Accompanying CD-ROM contains "...complete text and illustrations of the book, in fully searchable PDF format."
SECTION I: Source and Practice 1
of Complementary Therapies
1. Introduction (Terminology and Regulatory Issues) ....3
2. Other Medical Paradigms ................... . .8
3. Herbs and Other Botanicals .................. . 17
4. Botanicals, Cancer and Herb-Drug Interactions .... 33
5. Diet and Nutrition .......................... 42
6. Vitamins and Dietary Supplements .............. 52
7. Mind-Body Therapies .........................65
8. Acupuncture .............................. . 73
9. Bodywork ................................ 82
10. Using the Senses ............................ 87
SECTION II: Complementary Therapies 93
by Cancer Diagnosis
11. Breast Cancer ............... ............. . 95
12. Gastrointestinal Cancers ................... . 106
13. Lung Cancer ............................. .115
14. Prostate Cancer .......................... . 123
SECTION III: Complementary Therapies 133
by the Symptoms They Treat
15. Pain .....................................135
16. Mood Disturbance and Fatigue ................ 145
17. Gastrointestinal Symptoms .................. . 157
18. Endocrine Symptoms ...................... . 167
19. Alternative/Questionable Therapies ............. 172
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