Discrete-time control systems = 离散时间控制系统 / 2nd ed.
preface iii
chapter 1
introduction to discrete-tim control systems
1-1 introduction, 1
1-2 digital control systems, 5
1-3 quantizing and quantization error, 8
1-4 data acquisition, conversion, and distribution systems, 11
1-5 concluding comments, 20
chapter 2
the z transform 23
2-1 introduction, 23
2-2 the z transform, 24
2-3 z transforms of elementary functions, 25
2-4 important properties and theorems of the z transform, 31
2-5 the inverse z transform, 37
2-6 z transform method for solving difference equations, 52
2-7 concluding comments, 54
example problems and solutions, 55
problems, 70
chapter 3
.z-plane analysis of discrete. time control systems 74
3-1 introduction, 74
3-2 impulse sampling and data hold, 75
3-3 obtaining the ztransform by the convolution integral method, 83
3-4 reconstructing original signals from sampled signals, 90
3-5 the pulse transfer function, 98
3-6 realization of digital controllers and digital filters, 122
example problems and solutions, 138
problems, 166
chapter 4
design of discrete-time control systems by conventional methods 173
4-1 introduction, 173
4-2 mapping between the s plane and the z plane, 174
4-3 stability analysis of closed-loop systems in the z plane, 182
4-4 transient and steady-state response analysis, 193
4-5 design based on the root-locus method, 204
4-6 design based on the frequency-response method, 225
4-7 analytical design method, 242
example problems and solutions, 257
problems, 288
chapter 5
state-space analysis 293
5-1 introduction, 293
5-2 state-space representations of discrete-time systems, 297
5-3 solving discrete-time state-space equations, 302
5-4 pulse-transfer-function matrix, 310
5-5 discretization of continuous-time state-space equations, 312
5-6 liapunov stability analysis, 321
example problems and solutions, 336
problems, 370
chapter 6
pole placement and observer design 377
6-1 introduction, 377
6-2 controllability, 379
6-3 observability, 388
6-4 useful transformations in state-space analysis and design, 396
6-5 design via pole placement, 402
6-6 state observers, 421
6-7 servo systems, 460
example problems and solutions, 474
problems, 510
chapter 7
polynomial equations approach to control systems design 517
7-1 introduction, 517
7-2 diophantine equation, 518
7-3 illustrative example, 522
7-4 polynomial equations approach to control systems design, 525
7-5 design of model matching control systems, 532
example problems and solutions, 540
problems, 562
chapter 8
quadratic optimal control systems 566
8-1 introduction, 566
8-2 quadratic optimal control, 569
8-3 steady-state quadratic optimal control, 587
8-4 quadratic optimal control of a servo system, 596
example problems and solutions, 609
problems, 629
appendix a
vector-matrix analysis 633
a-1 definitions, 633
a-2 determinants, 633
a-3 inversion of matrices, 635
a-4 rules of matrix operations, 637
a-5 vectors and vector analysis, 643
a-6 eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and similarity transformation, 649
a-7 quadratic forms, 659
a-8 pseudoinverses, 663
example problems and solutions, 666
appendix b
z transform theory 681
b-1 introduction, 681
b-2 useful theorems of the z transform theory, 681
b-3 inverse z transformation and inversion integral method, 686
b-4 modified z transform method, 691
example problems and solutions, 697
appendix c
pole placement design with vector control 704
c-1 introduction, 704
c-2 preliminary discussions, 704
c-3 pole placement design, 707
example problems and solutions, 718
references 730
index 735
chapter 1
introduction to discrete-tim control systems
1-1 introduction, 1
1-2 digital control systems, 5
1-3 quantizing and quantization error, 8
1-4 data acquisition, conversion, and distribution systems, 11
1-5 concluding comments, 20
chapter 2
the z transform 23
2-1 introduction, 23
2-2 the z transform, 24
2-3 z transforms of elementary functions, 25
2-4 important properties and theorems of the z transform, 31
2-5 the inverse z transform, 37
2-6 z transform method for solving difference equations, 52
2-7 concluding comments, 54
example problems and solutions, 55
problems, 70
chapter 3
.z-plane analysis of discrete. time control systems 74
3-1 introduction, 74
3-2 impulse sampling and data hold, 75
3-3 obtaining the ztransform by the convolution integral method, 83
3-4 reconstructing original signals from sampled signals, 90
3-5 the pulse transfer function, 98
3-6 realization of digital controllers and digital filters, 122
example problems and solutions, 138
problems, 166
chapter 4
design of discrete-time control systems by conventional methods 173
4-1 introduction, 173
4-2 mapping between the s plane and the z plane, 174
4-3 stability analysis of closed-loop systems in the z plane, 182
4-4 transient and steady-state response analysis, 193
4-5 design based on the root-locus method, 204
4-6 design based on the frequency-response method, 225
4-7 analytical design method, 242
example problems and solutions, 257
problems, 288
chapter 5
state-space analysis 293
5-1 introduction, 293
5-2 state-space representations of discrete-time systems, 297
5-3 solving discrete-time state-space equations, 302
5-4 pulse-transfer-function matrix, 310
5-5 discretization of continuous-time state-space equations, 312
5-6 liapunov stability analysis, 321
example problems and solutions, 336
problems, 370
chapter 6
pole placement and observer design 377
6-1 introduction, 377
6-2 controllability, 379
6-3 observability, 388
6-4 useful transformations in state-space analysis and design, 396
6-5 design via pole placement, 402
6-6 state observers, 421
6-7 servo systems, 460
example problems and solutions, 474
problems, 510
chapter 7
polynomial equations approach to control systems design 517
7-1 introduction, 517
7-2 diophantine equation, 518
7-3 illustrative example, 522
7-4 polynomial equations approach to control systems design, 525
7-5 design of model matching control systems, 532
example problems and solutions, 540
problems, 562
chapter 8
quadratic optimal control systems 566
8-1 introduction, 566
8-2 quadratic optimal control, 569
8-3 steady-state quadratic optimal control, 587
8-4 quadratic optimal control of a servo system, 596
example problems and solutions, 609
problems, 629
appendix a
vector-matrix analysis 633
a-1 definitions, 633
a-2 determinants, 633
a-3 inversion of matrices, 635
a-4 rules of matrix operations, 637
a-5 vectors and vector analysis, 643
a-6 eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and similarity transformation, 649
a-7 quadratic forms, 659
a-8 pseudoinverses, 663
example problems and solutions, 666
appendix b
z transform theory 681
b-1 introduction, 681
b-2 useful theorems of the z transform theory, 681
b-3 inverse z transformation and inversion integral method, 686
b-4 modified z transform method, 691
example problems and solutions, 697
appendix c
pole placement design with vector control 704
c-1 introduction, 704
c-2 preliminary discussions, 704
c-3 pole placement design, 707
example problems and solutions, 718
references 730
index 735
Discrete-time control systems = 离散时间控制系统 / 2nd ed.
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