Country pine furniture projects : 32 classic pieces to build for your home / [Rev. ed.]. --
作 者:Bill Hylton ; illustrations by Sally Onopa ; photographs by Mitch Mandel.
Affordable, attractive, and timeless furniture for the home is made possible with this project guide that includes 32 easy-to-build classic country pieces, from small candle boxes and footstools, to a large Amish wardrobe and corner cupboard. With basic woodworking skills, a modest workshop, and a trip to the local lumberyard, builders are ready to use the detailed plans, exploded diagrams, and complete cut and dimension lists to reproduce beautiful designs that have endured for hundreds of years and are still wildly popular. Invaluable instructional features are also presented to drill down common woodworking techniques, such as routing dovetails or cutting a mortise and tenon joint, and simplify them in a sequence of photographed steps.
Making a board
Gluing up panels
Cutting mortise-and-tenon joints
Resawing on the table saw
Raising panels
Coving on the table saw
Routing dovetails
Routing an edge joint
Country finishes.
Gluing up panels
Cutting mortise-and-tenon joints
Resawing on the table saw
Raising panels
Coving on the table saw
Routing dovetails
Routing an edge joint
Country finishes.
Country pine furniture projects : 32 classic pieces to build for your home / [Rev. ed.]. --
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