Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, Volume 2: Scientific Foundations and Principles of Practice provides a thorough review of the basic science information concerning the tissues of the musculoskeletal system impacted by injury or disease, as well as the guiding principles upon which rehabilitation interventions are based. This volume divides information into two sections: scientific foundations and principles of intervention, providing readers with a guiding set of clinical foundations and principles upon which they can easily develop treatment interventions for specific impairments and functional limitations.
Clinical application case studies help readers apply what they learn in the classroom to real life situations. Evidence-based content uses over 5,000 references to support the basic science information principles for rehabilitation interventions and provide the best evidence and physiological reasoning for treatment. Over 180 tables and 275 text boxes highlight key points within the text for better understanding. Expert editors David Magee, PhD, PT, James Zachazewski, DPT, SCS, ATC, Sandy Quillen, PT, PhD, SCS, FACSM and over 70 contributors provide authoritative guidance on the foundations and principles of musculoskeletal rehabilitation practice.
Table Of Contents:
Injury, Inflammation, and Repair: Tissue Mechanics, the Healing Process, and Their Impact on the Musculoskeletal System 1(22)
Ai Choo Lee
William S. Quillen
David J. Magee
James E. Zachazewski
Ligament Injuries: Pathophysiology, Healing, and Treatment Considerations 23(24)
Kevin A. Hildebrand
David A. Hart
Jerome B. Rattner
Linda L. Marchuk
Cyril B. Frank
Tendon Pathology and Injuries: Pathophysiology, Healing, and Treatment Considerations 47(32)
Sandra L. Curwin
Adaptability of Skeletal Muscle: Responses to Increased and Decreased Use 79(18)
William J. Kraemer
Barry A. Spiering
Jason D. Vescovi
Skeletal Muscle: Deformation, Injury, Repair, and Treatment Considerations 97(25)
Elizabeth Matzkin
James E. Zachazewski
William E. Garrett
Terry R. Malone
Bone Biology and Mechanics 122(22)
Barbara J. Loitz-Ramage
Ronald F. Zernicke
Cartilage of Human Joints and Related Structures 144(31)
Katie Lundon
Joan M. Walker
Peripheral Nerve: Structure, Function, and Physiology 175(15)
David S. Butler
John P. Tomberlin
Articular Neurophysiology and Sensorimotor Control 190(27)
Glenn N. Williams
Chandramouli Krishnan
Pain: Perception and Mechanisms 217(21)
Marie K. Hoeger Bement
Kathleen A. Sluka
Physiological Basis of Physical Agents 238(17)
Mark A. Merrick
Pharmacology and Its Impact on the Rehabilitation Process 255(27)
Ellen M. Schelhase
Judy T. Chen
Joseph Jordan
Deanna S. Kania
Brian R. Overholser
Brian M. Shepler
Kevin M. Sowinski
Craig D. Williams
Effects of Aging-Growth Changes and Life Span Concerns (0-40) 282(23)
Lori Thein Brody
Jill M. Thein-Nissenbaum
Effects of Aging-Growth Changes and Life Span Concerns Ages (40+) 305(9)
Marybeth Brown
Rehabilitation Program Development: Clinical Decision Making, Prioritization, and Program Integration 314(14)
Patricia E. Sullivan
Michael S. Puniello
Poonam K. Pardasaney
Clinicians' Roles in Health Promotion, Wellness, and Physical Fitness 328(29)
Marilyn Moffat
Physiological Principles of Conditioning for the Injured and Disabled 357(18)
Howard A. Wenger
Paula F. McFadyen
Laura Middleton
Ross A. McFadyen
Principles of Neuromuscular Control for Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation 375(13)
Terese L. Chmielewski
Timothy E. Hewett
Wendy J. Hurd
Lynn Snyder-Mackler
Principles of Stabilization Training 388(26)
David J. Magee
James E. Zachazewski
Integration of the Cardiovascular System in Assessment and Interventions in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 414(18)
Mark J. Haykowsky
Ellen A. Hillegass
Physiological Principles of Resistance Training and Functional Integration for the Injured and Disabled 432(26)
Daniel J. Cipriani
Jeffrey E. Falkel
Psychology of the Injured Patient 458(18)
Cal Botterill
Frances A. Flint
Lydia Ievleva
Integration of Stresses and Their Relationship to the Kinetic Chain 476(11)
Sergio Teixeira da Fonseca
Juliana de Melo Ocarino
Paulo Lanna Pereira da Silva
Cecilia Ferreira de Aquino
Arthrokinematics and Mobilization of Musculoskeletal Tissue: The Principles 487(40)
Lorrie L. Maffey
Range of Motion and Flexibility 527(30)
James E. Zachazewski
The Utility of Orthopedic Clinical Tests for Diagnosis 557(11)
Daniel J. Cipriani
Jeffrey B. Noftz II
Imaging Joints and Musculoskeletal Tissue: Pathoanatomic Considerations 568(39)
J. Bradley Barr
Robert E. Berg
Fracture Management 607(26)
Sachin K. Patel
Bruce H. Dick
Brian D. Busconi
Functional Testing and Return to Activity 633(32)
Gary P. Austin
Rehabilitation Outcomes: Measuring Change in Patients to Guide Clinical Decision Making 665
Laura A. May
Douglas P. Gross
Injury, Inflammation, and Repair: Tissue Mechanics, the Healing Process, and Their Impact on the Musculoskeletal System 1(22)
Ai Choo Lee
William S. Quillen
David J. Magee
James E. Zachazewski
Ligament Injuries: Pathophysiology, Healing, and Treatment Considerations 23(24)
Kevin A. Hildebrand
David A. Hart
Jerome B. Rattner
Linda L. Marchuk
Cyril B. Frank
Tendon Pathology and Injuries: Pathophysiology, Healing, and Treatment Considerations 47(32)
Sandra L. Curwin
Adaptability of Skeletal Muscle: Responses to Increased and Decreased Use 79(18)
William J. Kraemer
Barry A. Spiering
Jason D. Vescovi
Skeletal Muscle: Deformation, Injury, Repair, and Treatment Considerations 97(25)
Elizabeth Matzkin
James E. Zachazewski
William E. Garrett
Terry R. Malone
Bone Biology and Mechanics 122(22)
Barbara J. Loitz-Ramage
Ronald F. Zernicke
Cartilage of Human Joints and Related Structures 144(31)
Katie Lundon
Joan M. Walker
Peripheral Nerve: Structure, Function, and Physiology 175(15)
David S. Butler
John P. Tomberlin
Articular Neurophysiology and Sensorimotor Control 190(27)
Glenn N. Williams
Chandramouli Krishnan
Pain: Perception and Mechanisms 217(21)
Marie K. Hoeger Bement
Kathleen A. Sluka
Physiological Basis of Physical Agents 238(17)
Mark A. Merrick
Pharmacology and Its Impact on the Rehabilitation Process 255(27)
Ellen M. Schelhase
Judy T. Chen
Joseph Jordan
Deanna S. Kania
Brian R. Overholser
Brian M. Shepler
Kevin M. Sowinski
Craig D. Williams
Effects of Aging-Growth Changes and Life Span Concerns (0-40) 282(23)
Lori Thein Brody
Jill M. Thein-Nissenbaum
Effects of Aging-Growth Changes and Life Span Concerns Ages (40+) 305(9)
Marybeth Brown
Rehabilitation Program Development: Clinical Decision Making, Prioritization, and Program Integration 314(14)
Patricia E. Sullivan
Michael S. Puniello
Poonam K. Pardasaney
Clinicians' Roles in Health Promotion, Wellness, and Physical Fitness 328(29)
Marilyn Moffat
Physiological Principles of Conditioning for the Injured and Disabled 357(18)
Howard A. Wenger
Paula F. McFadyen
Laura Middleton
Ross A. McFadyen
Principles of Neuromuscular Control for Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation 375(13)
Terese L. Chmielewski
Timothy E. Hewett
Wendy J. Hurd
Lynn Snyder-Mackler
Principles of Stabilization Training 388(26)
David J. Magee
James E. Zachazewski
Integration of the Cardiovascular System in Assessment and Interventions in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 414(18)
Mark J. Haykowsky
Ellen A. Hillegass
Physiological Principles of Resistance Training and Functional Integration for the Injured and Disabled 432(26)
Daniel J. Cipriani
Jeffrey E. Falkel
Psychology of the Injured Patient 458(18)
Cal Botterill
Frances A. Flint
Lydia Ievleva
Integration of Stresses and Their Relationship to the Kinetic Chain 476(11)
Sergio Teixeira da Fonseca
Juliana de Melo Ocarino
Paulo Lanna Pereira da Silva
Cecilia Ferreira de Aquino
Arthrokinematics and Mobilization of Musculoskeletal Tissue: The Principles 487(40)
Lorrie L. Maffey
Range of Motion and Flexibility 527(30)
James E. Zachazewski
The Utility of Orthopedic Clinical Tests for Diagnosis 557(11)
Daniel J. Cipriani
Jeffrey B. Noftz II
Imaging Joints and Musculoskeletal Tissue: Pathoanatomic Considerations 568(39)
J. Bradley Barr
Robert E. Berg
Fracture Management 607(26)
Sachin K. Patel
Bruce H. Dick
Brian D. Busconi
Functional Testing and Return to Activity 633(32)
Gary P. Austin
Rehabilitation Outcomes: Measuring Change in Patients to Guide Clinical Decision Making 665
Laura A. May
Douglas P. Gross
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