Gems of Beijing Cultural Relics Series,Calligraphy
作 者:梅宁华,陶信成主编;《北京文物精粹大系》编委会,北京市文物局编;崔学谙卷主编
帝都翰墨聚名家——北京 Calligraphy ofCapital Gathered
馆藏书法艺术精品慨览 Famous Masters—Introduction
on fine works of calligraphic a rI
collected at museums in Beijing
清圣祖玄烨与高宗弘历的 Calligraphy of Emperor Kangxi
书法 and Qianlong in Qing Dynasty
晋代至唐代 JinDynastyto TangDynasty
1.楷隶书《孝经》卷 1.Classics on Filiaf Piety in mid-
way between regular and official
2.楷隶书《孝经》卷(局 2.Classics on Filial Piety in mid-
部) way between regular and official
script(a section)
楷书《大涅槃经》卷 3.The Nirvana Sutra in regular
(节选) scnpt(a part)
楷书《大涅槃经》卷 4.The Nirvana Sutra in regular
(节选) script(a part)
楷书《大涅槃经》卷 5.The Nirvana Sutra in regular
(局部) script(a section)
宋代至元代 SongDynastyto YuanDynasty
6.行书《儿子帖》册页 6.Letter in running script
7.行书《与长官执事 7.Letter to the Magistrate in run-
札》册页 ning script
8.草书《腊梅三咏》诗卷 8.Three Poems on Plum BIos-
som in cursive script
9.草书《腊梅三咏》诗卷 9.Three Poems on Plum Blos-
(局部) som in cursive script(a section)
10.行书《与元翰札》册页 10.LettertO YuanHanin running
11.行书《与通判承议 11.Letterto Government Official
札》册页 in running script
12.行书《屏居帖》册页 12.Letter in running script
13.行草书韩愈《进学解》 13.The Scholar'sApologia by Hart
卷 Yu in running and cursive script
14.行草书韩愈《进学解》 14.The Scholar'sApologia by Han
馆藏书法艺术精品慨览 Famous Masters—Introduction
on fine works of calligraphic a rI
collected at museums in Beijing
清圣祖玄烨与高宗弘历的 Calligraphy of Emperor Kangxi
书法 and Qianlong in Qing Dynasty
晋代至唐代 JinDynastyto TangDynasty
1.楷隶书《孝经》卷 1.Classics on Filiaf Piety in mid-
way between regular and official
2.楷隶书《孝经》卷(局 2.Classics on Filial Piety in mid-
部) way between regular and official
script(a section)
楷书《大涅槃经》卷 3.The Nirvana Sutra in regular
(节选) scnpt(a part)
楷书《大涅槃经》卷 4.The Nirvana Sutra in regular
(节选) script(a part)
楷书《大涅槃经》卷 5.The Nirvana Sutra in regular
(局部) script(a section)
宋代至元代 SongDynastyto YuanDynasty
6.行书《儿子帖》册页 6.Letter in running script
7.行书《与长官执事 7.Letter to the Magistrate in run-
札》册页 ning script
8.草书《腊梅三咏》诗卷 8.Three Poems on Plum BIos-
som in cursive script
9.草书《腊梅三咏》诗卷 9.Three Poems on Plum Blos-
(局部) som in cursive script(a section)
10.行书《与元翰札》册页 10.LettertO YuanHanin running
11.行书《与通判承议 11.Letterto Government Official
札》册页 in running script
12.行书《屏居帖》册页 12.Letter in running script
13.行草书韩愈《进学解》 13.The Scholar'sApologia by Hart
卷 Yu in running and cursive script
14.行草书韩愈《进学解》 14.The Scholar'sApologia by Han
Gems of Beijing Cultural Relics Series,Calligraphy
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