Publisher Summary 1
The classic 1998 Artech House book, Quick Finite Elements for Electromagnetic Waves, has now been revised and expanded to reflect the latest developments in the field, with new discussions on finite elements in 3D, 3D resonant cavities, and 3D waveguide devices. Using clear, concise text and dozens of real-world application examples, this book/CD-ROM package enables undergraduate and graduate students to quickly and easily work out challenging microwave engineering and high-frequency electromagnetic problems using the finite element method (FEM), and provides the code and tools needed to solve the three major types of EM problems: guided propagation, scattering, and radiation. Part I is an update of the 1998 edition, containing the original bidimensional codes in FORTRAN and their newly developed MATLAB translation, plus a new set of tools for exploiting MATLAB graphical capabilities. Part II is new, with three chapters devoted to 3D finite element method problems. This part presents codes developed in FORTRAN, and provides a 3D tool library and two codes, one for resonant cavity problems and one for solving waveguide devices. Part III is an annotated bibliography of the main books and articles published on finite elements for electromagnetics. The CD-ROM contains the complete software described in the book, in FORTRAN 77 for the whole book and in MATLAB for Part I. The software has been designed to be as platform independent and as version independent as possible. The MATLAB codes make use, when possible, of freely available mathematical, mesh generators, and graphical software packages, also included on the CD-ROM. Pelosi teaches electromagnetic fields at the University of Florence, Italy. Annotation 漏2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Quick Finite Elements for Electromagnetic Waves Second Edition 1
Contents 7
Preface 11
Preface to the First Edition 13
How to Use Quick FEM 15
PART I Two Dimensions 19
Chapter 1 Getting Started: ShieldedMicrostrip Lines 21
1.1 First Step: Preprocessing 25
1.2 Second Step: Building Element Matrices 30
1.3 Third Step: Assembling the Global Matrix 33
1.4 Fourth Step: Minimizing the Functional 35
1.5 Fifth Step: Postprocessing 37
1.6 Variational or Projective? 40
References 41
Chapter 2 Tools 43
2.1 Preprocessing 43
2.1.1 Input Geometry Description File 44
2.1.2 Output Mesh Description File 48
2.1.3 Mesh Regularization 50
2.1.4 Numbering Optimization 51
2.2 Element Matrices 53
2.2.1 Nodal Elements 54
2.2.2 Vector Elements 62
2.3 Global Matrices 64
2.3.1 The Band Storage Mode 65
2.3.2 The Sparse Storage Mode 66
2.4 Solving the Entire Problem 67
2.5 Postprocessing 67
2.6 The Matlab Framework 69
2.6.1 Using the Interface 71
2.6.2 The Data Framework 72
2.6.3 How to Code Yourself 73
2.7 Disc Description and Installation 74
2.7.1 FORTRAN Framework 74
2.7.2 Matlab Framework 75
References 75
Chapter 3 Microwave Guiding Structures:Characterization 77
3.1 Homogeneous Waveguides 77
3.2 Inhomogeneous Waveguides 82
3.3 Inhomogeneous Waveguides: Formulation 83
3.4 Numerical Implementation 87
3.5 The Code WG: Waveguides 89
3.6 Some Examples 92
3.7 Disc Content 98
3.7.1 FORTRAN 98
3.7.2 Matlab 98
References 99
Chapter 4 Microwave Guiding Structures:Devices and Circuits 101
4.1 The Finite Element----Modal Expansion Formulation: H-Plane Case 102
4.2 The Finite Element----Modal Expansion Formulation: E-Plane Case 105
4.3 Implementation 107
4.4 The Code EHDEV 110
4.5 Some Examples 114
4.6 Disc Content 119
4.6.1 FORTRAN 119
4.6.2 MATLAB 120
References 121
Chapter 5 Scattering and Antennas:Hybrid Methods 123
5.1 Scattering by a Periodic Structure: Formulation 125
5.2 Numerical Implementation 132
5.3 The Code GRATING 134
5.4 Some Examples 136
5.5 Disc Content 143
5.5.1 FORTRAN 143
5.5.2 Matlab 143
References 144
Chapter 6 Scattering and Antennas:Absorbing Boundary Conditions 147
6.1 Analytic ABC 148
6.2 Scattering Problems: Formulation with Analytic ABC 150
6.3 Analytic ABC: Implementation 152
6.4 The Concept of Perfectly Matched Anisotropic Absorber 154
6.5 Antenna Problems: Formulation Using PMA 158
6.6 PMA Implementation 161
6.7 The Code CYL 162
6.8 Code CYL: Some Examples 164
6.9 The Code OWG 167
6.10 Code OWG: Some Examples 170
6.11 Disc Content 176
6.11.1 FORTRAN 177
6.11.2 Matlab 178
References 178
PART II Three Dimensions 181
Chapter 7 Finite Elements in Three Dimensions 183
7.1 Preprocessing 183
7.1.1 Input Geometry Description File 184
7.1.2 Output Mesh Description File 188
7.2 Element Matrices 190
7.2.1 Nodal Elements 192
7.2.2 Vector Elements 199
7.3 Global Matrices 204
7.4 Solving the Linear System of Equations 204
7.5 Disc Content 206
7.5.1 3D-PART II 206
References 207
Chapter 8 Resonant Cavities 209
8.1 Formulation of the Three-Dimensional Eigenvalue Problem 209
8.2 Numerical Implementation 215
8.3 The Code Cavity 216
8.4 Code Cavity: Some Examples 218
8.5 Disc Content 226
References 226
Chapter 9 Waveguide Devices 229
9.1 Opening the Cavity: Formulation 229
9.2 Numerical Implementation 237
9.3 The Code WDEV 241
9.4 Some Examples 248
9.5 Disc Content 254
References 254
PART III To Probe Further 257
Chapter 10 Selected Bibliography 259
10.1 Books 259
10.2 Scientific Literature 261
10.2.1 Fundamental Issues 261
10.2.2 Microwave Circuits and Devices 263
10.2.3 Radial Propagation 265
10.3 Advanced Topics and Methodologies in Finite Elements 268
References 271
About the Authors 293
About the Contributor 294
Index 297
Contents 7
Preface 11
Preface to the First Edition 13
How to Use Quick FEM 15
PART I Two Dimensions 19
Chapter 1 Getting Started: ShieldedMicrostrip Lines 21
1.1 First Step: Preprocessing 25
1.2 Second Step: Building Element Matrices 30
1.3 Third Step: Assembling the Global Matrix 33
1.4 Fourth Step: Minimizing the Functional 35
1.5 Fifth Step: Postprocessing 37
1.6 Variational or Projective? 40
References 41
Chapter 2 Tools 43
2.1 Preprocessing 43
2.1.1 Input Geometry Description File 44
2.1.2 Output Mesh Description File 48
2.1.3 Mesh Regularization 50
2.1.4 Numbering Optimization 51
2.2 Element Matrices 53
2.2.1 Nodal Elements 54
2.2.2 Vector Elements 62
2.3 Global Matrices 64
2.3.1 The Band Storage Mode 65
2.3.2 The Sparse Storage Mode 66
2.4 Solving the Entire Problem 67
2.5 Postprocessing 67
2.6 The Matlab Framework 69
2.6.1 Using the Interface 71
2.6.2 The Data Framework 72
2.6.3 How to Code Yourself 73
2.7 Disc Description and Installation 74
2.7.1 FORTRAN Framework 74
2.7.2 Matlab Framework 75
References 75
Chapter 3 Microwave Guiding Structures:Characterization 77
3.1 Homogeneous Waveguides 77
3.2 Inhomogeneous Waveguides 82
3.3 Inhomogeneous Waveguides: Formulation 83
3.4 Numerical Implementation 87
3.5 The Code WG: Waveguides 89
3.6 Some Examples 92
3.7 Disc Content 98
3.7.1 FORTRAN 98
3.7.2 Matlab 98
References 99
Chapter 4 Microwave Guiding Structures:Devices and Circuits 101
4.1 The Finite Element----Modal Expansion Formulation: H-Plane Case 102
4.2 The Finite Element----Modal Expansion Formulation: E-Plane Case 105
4.3 Implementation 107
4.4 The Code EHDEV 110
4.5 Some Examples 114
4.6 Disc Content 119
4.6.1 FORTRAN 119
4.6.2 MATLAB 120
References 121
Chapter 5 Scattering and Antennas:Hybrid Methods 123
5.1 Scattering by a Periodic Structure: Formulation 125
5.2 Numerical Implementation 132
5.3 The Code GRATING 134
5.4 Some Examples 136
5.5 Disc Content 143
5.5.1 FORTRAN 143
5.5.2 Matlab 143
References 144
Chapter 6 Scattering and Antennas:Absorbing Boundary Conditions 147
6.1 Analytic ABC 148
6.2 Scattering Problems: Formulation with Analytic ABC 150
6.3 Analytic ABC: Implementation 152
6.4 The Concept of Perfectly Matched Anisotropic Absorber 154
6.5 Antenna Problems: Formulation Using PMA 158
6.6 PMA Implementation 161
6.7 The Code CYL 162
6.8 Code CYL: Some Examples 164
6.9 The Code OWG 167
6.10 Code OWG: Some Examples 170
6.11 Disc Content 176
6.11.1 FORTRAN 177
6.11.2 Matlab 178
References 178
PART II Three Dimensions 181
Chapter 7 Finite Elements in Three Dimensions 183
7.1 Preprocessing 183
7.1.1 Input Geometry Description File 184
7.1.2 Output Mesh Description File 188
7.2 Element Matrices 190
7.2.1 Nodal Elements 192
7.2.2 Vector Elements 199
7.3 Global Matrices 204
7.4 Solving the Linear System of Equations 204
7.5 Disc Content 206
7.5.1 3D-PART II 206
References 207
Chapter 8 Resonant Cavities 209
8.1 Formulation of the Three-Dimensional Eigenvalue Problem 209
8.2 Numerical Implementation 215
8.3 The Code Cavity 216
8.4 Code Cavity: Some Examples 218
8.5 Disc Content 226
References 226
Chapter 9 Waveguide Devices 229
9.1 Opening the Cavity: Formulation 229
9.2 Numerical Implementation 237
9.3 The Code WDEV 241
9.4 Some Examples 248
9.5 Disc Content 254
References 254
PART III To Probe Further 257
Chapter 10 Selected Bibliography 259
10.1 Books 259
10.2 Scientific Literature 261
10.2.1 Fundamental Issues 261
10.2.2 Microwave Circuits and Devices 263
10.2.3 Radial Propagation 265
10.3 Advanced Topics and Methodologies in Finite Elements 268
References 271
About the Authors 293
About the Contributor 294
Index 297
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