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This work establishes a foundation for understanding the theory and design principles of the transmission line transformer. It reviews the work of Guanella and Ruthroff and compares their techniques for obtaining a broad-band transformer with a 1:4 impedance transformation ratio, then analyzes low- and high-frequency responses of transformers, and examines transformer parameters for low- and high- impedance applications. Unbalanced-to-unbalanced transformer designs are discussed, and materials and power ratings and simple test equipment are covered. This fourth edition contains new chapters on transmission line transformers, power combiners and mixer transformers, and equal-delay transformers. There is no subject index. The author, retired from AT&T Bell Laboratories, is a technical advisor for the American Radio Relay League. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)


Chapter 1 Analysis
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The Basic Building Block
1.3 The Guanella Analysis
1.4 The Ruthroff Analysis
Chapter 2 Low-Frequency Characterization
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Low-Frequency Analyses of Ruthroff's 1:4 Transformers
2.3 Low-Frequency Analyses of Guanella's 1:4 Transformers
2.4 The Rod v the Toroid
2.5 Rod Parameters
Chapter 3 High-Frequency Characterization
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Experiment v Theory
3.3 To Twist or Not to Twist
3.4 The Autotranformer v the Transmission Line Transformer
3.5 Ferrites and Frequency Response
Chapter 4 Transformer Parameters for Low-Impedance Applications
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Stripline Transformers
4.3 Low-Impedance Coaxial Cable Transformers
4.4 The Third Winding
Chapter 5 Transformer Parameters for High-Impedance Applications
5.1 Introduction
5.2 High-Impedance Limitations
5.3 Long Transmission Lines
5.4 Variable Characteristic Impedance Lines
5.5 Series Transformers
Chapter 6 1:4 Unbalanced-to-Unbalanced Transformer Designs
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Schematics and Pictorials
6.3 12.5:50-[Omega] Ununs
6.4 25:100-[Omega], 50:200-[Omega] Ununs 75:300-[Omega] Ununs
Chapter 7 Unbalanced-to-Unbalanced Transformer Designs with Impedance Ratios Less Than 1:4
7.1 Introduction
7.2 1:1.5 Ununs
7.2.1 Tapped-Bifilar Transformers
7.2.2 Quintufilar Transformers
7.3 1:2 Ununs
7.4 1:4 Ununs
Chapter 8 Unbalanced -to-Unbalanced Transformer Designs with Impedance Ratios Greater Than 1:4
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Guanella Transformers
8.2.1 5.56:50-[Omega] Ununs
8.2.2 50:300-[Omega] Ununs
8.2.3 50:450-[Omega] Ununs
8.2.4 50:600-[Omega] Ununs
8.2.5 50:800-[Omega] Ununs
8.3 Ruthroff-Type Transformers
8.3.1 5.56:50-[Omega] Ununs
8.3.2 50:450-[Omega] Ununs
8.3.3 3.125:50-[Omega] Ununs
8.4 Ruthroff-Guanella Transformers
8.5 Coaxial Cable Transformers: Ruthroff-Type
Chapter 9 Baluns
9.1 Introduction
9.2 The 1:1 Balun
9.2.1 Rod v Toroidal Baluns
9.2.2 Bifilar v Trifilar Baluns
9.2.3 Air-Core v Ferrite-Core Baluns
9.3 The 1:4 Balun
9.3.1 50:200-[Omega] Baluns
9.3.2 75:300-[Omega] Baluns
9.3.3 25:100-[Omega] Baluns
9.3.4 12:5:50-[Omega] Baluns
9.4 The 1:9 Balun
9.5 Baluns for Yagi, Quad and Rhombic Antennas
9.5.1 Yagi Beams
9.5.2 Quad Antennas
9.5.3 Rhombic Antennas
Chapter 10 Multimatch Transformers
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Dual-Output Transformers
10.2.1 1:1.5 and 1:3 Ratios
10.2.2 1:2 and 1:4 Ratios
10.3 Parallel Transformers
10.4 Dual-Output, Parallel Transformers
10.5 8-Ratio Transformer
Chapter 11 Materials and Power Ratings
11.1 Introduction
11.2 History of Ferrites
11.3 Experimental Results
11.4 Power Ratings
11.5 Suppliers of Materials
Chapter 12 Simple Test Equipment
12.1 Introduction
12.2 The Wheatstone Bridge
12.3 A High-Frequency Resistive Bridge
12.4 Signal Generators
12.5 Efficiency Measurements--The Soak Test
12.6 Characteristic Impedance Measurements
Chapter 13 Hints and Kinks
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Selecting Ferrites-Substitutions
13.3 Winding Rod Transformers
13.4 Winding Toroidal Transformers
13.5 Constructing Low-Impedance Coaxial Cable
13.6 The Care and Handling of Ferrite Transformers
Chapter 14 Summary Statements
Chapter 15 References
Chapter 16 Transmission Line Transformer Efficiency
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Loss Mechanisms
Chapter 17 Notes on Power Combiners and Mixer Transformers
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Power Combiners and Splitters
17.3 New Models
17.4 Mixer Transformers
17.5 Double-Balanced Mixer Operation
Chapter 18 Equal-Delay Transformers
18.1 Introduction
18.2 The Need for Fractional-Ratio Transformers
18.3 The Equal-Delay Transformer
18.4 Integer [n superscript 2] Ratio Equal-Delay Transformers
18.5 Fractional [(n/m) superscript 2] Ratio Equal Delay Transfomers
18.6 Unun v Balun Equal-Delay Transformers
18.7 Calculation of Impedance Transformation Ratios
18.8 Achievable Transformation Ratios
18.9 A 50- to 75-Ohm Equal-Delay Unun Example
18.10 Performance of the 50-to 75-Ohm Transformer
Chapter 19 Additional References
About the Author



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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