《EDA设计与仿真实践》是经山东省教育厅批准的“高等学校教学改革试点课程‘电工与电子技术’”配套系列教材之一。《EDA设计与仿真实践》包括EWB电工电子电路仿真、CPLD可编程逻辑器件设计仿真、Protel 99简介及应用、Matlab简介及应用四大部分的软件环境介绍,并结合电工电子前两册实践教材的有关内容进行设计仿真。另外还扩展到信号处理系统及通信等方面有关内容的设计仿真。
第1部分 EWB电工电子电路设计及动态仿真
Part 1 Design and Dynamic Simulation of EWB Electrical and Electronic Circuit
第1章 EWB软件环境介绍及操作练习
Chapter l Introduction to EWB Software Environment Operation Exercise
1.1 EWB软件环境介绍(Introduction to EWB software environment)
1.2 EWB软件基本操作方法及举例(Basic operating method of EWB and examples)
第2章 EWB电工电子电路验证与仿真练习
Chapter 2 Verification and Emulation Exercise of EWB Electrical and Electronic Circuit
2.1 实验1戴维南等效电路测量(Measurement of 31fieving equivalence circuit)
2.2 实验2 RC充、放电过程分析(Analysis of RC charge and discharge process)
2.3 实验3共发射极单管放大电路的分析(Analysis of transistor common emitter single tube amplifying circuit)
2.4 实验4数字逻辑电路关系测试(Testing of numeric logic circuit connection)
2.5 实验5译码电路(Decoding circuit)
2.6 实验6 555多谐振荡器(555 multi.oscillator)
2.7 实验7 A/D(模数)、D/A(数模)转换器的应用(Application of A/D和D/A converter)
第3章 综合电路设计与动态仿真
Chapter 3 Design and aynamic emulation of comprehensive circuit
3.1 实践1 四人优先表决电路的设计与仿真(Design and dynamic of four people precedence adjudge circuit)
3.2 实践2彩灯循环显示控制电路的设计与仿真(Design and simulation of lored lamp circulation shows control circuit)
3.3 实践3简易电子琴电路的设计与仿真(Design and simulation of circuit simple electronic organ)
3.4 实践4温度测量电路的设计与仿真(Design and simulation of circuit temperature measure)
3.5 实践5带通滤波器电路的设计与仿真(Design and simulation of circuit band-pass filter)
第4章 创新设计电路
Chapter 4 Creative design of circuit
4.1 实践1 电子密码锁的设计(Design of electronic password lock)
4.2 实践2 路灯控制器设计(Design of Street lamp controller)
4.3 实践3 多路防盗报警电路设计(Design of circuit for multi-channel guarding and alarming)
4.4 实践4 整点报时电路设计(Design of circuit for ringing at the full 0tclock)
4.5 实践5 出租车自动计费器电路设计(Design of circuit for automatic taximenteri)
4.6 实践6 多路数据采集系统的电路设计(Design of circuit for multi.channel data collection system)
4.7 自行选题设计(Design of proper motion choose inscribe)
第2部分 可编程序逻辑器件设计仿真
Part 2 Design simulation Programmable Logic Device
第5章 CPLD软件开发系统MAX+PLUSⅡ的基本使用
Chapter 5 The Basic usage of CPLD Software Development System MAX+PLUSII
5.1 概述(Outline)
5.2 MAX+PLUSII的版本及其安装(Edition and installation of MAX+PLUⅡ)
5.3 MAX+PLUSII的常用设计输入方法(Common input methods of design MAX+PLUSⅡ)
5.4 图形输入方式(Graphic input method)
5.5 文本编辑的输入、波形仿真及底层编辑(Input,simulation of wave form and bottom editon of text editing)
5.6 AHDL语言简介(Introduction to AHDL)
5.7 简单实践(Simple practice)
第3部分 Protel 99的应用仿真及简介
Part 3 Simulation of application of Protel 99 and Introduction to Protel 99
第6章 Protel 99软件环境简介及原理图设计和仿真
Chapter 6 Introduction Software Environment of Protel 99 and Design and Simulation of Schematic Diagram
6.1 Protel 99的主要组成及特点(Major compositions and characteristics of Protel 99)
6.2 Protel 99运行的系统需求、安装和启动(System requirement,installation and starting in operating Pratel 99)
6.3 Protel 99中文件的基本操作(Basic documentary operation in Protel 99)
6.4 Protel 99原理图编辑器的SCH基础(SCH foundation of schematic diagram editor of Protel 99)
6.5 生成网络表文件(Create network list document)
6.6 绘制一简单原理图(Draw a simple schematic diagram)
6.7 电路仿真(Circuit simulation)
第7章 Protel 99印制板电路设计及实验
Chapter 7 Design and Practice of Protel 99 Printed Circuit Board
7.1 Protel 99 PCB的启动及窗口(Stating and window of Protel 99 PCB)
7.2 Protel 99 PCB的基本操作(Basic operation of Protel 99 PCB)
7.3 自动布线(Automatic touting)
7.4 手工改线(Manual touting)
7.5 双面印制电路板设计举例(Example of double side printed circuit board design)
7.6 电路设计及动态仿真实践(Circuit design and dynamic simulation practice)
第4部分 MATLAB应用简介
Part 4 Introduction to Application of MATLAB
第8章 MATLAB简介
Chapter 8 Introduction to MATLAB
8.1 MATLAB 6软件环境简介(Introduction of MATLAB 6 software environment)
8.2 MATLAB程序设计(MATLAB programming)
8.3 信号处理实验中应用MATLAB函数简介(Introduction to MATLAB functions used in signal processing experiment)
8.4 MATLAB中的通信工具箱及仿真环境介绍(Introduction to communication toolbox and simulation environment in MATLAB)
第9章 MATLAB的应用实践
Chapter 9 Application and Practice of MATLAB
9.1实践1 MATLAB软件的使用练习(Exercises of using MATLAB software)
9.2实践2 MATLAB在信号处理中的应用实例(Examples of MATLAB used in signal processing)
9.3 实践3信号、系统及系统响应(Signal,system and system response)
9.4 实践4综合实践(Comprehensive experiment)
9.5 实践5基于两种仿真方式的抑制载波双边带调制解调实践实例(Practice of cartier-suppressed double sideband modulation demodulation based on two simulation modes)
9.6 实践6通信系统原理综合实践(Comprehensive practice of communication system principle)
附录Protel 99元器件电气图形符号库
第1部分 EWB电工电子电路设计及动态仿真
Part 1 Design and Dynamic Simulation of EWB Electrical and Electronic Circuit
第1章 EWB软件环境介绍及操作练习
Chapter l Introduction to EWB Software Environment Operation Exercise
1.1 EWB软件环境介绍(Introduction to EWB software environment)
1.2 EWB软件基本操作方法及举例(Basic operating method of EWB and examples)
第2章 EWB电工电子电路验证与仿真练习
Chapter 2 Verification and Emulation Exercise of EWB Electrical and Electronic Circuit
2.1 实验1戴维南等效电路测量(Measurement of 31fieving equivalence circuit)
2.2 实验2 RC充、放电过程分析(Analysis of RC charge and discharge process)
2.3 实验3共发射极单管放大电路的分析(Analysis of transistor common emitter single tube amplifying circuit)
2.4 实验4数字逻辑电路关系测试(Testing of numeric logic circuit connection)
2.5 实验5译码电路(Decoding circuit)
2.6 实验6 555多谐振荡器(555 multi.oscillator)
2.7 实验7 A/D(模数)、D/A(数模)转换器的应用(Application of A/D和D/A converter)
第3章 综合电路设计与动态仿真
Chapter 3 Design and aynamic emulation of comprehensive circuit
3.1 实践1 四人优先表决电路的设计与仿真(Design and dynamic of four people precedence adjudge circuit)
3.2 实践2彩灯循环显示控制电路的设计与仿真(Design and simulation of lored lamp circulation shows control circuit)
3.3 实践3简易电子琴电路的设计与仿真(Design and simulation of circuit simple electronic organ)
3.4 实践4温度测量电路的设计与仿真(Design and simulation of circuit temperature measure)
3.5 实践5带通滤波器电路的设计与仿真(Design and simulation of circuit band-pass filter)
第4章 创新设计电路
Chapter 4 Creative design of circuit
4.1 实践1 电子密码锁的设计(Design of electronic password lock)
4.2 实践2 路灯控制器设计(Design of Street lamp controller)
4.3 实践3 多路防盗报警电路设计(Design of circuit for multi-channel guarding and alarming)
4.4 实践4 整点报时电路设计(Design of circuit for ringing at the full 0tclock)
4.5 实践5 出租车自动计费器电路设计(Design of circuit for automatic taximenteri)
4.6 实践6 多路数据采集系统的电路设计(Design of circuit for multi.channel data collection system)
4.7 自行选题设计(Design of proper motion choose inscribe)
第2部分 可编程序逻辑器件设计仿真
Part 2 Design simulation Programmable Logic Device
第5章 CPLD软件开发系统MAX+PLUSⅡ的基本使用
Chapter 5 The Basic usage of CPLD Software Development System MAX+PLUSII
5.1 概述(Outline)
5.2 MAX+PLUSII的版本及其安装(Edition and installation of MAX+PLUⅡ)
5.3 MAX+PLUSII的常用设计输入方法(Common input methods of design MAX+PLUSⅡ)
5.4 图形输入方式(Graphic input method)
5.5 文本编辑的输入、波形仿真及底层编辑(Input,simulation of wave form and bottom editon of text editing)
5.6 AHDL语言简介(Introduction to AHDL)
5.7 简单实践(Simple practice)
第3部分 Protel 99的应用仿真及简介
Part 3 Simulation of application of Protel 99 and Introduction to Protel 99
第6章 Protel 99软件环境简介及原理图设计和仿真
Chapter 6 Introduction Software Environment of Protel 99 and Design and Simulation of Schematic Diagram
6.1 Protel 99的主要组成及特点(Major compositions and characteristics of Protel 99)
6.2 Protel 99运行的系统需求、安装和启动(System requirement,installation and starting in operating Pratel 99)
6.3 Protel 99中文件的基本操作(Basic documentary operation in Protel 99)
6.4 Protel 99原理图编辑器的SCH基础(SCH foundation of schematic diagram editor of Protel 99)
6.5 生成网络表文件(Create network list document)
6.6 绘制一简单原理图(Draw a simple schematic diagram)
6.7 电路仿真(Circuit simulation)
第7章 Protel 99印制板电路设计及实验
Chapter 7 Design and Practice of Protel 99 Printed Circuit Board
7.1 Protel 99 PCB的启动及窗口(Stating and window of Protel 99 PCB)
7.2 Protel 99 PCB的基本操作(Basic operation of Protel 99 PCB)
7.3 自动布线(Automatic touting)
7.4 手工改线(Manual touting)
7.5 双面印制电路板设计举例(Example of double side printed circuit board design)
7.6 电路设计及动态仿真实践(Circuit design and dynamic simulation practice)
第4部分 MATLAB应用简介
Part 4 Introduction to Application of MATLAB
第8章 MATLAB简介
Chapter 8 Introduction to MATLAB
8.1 MATLAB 6软件环境简介(Introduction of MATLAB 6 software environment)
8.2 MATLAB程序设计(MATLAB programming)
8.3 信号处理实验中应用MATLAB函数简介(Introduction to MATLAB functions used in signal processing experiment)
8.4 MATLAB中的通信工具箱及仿真环境介绍(Introduction to communication toolbox and simulation environment in MATLAB)
第9章 MATLAB的应用实践
Chapter 9 Application and Practice of MATLAB
9.1实践1 MATLAB软件的使用练习(Exercises of using MATLAB software)
9.2实践2 MATLAB在信号处理中的应用实例(Examples of MATLAB used in signal processing)
9.3 实践3信号、系统及系统响应(Signal,system and system response)
9.4 实践4综合实践(Comprehensive experiment)
9.5 实践5基于两种仿真方式的抑制载波双边带调制解调实践实例(Practice of cartier-suppressed double sideband modulation demodulation based on two simulation modes)
9.6 实践6通信系统原理综合实践(Comprehensive practice of communication system principle)
附录Protel 99元器件电气图形符号库
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