Paitings : a comparison between Chinese and western : sculpture /
作 者:compiled by Huang Zongxian & Wu Yongqiang
《A Comparison Bwtween Chinese And Western:Paintings》The Expression of Individualities and Psychological Self Comfort——The Comparison of Historical Roles between Chinese and Western PaintingsEach stage of development in Chinese and western paintingsoccurred at different times and in a different order. The development of each stage of either one witnessed overlapping phenomena but both of them experienced four stages i.e. rock paintings, paintings on objects such as pottery and handicrafts, religious mural paintings andindependent individual paintings. Since he is not introducing the history of painting this author will compare the roles of paintings according to the four stages.
Chapter I" The Expression of Individualities and Psychological Self Comfort
The Comparison of Historical Roles between Chinese and Western Paintings.
The Carrier for Records of Human Events in Early Times-Rock and Cave Paintings
Pottery Decoration and Decorations on Other Wares
Paintings with Religious Themes
Western Paintings from the Altar to a Man's World
Chinese Paintings of Propaganda, Education and Sympathy
Chapter I1" The Directness of the Hunting
Style and the Restraint of the Farming Style A Comparison of Emotions between
Chinese and Western Paintings
Directness and Restraint
Sense and Sensibility
Objective and Subjective
Restriction and Opening
Chapter II1 Express in a Flat Way and Place Feelings on the Landscape
——A Comparison of the Tendency in Themes between Chinese and Western Paintings
Different Expressive Ways on Same Themes
Narrative and Landscape Paintings
Chapter IV: Colours and Inks
——A Comparison of Colour Concepts and Usage between
Chinese and Western Paintings
Colours and Inks in Landscapes
Colour Taboos in Painting
Five-colour Inks
Chapter V: Rich-colour Painting and Light Water-ink Painting
——Arison of Skills between Chinese and Western Paintings
Focus and Scattered-points Perspective
Surface and Line
Addition and Subtraction
Abstraction, Generalization and Representation
Parts and the Whole
Chapter Vl: Dialectics between Motion and Rest
Comparison of Representational Forms between Chinese and Western Paintings
Motion and Rest in Paintings
Motion and Rest in Representational Methods of Painting
Appendix: A Brief Introduction to Chinese and Western Painting Materials
Chapter I" The Expression of Individualities and Psychological Self Comfort
The Comparison of Historical Roles between Chinese and Western Paintings.
The Carrier for Records of Human Events in Early Times-Rock and Cave Paintings
Pottery Decoration and Decorations on Other Wares
Paintings with Religious Themes
Western Paintings from the Altar to a Man's World
Chinese Paintings of Propaganda, Education and Sympathy
Chapter I1" The Directness of the Hunting
Style and the Restraint of the Farming Style A Comparison of Emotions between
Chinese and Western Paintings
Directness and Restraint
Sense and Sensibility
Objective and Subjective
Restriction and Opening
Chapter II1 Express in a Flat Way and Place Feelings on the Landscape
——A Comparison of the Tendency in Themes between Chinese and Western Paintings
Different Expressive Ways on Same Themes
Narrative and Landscape Paintings
Chapter IV: Colours and Inks
——A Comparison of Colour Concepts and Usage between
Chinese and Western Paintings
Colours and Inks in Landscapes
Colour Taboos in Painting
Five-colour Inks
Chapter V: Rich-colour Painting and Light Water-ink Painting
——Arison of Skills between Chinese and Western Paintings
Focus and Scattered-points Perspective
Surface and Line
Addition and Subtraction
Abstraction, Generalization and Representation
Parts and the Whole
Chapter Vl: Dialectics between Motion and Rest
Comparison of Representational Forms between Chinese and Western Paintings
Motion and Rest in Paintings
Motion and Rest in Representational Methods of Painting
Appendix: A Brief Introduction to Chinese and Western Painting Materials
Paitings : a comparison between Chinese and western : sculpture /
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