家庭作业 Homework ……………………………1
引人入胜的书 Appealing book …………………2
汽车出了故障 There is a breakdown on the car …………………3
会走的箱子 Walking suitcase …………………………………4
调解人 Mediator …………………………………5
越看越像 More like while watching further …………………6
正中靶心 Right in the center bull’s eye ……………………7
生发术 Hair growing method ……………………8
家中游艺演出Entertainment show at home ……………………8
图画的局限 Limitation of drawing ……………9
锻炼的结果The result of exercises ……………10
哄儿入睡 Get the son to sleep …………………11
好榜样 Good example …………………………13
前长?后短?The front is long? The back is short? ……………14
做蛋糕 Make cake ……………………………15
寻找出逃的儿子 Looking for escaping son …………………………16
为了安慰儿子 For comforting the son …………………………17
儿子的报复 Retaliation from the son ……………18
一年之后 One year later …………………………19
“小兔送的”“Little rabbit gave it to me.” ……………………20
挑战失败 The challenge fails ……………………21
买四张儿童票 Buy four child tickets …………22
球赛再现 Football match reappearance ………23
鱼儿来信 A letter from the fish …………………24
顺利解决 Smooth solution ……………………25
实用发明 Practical invention …………………26
不想被打扰 Don’t want to be interrupted ………27
本性难移 It is difficult to change the natural instincts ……28
生日的惊奇 A birthday surprise ………………29
父子各一对The dad and the son become two couples ………30
这下够用了 It is enough now ……………………31
输不起的父亲 Dad, bad loser ……………………32
指责也该有限度 Scold should have a stop …………………………33
夕阳西下 The sun sets …………………………34
失败的音乐会 A failing concert …………………35
梦游病患者 Nightwalker ………………………37
吓人的胡子 Fearful moustache …………………38
螺旋形 Spiral …………………………………39
再来一次 Once again ……………………………40
误把光头当足球 The shaven head is mistaken as a football ………41
梦与现实 Dream and reality ……………………42
帮忙的教训 A lesson from a help ………………43
人靠衣装 The tailor makes the man ……………44
得按次序来 In order ……………………………45
以为失火 Consider fire…………………………46
艺术的魅力 The charm of art …………………47
“战争”允许一切手段 “War” allows all the means ………………………48
最后一个苹果 Last apple ………………………49
倔强的马 Hard-nosed horse ……………………50
老爸签名 The dad’s signature …………………51
真的钓了条大鱼 Really fish a big fish ……………………………52
秘密的圣诞礼物制作者 Secret Christmas gift makers ……………………54
圣诞礼物 Christmas gift ………………………56
除夕新事 New matter at the eve ………………57
意外收获 Unexpected gain ……………………59
奉献出早点面包 Sacrifice the breakfast bread ……………………61
聪明的马 Clever horse …………………………62
鬼怪 Ghost ………………………………………63
用烧焦的豆子进行教育 Educate by scorched peas ………………………64
击中要害的题词A meritorious word …………66
爆竹香烟 Firecracker cigarette …………………67
假面舞会的化装 Makeup for a fancy dress ball …………………69
蒙混过关 Get by under false pretense ……………………70
喂天鹅 Feed swan ………………………………71
带锚的帽子 A hat with an anchor ………………72
白套近乎 Waste the cottoning up ………………73
上当了 Be fooled ………………………………74
让复活节的兔子吃惊 To surprise the rabbit of Easter …………………75
爱的力量 Power of love ………………………76
这下不像了They are not like with each other this time ………77
这回无法偷吃了It can’t eat by stealth ……………………………78
蘑菇 Mushroom ………………………………79
叼回铅弹 Hold plumb back ……………………81
真遗憾 A pity …………………………………82
管教晚矣 It is too late to discipl ………………83
总有办法 Method is always there ………………84
假期第一天 The first day on holiday …………………………85
输光了 Clear out ………………………………86
放生 Set free ……………………………………87
我要歌德的书I want a book by Goethe …………………………88
执行医生的禁令Execute doctor’s ban ……………………………89
铅球运动员 Shot-putter …………………………90
冠军 Champion …………………………………91
同情马蜂的教训A lesson from sympathizing hornet ……………92
想逃学 Want to play truant ……………………93
钓鱼 Fishing ……………………………………94
儿子的礼物 A gift from the son …………………95
新镜子 New mirror ……………………………96
忍无可忍 Can’t bear ……………………………97
出力不讨好 Do a thankless task ………………98
图钉的妙用 Good use of a thumb pin …………99
想当爸爸也不难 It is not difficult to be the dad …………………100
吸引人的书 Appealing book …………………101
智慧战胜力量 Wisdom surmounts power ……102
木偶戏 Puppet show ……………………………103
家教 Family education …………………………104
拍电影的“兔子” “Rabbits” in shoot ………………………………105
魔术书 Magic book ……………………………106
节前的秘密 Secret before a festival …………107
圣诞节的来客 Guests on Christmas Day ………………………108
曾祖父、祖父、父亲和儿子 Great grandpa, grandpa, the dad and the son……109
除夕的一场虚惊 A false alarm in the Spring Festival Eve ………110
飞来的野鸭 A mallard flies here ………………111
独特的晨报 Unique morning newspaper …………………112
A punishment brought by an aviation letter ……113
Striking back from “snow man” ………………114
自制的雪橇 Homemade sleigh …………………115
自责 Self-accusation ……………………………116
一条滑道的发现 Finding of a chute …………117
狮子来了 A lion comes ………………………118
养鱼记 A record of fish breeding ………………119
大笔遗产 A big amount of heritage ……………120
在宫殿里嬉闹 Play in the palace ………………121
出人意料的礼物 An unexpected gift …………122
A trouble brought by lobster ……………………123
虚荣心治好了 Vanity is cured …………………124
It is difficult to change old habit ………………125
见怪不怪 ,其怪自败
Face the fearful with no fears, and its fearfulness
disappears ………………………………………126
He himself has to be helped ……………………127
It is difficult to forget old friend ………………128
行善的结果 Result of showing mercy …………129
实际的教育 Actual education …………………130
A voice should be in the microphone …………131
悲伤的乐曲 Sad song …………………………132
敲钉试验 Nailing test …………………………133
仆人的任务 The servant’s task ………………134
顺从的仆人 Obedient servant …………………135
意外的游历 An unexpected travel ……………136
音乐充饥 Music solves hunger ………………137
原来要火 He wants fire ………………………138
浮瓶通讯 Afloat bottle communication ………139
恩将仇报 Repay kindness by ingratitude ………140
意外的猎物 Unexpected prey …………………141
野马 Mustang …………………………………142
The dad is really something ……………………143
音乐的作用 Function of music………………144
并非救星 Not savior …………………………146
独创的鱼网 Original fishnet …………………147
Ship is not completed, but the face is shaved……148
插话者 Interjector ……………………………149
海狸的报复 Retaliation of beaver ……………150
袋鼠的友谊 Friendship of kangaroo …………152
新船下水 New ship takes water ………………153
捉山羊 Capture goat …………………………154
信鸽 Homing pigeon …………………………155
Kindness comes to no good ……………………156
强烈的龙卷风 Intense tornado ………………157
准备就绪 Well prepared ………………………158
幻想破灭 Delusion is overturned ………………159
鲁滨孙的追随者 Adherent of Robinson ………160
这才是金子 This is gold ………………………161
意外的勋章 Unexpected medal ………………162
“What did I bring to you?” ……………………163
精神食粮 Food for thought ……………………164
意外获救 Unexpected rescue …………………165
开上了岸 Sail onto bank ………………………166
又回到了家 Back home again …………………167
庆祝生日 Celebrate birthday …………………168
“Bah! Do I look like this?” ……………………169
抢先一步 One-up ………………………………170
变魔术 Perform conjuring tricks ………………171
适当的距离 Suitable distance …………………172
父亲晕血The dad fears blood …………………173
Rabbit dies and people is sad …………………174
幻灭 Disillusion …………………………………175
照片 Photo ……………………………………176
给裸像遮羞Cover up the naked statue’s embarrassment ……177
上当 Be cheated ………………………………178
回敬 Retaliation ………………………………179
实例警告 Warn by a real example ……………180
祖先画廊 Ancestor’s gallery …………………181
It is difficult to discard loved dog ………………182
驯狗 Train dog …………………………………184
大好时机 Good opportunity ……………………185
醉后剃须 Shave after drunk ……………………186
快乐的代价 Price of happiness ………………187
迅速满足愿望 Rapidly satisfy wish …………188
可笑的胡子 Funny moustache …………………189
不必要的悲哀 Unnecessary sadness …………190
Small cheat in zoetrope …………………………191
示众 Pillory ……………………………………192
It is difficult to tell the real from the false ………193
Despise the arrogant family ……………………194
Conscientious and unconscious …………………195
Finland style vapor bath …………………………196
糟糕的上勾拳 Awful uppercut …………………198
职业发明家 Professional inventors ……………199
骗人的把戏 Deceptious trick …………………200
Price of take pleasure in others’ misfortune ……201
Overconfident ghost ……………………………202
练功 Practice skills ……………………………203
Beat a wrong person …………………………204
It turns outs that it is they two …………………205
成名之后 After being famous …………………206
告别 Say goodbye ……………………………207
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