1. shoopping with feeling/"触摸式"购物
2. bye-bye credit cards&hello digital money/
3. three things that will change your life/改变你生活的三样事情
4. the integration of tv with the internet/电视与互联网的结合
5. going grocery shopping:let your fingers do the walking/食品购物:以手代步
6. static electricity/静电
7. telecommunications satellite spins out of contorl远程通讯卫星脱离轨道
8. animal senses/动物园感官
9. appearances can be important/相貌可能很重要
10. ecology:rescuing the environment/生态学:拯救环境
11. modern examination/现代测试
12. hackers are enemy number one on the internet
13. it may be easy to live longer-just stop eationg/略带三分机 健康又长筹
14. a killer is born/杀人武器的诞生
15. which is right on the road?/行路应靠哪边走?
16. how well do you see?/你的视力如何?
17. why is sky blue?/为什么天空是蓝色的?
18. smoking and cancer/吸烟与癌症
19. more evidence of life on mars?/火星上存在生命的进一步证据?
20. the environmental pollution/环境污染
2. bye-bye credit cards&hello digital money/
3. three things that will change your life/改变你生活的三样事情
4. the integration of tv with the internet/电视与互联网的结合
5. going grocery shopping:let your fingers do the walking/食品购物:以手代步
6. static electricity/静电
7. telecommunications satellite spins out of contorl远程通讯卫星脱离轨道
8. animal senses/动物园感官
9. appearances can be important/相貌可能很重要
10. ecology:rescuing the environment/生态学:拯救环境
11. modern examination/现代测试
12. hackers are enemy number one on the internet
13. it may be easy to live longer-just stop eationg/略带三分机 健康又长筹
14. a killer is born/杀人武器的诞生
15. which is right on the road?/行路应靠哪边走?
16. how well do you see?/你的视力如何?
17. why is sky blue?/为什么天空是蓝色的?
18. smoking and cancer/吸烟与癌症
19. more evidence of life on mars?/火星上存在生命的进一步证据?
20. the environmental pollution/环境污染
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