Mastering Autodesk Inventor 2012 And Inventor Lt 2012 9781118016824


作   者:Curtis





  Master the "Inventor" way of 3D mechanical design with thisexpert guide
  This Autodesk Official Training Guide is your best resource forlearning how to create, document, and verify your design usingAutodesk's powerful Inventor 2012 software. Mastering Inventor is adetailed reference and tutorial that quickly covers Inventor basicsbefore moving on to detail topics rarely documented elsewhere, suchas configuring your design with iLogic, practical ways to work withlarge assemblies, using 2D and 3D data from other CAD systems,working with styles and standards, designing and detailingweldments and frames, and working with Tube and Pipe and Cable andHarness design tools.
  Expert author Curtis Waguespack draws on his extensive Inventorexperience across multiple industries to provide you with a wealthof real-world tips, tricks, and techniques so readers can improvedesigns, work productively, and employ Inventor andindustry-standard best practices. This Mastering book isrecommended as a Certification Preparation study guide resource forthe Inventor Associate and Professional exams.
  Covers all the new features in Autodesk Inventor 2012 andInventor LT 2012
  Written by Inventor Certified Expert and Autodesk ManufacturingImplementation Certified Expert Curtis Waguespack, who draws on hisextensive Inventor experience across multiple industries
  Provides a wealth of real-world tips, tricks, and techniques forusing Inventor in professional environments
  Covers rapid digital prototyping, designing weldments and frames,sheet metal design, conducting dynamic simulation and stressanalysis, and much more
  Helps you prepare for the Autodesk Inventor 2012 CertifiedAssociate and Certified Professional exams
  Want to master Autodesk Inventor? Mastering Autodesk Inventor2012 and Inventor LT 2012 is the resource you need.


1 Inventor Design Philosophy.
2 Data and Projects.
3 Sketch Techniques.
4 Basic Modeling Techniques.
5 Advanced Modeling Techniques.
6 Sheet Metal.
7 Part and Feature Reuse.
8 Assembly Design Workflows.
9 Large Assembly Strategies.
10 Weldment Design.
11 Functional Design.
12 Documentation.
13 Inventor Tools Overview.
14 Exchanging Data with Other Systems.
15 Frame Generator.
16 Inventor Studio.
17 Stress Analysis and Dynamic Simulation.
18 Routed Systems.
19 Plastics Design Features.
20 iLogic



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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