Heinle & Heinle’s Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test
American International Education Foundation(AIEF),an American non-profit organization,is dedicated to promoting U.S.higher education overseas.In China.AIEF's current focus is on teaching English to students determinged to improve their English proficency and language skills.This course was co-developed by AIEF and UScampus,Inc.
getting started
section1 guidetolistening
part a:dialogues
lesson 1 dialogues with sound confusion
lesson 2 dialogues with homonyms and words with multiple meanings
lesson 3 dialogues with idioms
lesson 4 answering inference questions about dialogues
lesson 5 dialogues involving agreement and disagreement
lesson 6 dialogues involving suggestions,invitations,offers,and requests
lesson 7 dialogues involving contradictions,assumptions,and question
lesson 8 answering questions about plans,topics,and problems
lesson 9 dialogues with special verbs
part b:longer talks
lesson 10 answering main idea
lesson 11 answering detail and inference question about longer talks
lesson 12 answering matching and ordering questions about longer talks
section2 guidetostructure
lesson 13 independent clauses
lesson 14 adjective clauses
.lesson 15 adverb clauses
lesson 16 noun clauses
lesson 17 parallelism
lesson 18 word forms
lesson 19 word choice
lesson 20 verbs
section3 guidetoreading
section4 guidetoessaywriting
two complete practice tests
getting started
section1 guidetolistening
part a:dialogues
lesson 1 dialogues with sound confusion
lesson 2 dialogues with homonyms and words with multiple meanings
lesson 3 dialogues with idioms
lesson 4 answering inference questions about dialogues
lesson 5 dialogues involving agreement and disagreement
lesson 6 dialogues involving suggestions,invitations,offers,and requests
lesson 7 dialogues involving contradictions,assumptions,and question
lesson 8 answering questions about plans,topics,and problems
lesson 9 dialogues with special verbs
part b:longer talks
lesson 10 answering main idea
lesson 11 answering detail and inference question about longer talks
lesson 12 answering matching and ordering questions about longer talks
section2 guidetostructure
lesson 13 independent clauses
lesson 14 adjective clauses
.lesson 15 adverb clauses
lesson 16 noun clauses
lesson 17 parallelism
lesson 18 word forms
lesson 19 word choice
lesson 20 verbs
section3 guidetoreading
section4 guidetoessaywriting
two complete practice tests
Heinle & Heinle’s Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test
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