国家体育总局健身气功管理中心编写的这本《健身气功:十二段锦》的英文内容简介如下: Health Qigong — 12-RoutineExercises is a new exercise regimen developed by the Chinese HealthQigong Association. This new compilation of movements synthesizesthe essence of different schools of the original exercise and putsmore emphasis on the movements of the neck, shoulders,waist andlegs. This is a sitting-posture regimen that involves systematicexercise of the head, neck,shoulders, back, waist, arms, legs,chest and abdomen one after another. It has graceful movements andsmooth links which are safe, reliable, easy to learn,and suitablefor various kinds of qigong enthusiasts.Qigong practice offersdisease-preventing,body-building, and life-prolonging effects.本书是法文版。
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