The Geriatric History 739(3)
Impact of Growing Old on the Patient 742(1)
Physical Examination 742(2)
Clinicopathologic Correlations 744(3)
The Acutely III Patient 747(12)
Primary Survey 748(2)
Secondary Survey 750(3)
The Pediatric Emergency 753(6)
SECTION IV Putting the Data to Work
Diagnostic Reasoning in Physical Diagnosis 759(16)
Art, Science, and Observation 759(2)
Diagnostic Reasoning from Signs and Symptoms 761(14)
The Clinical Record 775(8)
Putting the History and Physical Examination Together 775(6)
The Human Dimension 781(2)
EPILOGUE 783(12)
Appendix A Commonly Abused Drugs 787(2)
Appendix B Signs and Symptoms in Deficiency States 789(3)
Appendix C Conversion Tables 792(3)
Index 795
Textbook Of Physical Diagnosis, History And Examination, Updated Edition: With STUDENT CONSULT Access
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