chapter one santa claus: the true story / 1
santa claus: the true story 圣诞老人:那个真实的故事 / 2
popsicle sundays 冰棒星期天 / 8
a proposal to myself 对自己的忠告 / 12
new kid 新来的孩子 / 16
henry iv to gabrielle d'estrees 亨利四世致埃斯特雷的情书 / 22
your idea of a good friend 你心中的好朋友 / 24
in life we are happiest when... 生活中,我们最幸福时…… / 30
the man in the moon 月亮人 / 34
chapter two when you are old / 47
when you are old 当你老了 / 48
first period 第一次 / 50
on finding my way in the dark 走出黑暗 / 56
the beautiful flower 那朵美丽的花 / 66
he is a legend—warren buffett 传奇人物——沃伦?巴菲特 / 70
the camp triangle 露营三人行 / 74
three days to see 假如给我三天光明 / 78
just for today 就为了今天 / 86
chapter three to read when you're alone / 91
.to read when you're alone 当你孤独的时候读一读 / 92
who packs your parachute? 谁为你们准备了降落伞? / 98
class participation 上课记 / 102
pass the torch 传递火炬 / 106
speak up with confidence 充满自信地演讲 / 110
a girl and a harp 女孩与竖琴 / 114
beethoven to his immortal beloved 贝多芬致挚爱的信 / 120
i wandered lonely as a cloud 我孤独地漫游,像一朵云 / 124
chapter four the colors of friendship / 129
the rewards of living a solitary life 独自生活的报偿 / 130
the colors of friendship 色彩 / 134
love is... 爱是…… / 138
surviving and living 幸存和生存 / 140
they call me a tomboy 他们叫我假小子作家 / 146
confess forever 永远的忏悔 / 150
expensive childhood experience 珍贵的童年经历 / 154
simple and real friendship 普通朋友与知心朋友 / 158
chapter five just remember: i care / 163
the best gift 最珍贵的礼物 / 164
just remember: i care 请记住:我在意 / 170
king grisly-beard “吓人须”国王 / 174
anger 愤怒 / 184
i wanted to use myself as fiction and fact
在小说和现实中都做我自己 / 186
a boy in cave and a boy in palace 山洞里的男孩和皇宫里的男孩 / 192
a father's love 父亲的爱 / 202
robert browning to elizabeth barrett browning
罗伯特?勃朗宁致伊丽莎白·芭莱特·勃朗宁 / 206
charlotte's web 夏洛特的网 / 212
the little prince 小王子 / 218
chapter one santa claus: the true story / 1
santa claus: the true story 圣诞老人:那个真实的故事 / 2
popsicle sundays 冰棒星期天 / 8
a proposal to myself 对自己的忠告 / 12
new kid 新来的孩子 / 16
henry iv to gabrielle d'estrees 亨利四世致埃斯特雷的情书 / 22
your idea of a good friend 你心中的好朋友 / 24
in life we are happiest when... 生活中,我们最幸福时…… / 30
the man in the moon 月亮人 / 34
chapter two when you are old / 47
when you are old 当你老了 / 48
first period 第一次 / 50
on finding my way in the dark 走出黑暗 / 56
the beautiful flower 那朵美丽的花 / 66
he is a legend—warren buffett 传奇人物——沃伦?巴菲特 / 70
the camp triangle 露营三人行 / 74
three days to see 假如给我三天光明 / 78
just for today 就为了今天 / 86
chapter three to read when you're alone / 91
.to read when you're alone 当你孤独的时候读一读 / 92
who packs your parachute? 谁为你们准备了降落伞? / 98
class participation 上课记 / 102
pass the torch 传递火炬 / 106
speak up with confidence 充满自信地演讲 / 110
a girl and a harp 女孩与竖琴 / 114
beethoven to his immortal beloved 贝多芬致挚爱的信 / 120
i wandered lonely as a cloud 我孤独地漫游,像一朵云 / 124
chapter four the colors of friendship / 129
the rewards of living a solitary life 独自生活的报偿 / 130
the colors of friendship 色彩 / 134
love is... 爱是…… / 138
surviving and living 幸存和生存 / 140
they call me a tomboy 他们叫我假小子作家 / 146
confess forever 永远的忏悔 / 150
expensive childhood experience 珍贵的童年经历 / 154
simple and real friendship 普通朋友与知心朋友 / 158
chapter five just remember: i care / 163
the best gift 最珍贵的礼物 / 164
just remember: i care 请记住:我在意 / 170
king grisly-beard “吓人须”国王 / 174
anger 愤怒 / 184
i wanted to use myself as fiction and fact
在小说和现实中都做我自己 / 186
a boy in cave and a boy in palace 山洞里的男孩和皇宫里的男孩 / 192
a father's love 父亲的爱 / 202
robert browning to elizabeth barrett browning
罗伯特?勃朗宁致伊丽莎白·芭莱特·勃朗宁 / 206
charlotte's web 夏洛特的网 / 212
the little prince 小王子 / 218
Meeting the best of you:an English book for yourself
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