目 录
Part 1 Ray Optics (1)
1.1 Refraction and Reflection (1)
1.1.1 Refraction (1)
1.1.2 Index of Refraction (1)
1.1.3 Reflection (2)
1.1.4 Total Internal Reflection (2)
1.1.5 Reflecting Prisms (3)
1.2 Imaging (3)
1.2.1 Spherical Surfaces (3)
1.2.2 Object-Image Relationship (5)
1.2.3 Use of the Sign Conventions (6)
1.2.4 Lens Equation (6)
1.2.5 Classification of Lenses and Images (8)
1.2.6 Spherical Mirrors (8)
1.2.7 Aberrations (9)
Words and Expressions (10)
Grammar 专业英语翻译方法(一):英汉句法对比的总结 (12)
Part 2 Wave Optics (13)
2.1 Waves (13)
2.1.1 Description of Waves (13)
2.1.2 Electromagnetic Waves (14)
2.1.3 Complex Exponential Functions (15)
2.2 Superposition of Waves (15)
2.3 Diffraction (16)
2.3.1 Huygens’ Principle (16)
2.3.2 Single-Slit Diffraction (17)
2.3.3 Fresnel Diffraction (18)
2.3.4 Far and Near Field (19)
2.4 Interference (19)
2.4.1 Interference by Division of Wavefront (19)
2.4.2 Interference by Division of Amplitude (21)
2.5 Coherence (22)
Words and Expressions (23)
Grammar 专业英语翻译方法(二):被动语态的译法 (25)
Part 3 Holography and Fourier Optics (28)
3.1 Holography (28)
3.1.1 Principle of Holography (28)
3.1.2 Classification of Holograms (29)
3.1.3 Rainbow Holography (30)
3.1.4 Computer-generated Holography (32)
3.2 Wave-Optics Analysis of Optical Systems (36)
3.2.1 Lens as a Phase Transformation (36)
3.2.2 Frequency Analysis of Optical Imaging Systems (39)
3.3 Optical Processing (42)
3.3.1 Abbe Theory (42)
3.3.2 Fourier-Transform Optics (44)
3.3.3 Spatial Filtering (45)
Words and Expressions (45)
Grammar 专业英语翻译方法(三):数字的译法 (48)
Part 4 Lasers (50)
4.1 Amplification of Light (50)
4.2 Optical Resonators (51)
4.2.1 Longitudinal Modes (51)
4.2.2 Transverse Modes (52)
4.2.3 Gaussian Beams (52)
4.2.4 Resonator Configurations (55)
4.2.5 Stability of Laser Resonators (56)
4.3 Laser Amplifier (57)
4.3.1 Pulse Amplification (57)
4.3.2 Signal Distortion (58)
4.3.3 Amplified Spontaneous Emission (60)
4.4 Laser Techniques (61)
4.4.1 Q-Switching (61)
4.4.2 Mode Locking (62)
4.4.3 Mode Selecting (63)
4.4.4 Frequency Control (64)
4.4.5 Wavelength Selection (65)
4.5 Laser Applications (66)
4.5.1 Laser in Military (67)
4.5.2 Laser in Medicine (70)
4.5.3 Laser in Industry (72)
4.5.4 Laser Cooling (73)
Words and Expressions (74)
Grammar 专业英语翻译方法(四):定语从句的译法 (78)
Part 5 Optical Fiber Communication (80)
5.1 Development of Optical Communication System (80)
5.2 Optical Fiber Characteristics (81)
5.2.1 Optical Losses (82)
5.2.2 Chromatic Dispersion (82)
5.2.3 Fiber Nonlinearities (84)
5.3 Propagation of Optical Beam in Fiber (85)
5.3.1 Mode Characteristics (86)
5.3.2 Optical Pulse Propagation and Pulse Spreading in Fibers (87)
5.3.3 Dispersion Management (88)
5.3.4 Solitons (89)
5.4 Impact of Fiber Nonlinearities (89)
5.4.1 Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (90)
5.4.2 Stimulated Raman Scattering (91)
5.4.3 Self-Phase Modulation (92)
5.4.4 Cross-Phase Modulation (94)
5.4.5 Four-Wave Mixing (94)
5.5 All Optical Network (95)
5.5.1 Components (97)
5.5.2 Modulations and Demodulations (99)
5.5.3 WDM Network Design (102)
Words and Expressions (103)
Grammar 专业英语翻译方法(五):名词的译法 (107)
Part 6 Optical Components (109)
6.1 Optical Media (109)
6.1.1 Optical Glasses (109)
6.1.2 Crystalline Optical Media (109)
6.1.3 Optical Plastics (110)
6.2 Spectral Filters (110)
6.2.1 Filtering Characteristics (110)
6.2.2 Absorption Filters (111)
6.2.3 Thin-Film Filters (112)
6.2.4 Miscellaneous Filter (113)
6.3 Integrated Optics (114)
6.3.1 Manufacturing (115)
6.3.2 Propagation in a Waveguide (117)
6.3.3 Coupling of Wave Energy (117)
6.3.4 Components (118)
6.4 Photoelectric and Thermal Detectors (120)
6.4.1 Phototubes (121)
6.4.2 Gaseous Amplification and Gas Photodiodes (122)
6.4.3 Photoconductive Detectors (122)
6.4.4 Image Detectors (123)
6.4.5 Thermal Detectors (124)
6.4.6 Comparison of Detectors (124)
Words and Expressions (125)
Grammar 专业英语翻译方法(六):状语从句的译法 (130)
Part 7 Applied Techniques (132)
7.1 Optical Thin Film Technology (132)
7.1.1 Design of Optical Thin
Part 1 Ray Optics (1)
1.1 Refraction and Reflection (1)
1.1.1 Refraction (1)
1.1.2 Index of Refraction (1)
1.1.3 Reflection (2)
1.1.4 Total Internal Reflection (2)
1.1.5 Reflecting Prisms (3)
1.2 Imaging (3)
1.2.1 Spherical Surfaces (3)
1.2.2 Object-Image Relationship (5)
1.2.3 Use of the Sign Conventions (6)
1.2.4 Lens Equation (6)
1.2.5 Classification of Lenses and Images (8)
1.2.6 Spherical Mirrors (8)
1.2.7 Aberrations (9)
Words and Expressions (10)
Grammar 专业英语翻译方法(一):英汉句法对比的总结 (12)
Part 2 Wave Optics (13)
2.1 Waves (13)
2.1.1 Description of Waves (13)
2.1.2 Electromagnetic Waves (14)
2.1.3 Complex Exponential Functions (15)
2.2 Superposition of Waves (15)
2.3 Diffraction (16)
2.3.1 Huygens’ Principle (16)
2.3.2 Single-Slit Diffraction (17)
2.3.3 Fresnel Diffraction (18)
2.3.4 Far and Near Field (19)
2.4 Interference (19)
2.4.1 Interference by Division of Wavefront (19)
2.4.2 Interference by Division of Amplitude (21)
2.5 Coherence (22)
Words and Expressions (23)
Grammar 专业英语翻译方法(二):被动语态的译法 (25)
Part 3 Holography and Fourier Optics (28)
3.1 Holography (28)
3.1.1 Principle of Holography (28)
3.1.2 Classification of Holograms (29)
3.1.3 Rainbow Holography (30)
3.1.4 Computer-generated Holography (32)
3.2 Wave-Optics Analysis of Optical Systems (36)
3.2.1 Lens as a Phase Transformation (36)
3.2.2 Frequency Analysis of Optical Imaging Systems (39)
3.3 Optical Processing (42)
3.3.1 Abbe Theory (42)
3.3.2 Fourier-Transform Optics (44)
3.3.3 Spatial Filtering (45)
Words and Expressions (45)
Grammar 专业英语翻译方法(三):数字的译法 (48)
Part 4 Lasers (50)
4.1 Amplification of Light (50)
4.2 Optical Resonators (51)
4.2.1 Longitudinal Modes (51)
4.2.2 Transverse Modes (52)
4.2.3 Gaussian Beams (52)
4.2.4 Resonator Configurations (55)
4.2.5 Stability of Laser Resonators (56)
4.3 Laser Amplifier (57)
4.3.1 Pulse Amplification (57)
4.3.2 Signal Distortion (58)
4.3.3 Amplified Spontaneous Emission (60)
4.4 Laser Techniques (61)
4.4.1 Q-Switching (61)
4.4.2 Mode Locking (62)
4.4.3 Mode Selecting (63)
4.4.4 Frequency Control (64)
4.4.5 Wavelength Selection (65)
4.5 Laser Applications (66)
4.5.1 Laser in Military (67)
4.5.2 Laser in Medicine (70)
4.5.3 Laser in Industry (72)
4.5.4 Laser Cooling (73)
Words and Expressions (74)
Grammar 专业英语翻译方法(四):定语从句的译法 (78)
Part 5 Optical Fiber Communication (80)
5.1 Development of Optical Communication System (80)
5.2 Optical Fiber Characteristics (81)
5.2.1 Optical Losses (82)
5.2.2 Chromatic Dispersion (82)
5.2.3 Fiber Nonlinearities (84)
5.3 Propagation of Optical Beam in Fiber (85)
5.3.1 Mode Characteristics (86)
5.3.2 Optical Pulse Propagation and Pulse Spreading in Fibers (87)
5.3.3 Dispersion Management (88)
5.3.4 Solitons (89)
5.4 Impact of Fiber Nonlinearities (89)
5.4.1 Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (90)
5.4.2 Stimulated Raman Scattering (91)
5.4.3 Self-Phase Modulation (92)
5.4.4 Cross-Phase Modulation (94)
5.4.5 Four-Wave Mixing (94)
5.5 All Optical Network (95)
5.5.1 Components (97)
5.5.2 Modulations and Demodulations (99)
5.5.3 WDM Network Design (102)
Words and Expressions (103)
Grammar 专业英语翻译方法(五):名词的译法 (107)
Part 6 Optical Components (109)
6.1 Optical Media (109)
6.1.1 Optical Glasses (109)
6.1.2 Crystalline Optical Media (109)
6.1.3 Optical Plastics (110)
6.2 Spectral Filters (110)
6.2.1 Filtering Characteristics (110)
6.2.2 Absorption Filters (111)
6.2.3 Thin-Film Filters (112)
6.2.4 Miscellaneous Filter (113)
6.3 Integrated Optics (114)
6.3.1 Manufacturing (115)
6.3.2 Propagation in a Waveguide (117)
6.3.3 Coupling of Wave Energy (117)
6.3.4 Components (118)
6.4 Photoelectric and Thermal Detectors (120)
6.4.1 Phototubes (121)
6.4.2 Gaseous Amplification and Gas Photodiodes (122)
6.4.3 Photoconductive Detectors (122)
6.4.4 Image Detectors (123)
6.4.5 Thermal Detectors (124)
6.4.6 Comparison of Detectors (124)
Words and Expressions (125)
Grammar 专业英语翻译方法(六):状语从句的译法 (130)
Part 7 Applied Techniques (132)
7.1 Optical Thin Film Technology (132)
7.1.1 Design of Optical Thin
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