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"It is usually held that representative government is not strictly democratic, since it does not allow the people themselves to directly make decisions. But here, taking as her guide Thomas Paine's subversive view that "Athens, by representation, would have surpassed her own democracy," Nadia Urbinati challenges this accepted wisdom, arguing that political representation deserves to be regarded as a fully legitimate mode of democratic decision-making - and not just a pragmatic second choice when direct democracy is not possible." "As Urbinati shows, the idea that representation is incompatible with democracy stems from our modern concept of sovereignty, which identifies politics with a decision-maker's direct physical presence and the immediate act of the will. She goes on to contend that a democratic theory of representation can and should go beyond these identifications. Political representation, she demonstrates, is ultimately grounded in a continuum of influence and power created by political judgment, as well as the way presence through ideas and speech links society with representative institutions. Integrating the ideas of such thinkers as Rousseau, Kant, Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes, Paine, and the Marquis de Condorcet with her own, Urbinati constructs an alternative vision of representative government that is sure to generate admiration and discussion among political philosophers and students."--BOOK JACKET.


Representation and Democracy
Representation in Democratic Theory and History
Three Theories of Representation
Continuity, Rupture, and People's Negative
Power Discord and the Ballot, or Presence through Speech and Ideas
Partisanship as an Active
Manifestation of the General Proportional Fairness and the Dual
Nature of Equality
Popular Sovereignty
The Unrepresentable Sovereign
Either Delegates or Representatives
Sovereign Unity: Symbiotic or Symbolic?
Two Models of Unification
The Sovereignty of the Will
A Privatistic Model of Delegation
The Travel Agent and a Minimalist
Participation Imagination, Speech, and Deception
The Deliberative Judgment of the Few
Asking the Right Question
Paradoxes of Minimalism
Reflection and the Rule of Immediacy
The Time and Space of Politics and the Paradox of a Punctuated Freedom
Will and Judgment Freedom from the Externality of the Presence
The Subterranean Work of Informal Sovereignty
Individual Atoms in a Participatory Void
The Soft Power of Judgment
Ideology and the Representing Faculty of Imagination
The Fiction of As If Genres of Judgment
Political Dependence
Sensus Communis and the Revolution
A Nation of Electors: Representative Government as Electoral Democracy
All Human Relations Are Representative Interest and Competence as Unifying Factors
Exchange versus Barter: Democracy Is Primitivism
The Currency of Electoral Consent
The Metamorphosis of the Citizen into the Elector Passive and Active Freedom
The Symbolic Sovereignty of the Nation
The Impolitical Category of Competence
Perfecting Simple Democracy
The Sovereign Nation and Federalism's Threat
Democratic Republicanism
Democracy Surpassing Itself
A Democratic Model of Representative Government
The Longue Dur茅e of the Democratic Project in the Age of Representation
Perpetual Innovation versus Immediate Politics
The Secularization of Origins: Democracy as a Time-Regime Indirect Despotism
The Syllogism of Democratic Constitutionalism
Democratic Moderation and the Principle of Collegiality
Multiplying the Times and Places of Deliberation
A Cooperative Enterprise
Primary Assemblies and the Special Terrain of Politics
Sovereignty of Surveillance
Breaking and Restoring Trust
Conclusion: A Surplus of Politics



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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