Motherland: A Philosophical History of Russia
In this "lucid primer of Russian thought" (The TimesLiterary Supplement), Lesley Chamberlain finds that during thelast two centuries Russian intellectuals have asked two fundamentalquestions, "what makes a good man?" and "what is the right way tolive?" The nineteenth-century ideal of a happy man living in a justsociety became, in Russia, a quest to effect the wholesaletransformation of society. Chamberlain shows how this moralpassion, manifesting itself in philosophy and literature, existedin both pre- and post-revolutionary Russia. She reveals that 1917did not represent the watershed we once thought, and shows how thedreams of a plain and simple life reached its negative apotheosisunder Lenin. In Motherland, Lesley Chamberlain has produceda radical new interpretation of Russian intellectual history that,finally, gives a glimpse in to the soul of that singularcountry.
Preface to the U.S. Edition
PA aT I The Making of the Intelligentsia
The Men of the 1820
The Beautiful Souls
The New Men
The Populists
The Impact of Marx
The Silver Age
PART I I The Making of Russian Philosophy
The Moral Map
Rejecting the View from Descartes
The Contest of Good and Evil
PART III Against Idealism: Cure or Undoing?
Lenin and the View from No One
Motherland: A Philosophical History of Russia
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