A Reading Course of English for Science and Technology.2


作   者:徐锦凤,申娜娜主编;王志伟,穆念伟,夏保利册主编







unit 1 astronomy,space exploration天文学太空探索

article 1 introducti0n 简介

article 2 study of the solar system 太阳系

article 3 study of the stars恒星

article4 study of the milky way galaxy and other galaxies银河系外星系

article 5 cosmology宇宙论

article 6 the methodology of astronomy天文学方法论

article 7 elements of space flight太空飞行

article 8 launching into space and flight trajectories发射升空 飞行轨道

article 9 navigation,docking,and recovery导航太空对接回收

article 10 unmanned space programs无人太空计划

article 11 manned space programs载人太空计划

article 12 appucations sateijjtes 应用卫星

article 13 contributions to the physical sciences 太空探索对物理学的贡献

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unit 2 transportati0n交通运输

article 1 automobile汽车

article 2 railroad铁路

article 3 subway地铁

.article 4 locomotive火车机车

article 5 ships and shipbuilding船舶造船业

article 6 submarine潜艇

article 7 aerodynamics空气动力学

article 8 history of aviation航空史

article 9 airpiane 飞机

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unit 3 civil engineering 民用建筑

article 1 building construction建筑构造

article 2 bridge,cantilever桥梁悬臂

article 3 excavation挖掘

articie 4 caisson沉箱

article 5 soil mechanics土壤力学

article 6 cement and concrete,mortar水泥混凝土灰泥

article 7 sand沙

article 8 canal运河

article 9 water supply水力资源

article 10 sewage treatment污水处理

article 11 dredging疏浚

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unit 4 science 科学

article 1 science科学

article 2 history of science科学史

article 3 history of technology技术史

article 4 engineering工程学

article 5 communication通信

article 6 archeology考古学

article 7 statistics统计学

article 8 forensic science法学

article 9 anthropology,human being人类学人类

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unit 5 eiectronics电子学

article 1 electronics电子学

article 2 microelectronics,chip微电子学芯片

article 3 integrated circuit集成电路

article 4 computer计算机

article 5 microcomputer 微型计算机

article 6 calculator计算器

article 7 cybernetics控制论

article 8 robotics机器人技术

article 9 automation 自动控制

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unit 6 mechanics机械学

article 1 simple machine简单机械

article 2 machine tool机床

article 3 soldering and brazing焊接铜焊

article 4 engine发动机

article 5 turbine涡轮机

article 6 propeller螺旋桨

article 7 mechanical construction机械制造

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unit 7 metaulurgy冶金

article 1 metallurgy冶金

article 2兀jrnace 熔炉

article 3 casting浇铸

article 4 metal work,forging,welding and cutting金属加工铸造焊接切割

article 5 anneal.case harding,anodging焖火 表面硬化阳极电镀unit exercises单元练习

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unit 8 chemistry化学

article 1 chemistry,history of chembtry化学 化学史

article 2 elements元素

article 3 isotope 同位素

article 4 molecule,molecular weight,mole分子分子量摩尔

article 5 chemical reaction and catalyst化学反应催化剂

article 6 laws of chemical combinall0n,chemical formulasand equations化合定律化学式化学方程式

article 7 chemical analysis 化学分析

article 8 chemical bond and valence化学键化合价

article 9 ions and ionization离子离子化合物

article 10 decomposmon.dissociatjon and hydrolysis分解离解水解

article 11 neutralizarllon,neutral state 中和 中性状态

article 12 mixture,emulsion,suspension,precipitate 混合物乳浊液悬浮物沉淀物

article 13 solution and solubility溶液溶解度

article 14 diffusion,corrosion扩散腐蚀

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unit 9 volume 体积

article 1 gas 气体

article 2 oxygen氧

article 3 oxidation and reduction,oxide氧化分解氧化物

article 4 nitrogen氮

article 5 ammonia氨

article 6 hydrogen,hydrogen bond氢氢键

article 7 noble gas,helium,argon惰性气体 氦 氩

article 8 chlorine,chlorate,chloriform,chlordane 氯 氯酸盐 氯仿 氯丹

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unit 10 cajrbon碳

article 1 carbon碳

article 2 sulfur and hydrogen sulfide硫 硫化氢

article 3 sodium钠

article 4 silica硅

article 5 phosphorous and potassium磷钾

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unit 11 metals金属

article 1 metals金属

article 2 iron,wrought iron铁熟铁

article 3 steel钢

article 4 copper铜

article 5 aluminum铝

article 6 noble metal,silver贵金属 银

article 7 lead铅

article 8 uranium,uraninite,transuranic element铀沥青铀矿超铀元素

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unit 12 acid,base,salts酸 碱 盐

article 1 acid,base,salts酸碱盐

article 2 ph,indicator ph值 指示剂

article 3 aikali,alkali metal,alkaline earth metal 碱碱金属 碱土金属

article 4 sulfuric acid,sulfurous acid硫酸亚硫酸

article 5 hydrochloric acid,nitric acid,lactic acid盐酸硝酸乳酸

article 6 hydrate,hydroxide水合物 氢氧化物

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unit 13 olrganic chemistry有机化学

article 1 organic compounds有机化合物

article 2 homologue同族体

article 3 hydrocarbons碳氢化合物

article 4 plastic塑料

article 5 fdrmaidehyde,resin 甲醛 树脂
article 6 carbohydrates碳水化合物

article 7 acids酸

article 8 organic compounds and occupational diseases有机化合物职业病

unit exercises单元练习
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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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