Vegetables I : Asteraceae, brassicaceae, chenopodicaceae, and cucurbitaceae /


作   者:edited by Jaime Prohens and Fernando Nuez.





The production and consumption of vegetables has expanded dramatically in the last years, with a global growth in the production of more than 50% in the last decade and it is expected that in the coming years, vegetable crops production will continue its expansion. The vegetables seed market is very dynamic and competitive, and predominant varieties are quickly replaced by new varieties. Therefore, updated information on the state of the art of the genetic improvement of specific crops is of interest to vegetable crops breeders, researchers and scholars. During the last years an immense quantity of new knowledge on the genetic diversity of vegetables and the utilization of genetic resources, breeding methods and techniques and on the development and utilization of modern biotechnologies in vegerables crop breeding has accumulated, and there is a need of a major reference work that synthesizes this information.


Preface p. vii
Contributors p. ix
Family Asteraceae (=Compositae)
1 Chicory and Endive Margherita Lucchin and Serena Varotto and Gianni Barcaccia and Paolo Parrini p. 3
2 Globe Artichoke and Cardoon Sergio Lanteri and Ezio Portis p. 49
3 Lettuce Beiquan Mou p. 75
Family Brassicaceae (=Cruciferae)
4 Cabbage and Kale Amando Ordas and M. Elena Cartea p. 119
5 Cauliflower and Broccoli Ferdinando Branca p. 151
Family Chenopodiaceae
6 Spinach Teddy E. Morelock and James C. Correll p. 189
7 Table Beet Irwin L. Goldman and John P. Navazio p. 219
Family Cucurbitaceae
8 Cucumber Jack E. Staub and Matthew D. Robbins and Todd C. Wehner p. 241
9 Melon Michel Pitrat p. 283
10 Pumpkin and Winter Squash Maria Ferriol and Belen Pico p. 317
11 Summer Squash Harry S. Paris p. 351
12 Watermelon Todd C. Wehner p. 381
Index p. 419



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Vegetables I : Asteraceae, brassicaceae, chenopodicaceae, and cucurbitaceae /
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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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